Beast Wars - Alloyon Wars - Prologue

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Beast Wars - Alloyon Wars - Prologue

Unread post by Venatrix »

((This is just a prologue to an unfinished RPG some of the regulars on these forums participated in.
Chapter 1 is almost finished, so i thought lets introduce this story with the prologue.

Note: The prologue supposed to be short cause a lot will be explained in the story itself.
Note 2: Most characters are either canon, or are created by Roleplayers, so all credits on those characters are for their respected creators.
I only modified them slightly so the story could be more interesting as a whole in my mind ^^

This prologue has been cutt, posted and only slightly modified from the original intro posts of the RPG, so nothing to different here.

Have fun! That's an order!))

Beast Wars – Alloyon Wars


For years ships had been disappearing from both sides, all sent to the same location. The Predacon elders grew angry and after sometime debating the matter with the Maximal High Council, and both parties were convinced to sent a scouting party that contained Maximals and Predacons.

The high elders had chosen Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Silverbolt, Rhinox, Rattrap and Waspinator along with a few new faces to go on the mission. Both factions were sent together, forced into a ship together to some far off location. That even there own elders had little to no information about, and if they did they weren't telling.

Both factions left, and just like before they never came back...

Only a few weeks before the high elders had sent a team out with a strange mixture of Predacons and Maximals.

Though the atmosphere within the ship was grim, with two former warring factions in one ship, the mission’s commanding officer, Optimus Primal, was in high spirits.
This mission had potential to become the foundation of both Predacons and Maximals to metlt together into a united Cybertron.

Only a few days ago were they wondering space peacefully trying to find a planet that they weren't even sure was even real.
The Predacons where slightly a bit restless, for their programming was not used to the idea of exploration. They where programmed to get the most out of their existence mostly through warfare.
The Maximals, with most of them part of the Beast Wars, where a bit edgy towards the idea of cooperating with Predacons for obvious reasons.

One Maximal however, was the least bit happy about this situation. His name was Silverbolt.
Ever since they returned from prehistoric Earth, after the Beast Wars, his beloved Black Arachnia was taken by the Maximal security forces, and was held for questioning.
After that, the Maximal elders placed her under the care of B´Boom, a high ranking officer of the Maximal special forces.
He hardly saw her after that, and felt like the Maximal high council purposely kept him and his beloved away from each other.
He sighs heavily while staring at a hologram of her.

A few hours later they saw the planet....

It only took a few moments to notice...

The world was eerie, even with the two suns that were bright against the black of space the planet still seemed dark. Thousands of stasis pods littered it's orbit some still functioning, some destroyed.

Unfortunately Optimus Primal and his crew had no time to enjoy the view of this new world. A transwarp wave came from the planet, having something horribly familiar about it.

Bringing the Maximal ship down with a wave of stasis pods...

A few minutes passed....

The ship crashed into the alien world. Crashing into one of the larger islands that litter the green ocean, not to far off from the mainland as they could clearly see it. There ship also had crashed near ruins, and a rather large forest that didn't seem all the welcoming.

Welcome to Alloyon.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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