"Beast Wars: Part I"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

Valkyrie was now high above the battle betwean Cheetor and the unknown Predacon unit.
She could tell that he was a Predacon with her keen eyesight, and also noticed that Cheetor was at an disadvantage.
According to her calculation, she shouldn't expect reinforcements to arive quickly. The terain they must cross to get at the location where the battle was being fought had many obsticals with some hard to travel over, and even impossible to go around.
She needed to act, and assist Cheetor right now, and hold on till help arives.
In an instant, Valkyrie processed all avalible offencive stratigies she could use against her unknown opponent, and was amazed that little of her previous combat effectiveness was lost during her transformation and being fused with this DNA based upgrades.
Even better yet, she gained many useful skills because of it.
But now was not the time to process them all. Now she needed to act.
She picked a compleet attack stratigy, and fallow-up, including an back-up stratigy to use the moment her assault failed.
Valkyrie made a loop, and the moment her sharp beek pointed down, she folder her large and powerful wings onto her back, and begon a rapid decent, diving straight into the path the predacon was currently flying.
Her calculation was perfect, and the moment was almost ontop of him, she spraid her wings, and nearly stopped her decent only inches above the back of her target.
While stopping, she extended her paws with her large and razor sharp talons, and dug them into the back of Waspinator.
The moment her talons connected, she flapped her wings fast, and she jetted sideways.
Her attack wasn't precice enough to cause majot damage, but atleast he should've felt that.
"Cheetor, help is on the way! Get to a spot where you can take cover, and assist me in dealing with this Predacon! Valkyrie, Maximise!"
Anticipating a counter attack, Valkyrie made a corkscrew in mid-air while transforming.

((since the Maximals have greater numbers on the way, i think Waspinator needs to take valkyrie out for the time being so that the Preds are again in greater numbers.
Perhaps i should have Valkyrie and Venatrix battle eachother till the preds retreat, and have Venatrix meet up with Megs and the rest right after they start the attack on thw Maximals while they try to cross, also seeing Dinobot again
I would also like to see her fighting with Dinobot a bit more seriously at that energon mountain. Bet thats still a bit far away.
PS, mind having Waspinator call her chickin-bot ? ^^))

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Unread post by Blazemane »

Tor and Jagna, you are not stupid. A defibrillator is a medical tool which is made of two metal panels hooked up to a machine. They are placed on a patient's chest if their heart stops, to shock the patient's chest in an attempt to give the heart something to start beating again off of. That wasn't the greatest definition though. Medical workers say "clear" to notify the operator of the defibrillator that they can shock the patient's chest, I believe...

Valkyrie had arrived, and since Cheetor was of little use with a jammed gun, he heeded her words and run closer to the hill 'till he was amid a maze of rocks. He continued fidgeting with the weapon...
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber kept closer to Rhinox's right flank as they ran toward Cheetor, she knew she could be there before anyone but she desided to run beside Rhinox. If she was incharge she would have never had let the cub take off like that but seeing how she wasn't she kept her mouth shut. And ran beside the Rhino ignoring Rattrap as he muttered some thing under his breath.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( Thank you, Tor and Jagna! Has anyone seen or heard from Razorclaw?

I'm going to keep things rolling a little bit. Sinead, let me know if I'm going too fast for you to post for Rhinox. I don't want to bother Jagna with the one little line Rattrap has next so I'll fill in for that. ))
"Move! Move!" Optimus growled as he, Rhinox and Saber came up behind Rattrap fast. Leaning over Rhinox's side, he grabbed the scruff of the rat's neck and easily yanked him up and onto his back. Sure Rattrap could've just jumped off and scurried back to base, but it wouldn't be a wise move considering the mood that the gorilla was already in. The four of them took off from the Axalon and made haste to Cheetor's location. For a moment, Optimus glanced at Saber, who seemed like something was on her mind, but just as quickly, Rattrap stole his attention.
"Hey, heads up! Road block!"
"Veer left!" Primal observed, seeing the large wall of rocks blocking their way in front of them. "There's a clearing about a hundred meters!" But the rhinoceros wasn't wavering from his path. Rattrap ducked his head behind the Maximal leader while Optimus lowered his head and lifted his right arm up to his face to shield himself from what seemed they were about to crash into the boulders...
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Tor »

(LOL. Go Jag! Thanks Blaze for telling me... but I didn't get the metaphorical part of the defibrillator... metaphor. Venatrix, Valkyrie is now 'chicken-bot'. To the Dinobot request, I shall have to politely decline. I'm hoping to battle Scorponok, because there should *definitely* be some emnity between the second and the ex second. However if Razor One says otherwise, I'd be honored to have Venatrix battle Dinobot And anytime OOP! You guys rox my sox off!)

Waspinator could almost touch the spotted shoulder guard of the Maximal scout when...

"AIEEEE!" A sharp ripping pain erupted in his beast mode's abdomen. He flipped around, but the clawing sensation had disappeared as soon as it had started. All he saw was a giant bird twisting away from him. He blurted the first thing that crossed his scattered CPU.


The chicken bot transformed into a sleek femme, with a calculating stare.

Waspinator frowned, he wasn't planning on defeating two Maximals... he wasn't that good with his new weaponry. But Dinobot's threat was more life-threatening than two Maximal explorers. How dangerous could they be?

He fired spastically, with no strategy. The chicken-bot dodged and weaved, seeming trying to find a pattern, but that would be the one thing she could never get with Waspinator. He just blasted his gun and fired his optical cannons, forgetting the spotted Maximal completely.


(Edit: As for the Razorclaw, I've only seen her fleetingly here and there, hopefully she'll find the time to come on soon. I'm missing her.)
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OK, i'm getting impatient... again ^^

Awel... wouldn't hurt to drag out Waspy's and Valkyrie's fight a little bit more. ^^))

During her transformation, she evaded Waspinator's first assault with her corcscrew move, but when her transformation was compleet, the wings on her back folded forwards, pointing at Waspinator, and fired 3 feather missles at him.
Before hitting the ground, she spraid her wings again, and flapped them twice to elivate herself in the sky again to continue her attack.
"Chicken-bot??? Who are you calling chicken, magot!"
With that, she fired 3 more missles at her opponent.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Sinead »

((OOC: Sorry that I haven't been around. The last month just exploded on both the educational and personal life fronts. I've tried many times to get to this, but it's just been one thing or another that's grabbed my attention and had to be dealt with.))
"Veer left! There's a clearing about a hundred meters!"
Hmh. That would take up far too much time, and Rhinox knew it. All the calculations were adding up and he didn't feel like slowing to turn. He heard the shots, heard things going on, and was certain that he could plow through the rocks. He was no animal, and he held metal under the synth-skin. And there was no way that these loosely-piled rocks would stand against his momentum and mass.

With a roar, he plowed through the wall of rocks, scattering pebbles everywhere behind and around him.
Uncle Iroh: I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but *cries* it's just so sad!
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber saw Rhinox head for the rock pile and her ears went back, seconds before he hit the pile of rocks she went behind him. As he smashed into the rock pile, she was nailed between the eyes with a small rock, she growled a little bit then once again ran beside him on his right flank.
~That's gonna hurt later~ she said to herself once the pain in her head stopped.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( No problemo, Sinead! I kind of figured you were busy. The Maximals are moving on. Ready or not, Preds, here they come! :P ))

After Rhinox's collision with the rock wall, Optimus realized the only impact was with the rhino's incredible strength behind his head and horns. Perhaps all of their beast modes were going to prove to be more useful than was previously thought.

Primal lifted his head and lowered his hand before he said, "Ah, yes. Silly me," raising his right brow and adding a small smile to the side. However, shortly afterward, it was time to get serious. Rattrap lifted his head and kept watching ahead of them over the gorilla's shoulder.

Approaching the battle scene where many gun shots rang out, Optimus noticed in the sky that Valkyrie was involved with the Predacon now. Where was Cheetor? The Maximal leader hopped off of Rhinox's back with the rat near Saber just before they reached a small gorge. He was relieved to find the yellow Maximal uninjured.

"Cheetor!" Primal called down to him. "Get to cover!" It was obvious the cheetah's weapon was malfunctioning. A problem like that made him an easy target for anyone paying attention. Speaking of which, it looked like the buzzing Predacon was too occupied with Valkyire to even notice the other four Maximals that had shown up. "We'll swat that pesky Predacon!" Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be that easy. Just as Optimus had expected, a very familiar voice suddenly grabbed his attention from a nearby cliff on the other side of the gorge. And that voice wasn't alone.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

When Megatron had ordered the Predacons to divide and seek out potential Maximal survivors, Steelclaw somehow missed the memo. Well, cards were so much fun to play with the ship's computer.

But as he was next to the Darksyde's monitors, the notification of explosive confrontation a few miles South involving a Maximal signature and Waspinator's (and a second Maximal's signature moving in fast) came directly to him.

He supposed this was important enough, and turned around in his chair.

"Hey boss- Waspinator found one of the Maximals."

(I know Megatron still has to tell everyone to "Find them!", etc., I just figured the manner in which all the Predacons came to Waspinator in the first episode was rather ambiguous, so I figured I'd at least show how they all knew. Maybe Megatron can call all units to converge on Waspinator's coordinate's or something like that.)
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Tor »

(Loooong time past, no? Well me get rping now...)

Waspinator swerved out of the way of the first barrage of misslies, waving his legs awkwardly in his haste to protect his aft.
Venatrix wrote:"Chicken-bot??? Who are you calling chicken, magot!"
"Wazpinator call you, Chicken-bot 'chicken-bot'," he said, blowing a rasberry at her, showing off his long yellow tongue.

Three more deadly missiles jetted toward him, and he slurped his tongue back in before it got spliced off. Unfortunately he forgot his rather large abdomen until a painful blast set it ablaze.

"Wazpinator butt on fire! Wazpinator butt on fire! Wazpinator butt on FIRE!" he yelped, careening downward, shifting back into beast mode.

Six legs began frantically beating his abdomen as the stink of burning fur filled his olfactory sensors.

"Hot hot!" he squealed, managing to beat out most of the flames.

(Tooo tired.... must go sleep....)
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Unread post by Wintersong »

(Ooc//I'm still kinda new to the role play to this forum so I hope it's not a bother to just jump in at the moment.I can try and work my way more towards the situation when I can though.)

Smoke rose from the edge of the forest disturbing the small animals living in burrows and holes in the trees.A stasis pod had crash landed but was surprisingly still functional already beginning the reformatting process.

At first the scanners picked up nothing;not even the stirring of a small creature.BUt by some luck just as it was about to comfirm none compatable life form a white tiger that happen to be stalking a deer was within scanning range.

"Life form comfirmed,beginning reformatting now."A computer said.

The pod opened slightly then a white black striped paw pushe dit open.A white female tiger looked around at the vegatation on her right and bare rock on her left.Pushing off the side with her back legs allowed ehr to land a few feet from the stasis pod and stretch her limbs that felt cramped up.The femme transformer sniffed the air for anything familar but the scents,noises, and sight was alien to her making her new furred coat bristle with tension.

"What is think place?I know for sure this is not Cybertron."She said to herself.

Feeling alittle out of place she began to walk silently from the pod location and her back to the dense forest.She side stepped boulders or large fist sized rocks.One or twice she had seen a few energon crystals but only paused when she thought,once,she had detected other energy signatures.

She finally used her navaigation ssytems."Location?"

"Location unknown-Maximal and Predacon energy signatures detected."A computer relied.

But for some reason she did not feel reassured that this new planet was any less dangerous then Cybertron.Especially with both factions possibly no doubt deep in another war.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Back the Axalon Skyfire heard the monitor make a bleeping sound and went to go check it out. After looking at the monitor, she turned to Agui. "Agui, the monitor says that one the stasis pods in obrit has fallen to the planet."
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Exploring around had seemed a waste of time since there was nothing but rock and well...more rock.Wintersog had long since left the location of her stasis pod but yet kept catching signals of other cybertronians.Becoming curious and more cautious the white she-tiger femme looked around alert of every sound.
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

((OOC: :evil: :evil: :evil: I would rip up my calender to show how much I hate the business of my existence,but then I'd destroy all the lovely G1 pictures I have on it.))

After the pleasantries had been disposed of,Blaze had been ordered to stand guard outside the Axalon. Silently she moped,staring up at the sky,almost wishing that a Predacon patrol would fly down and shoot her so that she'd have some excuse to gain favor with her new teamates. A sigh escaped her vocal processor as a ladybug landed on her nose. She snuffled it for a moment,then blew it away. So dull.


A satisfied grin crossed Megatron's face as he watched Dinobot's form hurl through the air into territory unknown. But there was no time to enjoy his new victory; Unfinished buisness needed to be taken care of.

"Loser," he growled after Dinobot disappeared from view. "What does it matter which planted we're on? We came looking for energon and this planet is rich with the element! Enough to power the Predacons' entire galactic conquest!...Only the Maximals could give us trouble now...If they survived the crash."

His troops,who had gathered in front of him,listened intently,waiting for their orders. Their patience was not unrewarded.

"Find them!" Megatron commanded. "And if you find them,destroy them!"

They needed no second biding. However,when Megatron reentered the ship to wait for results from the search,he discovered that one had remained behind. Steelclaw. Was he the computer expert? It was all so dificult to remember. Ah well,no matter. It wasn't important.

"Steelclaw,monitor the progress of the search party, Inform me of any results." And with that,the Predacon commander threw himself atop his throne for some much-needed rest.

It was sometime later when Steelclaw made a report.

"Hey boss- Waspinator found one of the Maximals."

"What?" Waspinator actualy found something? Unbelievable! He'd have to right that down in his log at the first oppertunity. WHo would have suspected that the smallest (And not too bright) Predacon was good for something besides a decoy/target practice for Maximals (Oh,the humiliation of it all!).
Death becomes you.