The Dragon's day, a BWint fic in the works

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Omicron the IceQueen
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The Dragon's day, a BWint fic in the works

Unread post by Omicron the IceQueen »

I do not own the Beast Wars, BWint [Sapph dose] or any of the authers othen them my self and Retax. This just a ramdon thing I did that popped in my head between classes and work. I'll add more later if you all don't mind.

Omicron peeked out of her room from where she had been sleeping. she looks up and down the hall and as she starts for the dinning hall she yelps and jumps to the side, nearly getting knocked clean over by one of the many new BWint-ers.

She blinks.


"Good morning Miss Omicron." a deep voice says from behind the hybrid. She spins and her claws and finds her self face-to-face with TM Megatron, or rather face-to-lower-chest.

“Oh, hey Megs.”

”You are up rather early.” The Predacon leader continued and frowned, “What brings our local queen of ice off her horde of shiny things and transformer toys?” he chuckled.

“The need for food.” Omicron says smiling, “That and I haven’t been around in a while.”

“No, you have not.” Megatron shook his head, “Where have you’ve been?”

“At school, work and the G1 universe.” The hybrid stretched her wings then flicked them neatly to her back. “Also been working on a few fic sagas.”

“Ahhh, *finally* getting around to your Crafter series?” The Predacon ask walking with the author to the dinning hall, he needed some energon.

“Don’t worry, you’re still in it Megs.” Omicron rolled her eyes at the Megatron beside her. He was one of the Megatrons around that was in her stories. One could tell because he was several heads taller then a normal Beast Wars Megatron. Smarter too, *very* smart and his colors where darker as well.

“Good.” He held a door open of his author, that was another thing. The Megatron from the Crafter saga was very polite to the long time members of BWint. Though he just tolerated the newer one and loved to scare the slag out of the newbies.

“Thanks man!”

“You are welcome—wait. ‘Man?’” he scowled done at the hybrid, “You have spending to much time with that Autobot, Jazz.”

“Hehe.” Omicron grinned, “Maybe, he’s been in my headspace for awhile now.”

“Then perhaps I should get Rampage, or Protoform X, to get in there. To encourage you to write you’re Crafter series.” Megatron smirked as Omicron yelped and got himself some high grade energon.

“Don’’t you dare!” Omicron shivered and got herself some sushi from one of the Predacons on kitchen duty. Oooo! Was that Tarantulas she saw back there? She hoped so. For some reason he mad the best sushi, as some like to remind Depth Charge and Rampage.

Mentioning those two…

She had yet to hear one shout, cruss or explosion from any of their variations today. Maybe they wouldn’t go at it today! YES!

Almost every one in the dinning hall and kitchen pause as they hear and felt a minor explosion from the general direction of the hanger.

Amber Dawn, who was closest, poked her head out of the dinning hall. After moment she winced at what she head.

“OMIE!” she yelled back over she shoulder, “Retax got into another fight!”

Omicron’s wings wilted. Sighing she gave her plate of sushi to her Megatron to guard as she left to sort out what ever her character had done. She pulled out her twin energy sabers and closed in one the hanger.

Two hours, much yelling, whacking and fireballs later Omicron poked the stuff that had been her sushi, before Rampage sat on it…

“…” she gave the crab a look flatter then water, “you sat on it?”

He shrugged, “Said I was sorry Icy.”

“You *sat* on my sushi?”

“*sigh* yes.”

“You /sat/ on my sushi that was on top of the table?”


“You SAT on MY sushi?” she twitched, one of the inner eye lids flickering half closed

“Yes. So what? You can get another plate half breed.”


/Every one/ in the room froze and looked over. Those that knew the queen yelped and dove for cover, dragging others near them down to or just leaving them to fed for them selves.

The Megatron from the Crafter saga was scrambling to get out of rang.

The Rampage that had sat on Omicron’s sushi, one that was very new, suddenly got a bad feeling…


”What the sla--”


Megatron peeked up over the upturned table he had be hiding behind with Starath.

“Well.” The author said grinning, “We got another ice sculpture!”

“Indeed, yesss...”
"Contrary to popular Autobot belief humans cannot, in fact, be ‘misplaced.’ They tend to get up and walk away on their slagging own, or are kidnapped. Stop bugging me about it." ~Roadbuster from the AWYNK story
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Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:41 am

Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

is it just me or does this look like attack of the plot bunnies and characters?
There's more to that than meets the eye.
Victors do not spurn opportunity.

Nerdicons, combine to form Omniscious!
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