Unvereitletmann`s Introduction

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Unvereitletmann`s Introduction

Unread post by Unvereitletmann »

Hello everybody! I'm quite new into this page, so I'll introduce myself.
I live in Mexico, at the capital (Mexico City) I've noticed that it appears I'm the only BW fan signed in here from Mexico, hopefully that'll change.
Right now I'm at college studying Mecatronichs engineering, My name is Fausto, and I'm 19 years old.
My interests other than Transformers, are machines, and also sports. I'm not much of a writer, or an artist but I'll try my best in some stories and drawings.I'm looking forward to meet some people that roam this page, so I hope someone stops by my post and write me. checking into the fanart, I discovered some really good pieces, I don`t know how you people can do so fine job with pencils! and I was hoping somebody would like to teach on how to work my drawings with my computer, to give them a better look, also I still don`t know how to choose or change my avatar? How silly of me. If someone could enlighten me into this matters that would be great!
Unvereitletmann. Never defeated is the invincible warrior.At service to death.
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Unread post by BiffyPrimal »

Welcome! :D I'm sure you will enjoy your time here!

As for changing your avatar, there should be a link at the top of the page that says "Profile." Go there, and at the very bottom there is an avatar section.
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

Greetings I'm Darkshadow. Welcome to the board. Be careful, Greth and I tend to get VERY hyper, when we have lots of Sugar. Other then that the rest of us, are pretty much harmless.

Unread post by *Rakshash* »

Welcome, Fausto! Don't mind Darkie, she's not really that dangerous...if you hide the sugar. :wink:

Enjoy your stay. You'll find the people here are very friendly.
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Unread post by Sapphire »

Hi Fausto! I'm Sapphire, owner of the site and board. Welcome to BWInt! I hope you have fun here. I know of one other Mexican fan who visits Bwint (although I'm not sure if she's signed onto this new forum yet) called Airshadow. Anyway, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay. :) Do you have a favourite Beast Warrior?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Greetings, Unvereitletmann! :D
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Unread post by Nurann »

hi and welcome to BWInt!
~Nurannoniel Amruniel ~ Blessed Be~
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Unread post by Joshin Yasha »

Hola! ¿Cómo estas? Me llamo Joshin Yasha, pero me puedes Joshin. ¿Te gusta Transformers? Eso es bueno! Amamos nuevas víctimas!

LOL! Welcome to the board ^_^

Translation for those who don't want to look it up:

Hello! How are you? My name is Joshin Yasha, but you can call me Joshin. You like Transformers? That's great! We love new victims!
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Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

Hola and bienvenidos! (I got it right, didn't I?)
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