Character Bios [S2]
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
- starshadow
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 2364
- Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:58 am
- 16
- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
Yup. So many ways to di- no. I have played too much games to kinda know how to stealth.
Thanks though! I won't have Vanta up until the next episode.
Thanks though! I won't have Vanta up until the next episode.

- Posts: 213
- Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:34 am
- 13
- RPG Characters: Onyx, Quickfix, Cheetor, Tarantulas, Quickstrike
Alright then! Putting up a new bio for my newest Predacon and decided to give Onyx' a bit of a clean up since its been so long. Same information, just making it not look so cluttered.
Name: Quickfix
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Combat Medic/Hacker
Alt. Mode: Transmetal Utahraptor
Height: 5.6 feet (beast mode), 8 feet (Robot mode)
Quote: "I'll have you fixed up in no time."
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 9
Endurance: 5
Rank: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 3
Skill: 7
Quickfix is a mech on the younger side who came online long after the Pax Cybertronia. Shortly after coming online, Quickfix found himself drawn to the medical profession where he was taken under the wing of older Predacon medics who taught him the basic skills of being a medic. Over the course of his medical training however, Quickfix became rather interested in the art of hacking, in his spare time teaching himself computer codes, encryptions, and all the systems and knowledge that went with it. And for a time it was a rather peaceful life, the young mech keeping himself rather busy and out of trouble despite all the tension between the Predacons and Maximals in this uneasy peace.
However, as luck would have it Quickfix would wind up befriending an injured Predacon connected with the criminal underground, being the medic put in charge of handling the mech's recovery. During the time the old Predacon was recovering, Quickfix would spend his free time talking back and forth about old war stories and the Predacon's exploits while the young mech explained his own young life and exactly what he could do. His ability to hack caught the old gangster's attention, the older Predacon using the young mech's awe at what he did to his advantage, inviting Quickfix to see first hand the sort of activities he was involved in. Curious and excited to see a whole new side of Cybertron, Quickfix accepted and joined the gangster during one of his days off where he was introduced and drawn into the criminal underworld himself and became a young recruit in Cryotek's gang.
At first, Quickfix was kept in the loop to a small extent, coming to serve as one of their hackers and medical members, at first not thinking much of it. Eventually though, Quickfix was asked to join in on business deals and job runs, reality slapping him hard when he saw just how dangerous and shady such a life could be and causing the young mech to have second thoughts of sticking with his offer. Word got out to his suppose to be friend within the gang who got permission to use Quickfix as a scapegoat in a rather bold break-in, Quickfix being misinformed about how the plan would be carried out and was instead set up to be found by authorities. While the other members slipped away, Quickfix was arrested and convicted for illegal hacking and aiding in breaking into an important data center. Left to rot, Quickfix served his sentence and vowed to get his life back on track from the past few years being involved with Cryotek's gang.
Upon being released, Quickfix caught word of the Axalon looking for crew members and gladly signed up for the voyage in the hopes of starting a new life. Converted back to a protoform, he was part of the crew sent into orbit at the beginning to the Beast Wars and his pod eventually crash landing on Earth due to the Quantum Surge. Though dormant for months since then, a recent environmental disturbance has reactivated his pod.
Quickfix is a young Predacon with a curious and easy-going streak. He is quite laid back for someone so young and is always eager to learn new things, whether its improving his skills or learning something new entirely, if someone offers it he jumps at that opportunity with a fair bit of enthusiasm. Aside from his laid back nature he is also quite upbeat and seems to always have a positive perspective on situations regardless of how bleak they can be, mostly trying to serve as morale for those around him. Though, since his few years with the gang and his last experience with a large group, he is a bit more on the cautious side and prefers to observe and understand those around him before he goes entirely trusting them. Yet, he is an extremely loyal young mech, believing in the Predacon cause and always doing what he can to do his part, being a hard worker and doing as he is told to the best of his ability. Nevertheless, the mech is still somewhat on the more innocent side and is not nearly as cold sparked and cruel as some of his Predacon brethren.
-Tail Blade: In robot mode, Quickfix's tail becomes a long broad sword, usually mounted on his back when not in use. The feathers along the edges give the blade a serrated edge to cut cleanly into or through armor but leaves a rather nasty wound when ripped out.
-EMP Shotgun: A primarily non-lethal semi-automatic weapon that Quickfix uses that fires rounds that trigger a small EMP wave in a small radius of the impact area, disrupting an enemy's systems within that small area for a short while.
-Medical Tool Storage: As a medic, Quickfix has storage compartments on his upper arms and two on either hip in which he can store basic medical tools and items for field patch work jobs or handling some minor repair work.
-Built-In Computer Cables: These cables are found in either wrist and allow Quickfix to connect to computer outlets and remotely get into a network, pulling up a virtual reality-like setting in which he can navigate virtual space, projecting files and codes within his subconscious.
Vehicle Mode:
-Quickmix's transmetal form has given him a motorized three-wheeled bike mode with two small rocket boosters in his hind quarters to grant him mobility. Two of the wheels are located just above his raptor legs, which collapse and press against his under side when using his vehicle mode instead, while his arms can shift and combine into the front wheel.
-Quickfix has a leaner, smaller frame that has made him built more for speed and agility leaving him more vulnerable to heavy artillery or those who use brute force.
-The most glaring weakness Quickfix has is the lack of combat training, having very rudimentary and basic skills when it comes to combat where most times he prefers favoring his speed and agility to outmaneuver others on the battle field to get to his patients or get an advantage.
-Quickfix is also loyal to the Predacon cause and those he comes to trust to a fault, sometimes allowing his own comrades to take advantage of him, especially in his enthusiasm to learn something new or do his part for the cause.
NAME: Onyx
FUNCTION: Front-line fighter
ALTERNATE MODE: Friesian Horse-baroque type
HEIGHT: Beast mode-6 feet,Robot Mode-7.1 feet
QUOTE: "Think the battle is truly done? Guess what. your always in a fight when it comes to life."
RANK: Assigned by the staff. (5)
Onyx was one of those protoforms who came online with a career already planned for his future, awakening the first time as a newly made protoform and being placed into a boot camp in the Predacon Military Academy. Being put through his paces, Onyx was trained in the available forms of hand-to-hand, martial arts, and different types of weapons, such as blades and long- to short-ranged weapons. Due to favoring brute force and sturdy frame, he was assigned to be a front-line fighter following his graduation and before long he found himself taking part in many skirmishes throughout the galaxy and Cybertron sometime before the Pax Cybertronia was signed. Over the course of his career, Onyx took many lives and earned several scars, both physically and mentally but never wavering in his loyalties to the Predacon cause.
Eventually, the Predacons and Maximals made an uneasy settlement to end hostilities, bringing about the signing of the Pax Cybertronia. Onyx was one of those Predacons who was not quite satisfied with the agreements however, more so as the years would pass and it became clear the Predacons didn't have as much representation as they would have liked. By this time, Onyx had found himself in reserve among the Predacon Military forces, only needed in helping keeping Cybertron protected from external threads and keeping the peace in situations the common Cybertronian Officer could not handle alone. Resentful, Onyx began joining in on riots, raids, and attacks on certain buildings and cities where Maixmals were most heavily populated. When not participating in such gatherings or doing his job in keeping the peace, Onyx often joined in on the illegal fighting circuits to keep his skills sharp and prevent himself from going insane with boredom.
Joining these fights earned the mech further scars, especially the distinct three claw-like marks across his face during one nasty fight that resulted in a draw on both sides. During the course of these activities, Onyx found himself jailed a few times but ignored the warnings he was given every time, returning to his usual routine up until word was spreading of far more elaborate gatherings of ambitious leaders within the Predacon Alliance, some disenfranchised with the Tripedicus Council dragging their feet to act. Initially, Onyx had intended to come to one such gathering himself but upon trying to sneak away from his post, authorities came for the bulky mech for further violations being uncovered.
Given no choice, Onyx was forcibly reverted back to a protoform until a proper punishment was administered. Though, a few weeks later, the Axalon crew was scheduled for departure and Onyx was one of those loaded onto the ship. It would be months before Onyx was awakened from his pod, sometime after the Planet Buster had knocked the stasis pods out of orbit and he wound up joining with Megatron and his band of renegades, at first assuming Megatron had the Predacon faction's best interests at spark. But as events have progressed, Onyx has come to realize Megatron's own ambitions are simply that: grand visions of his own design and his alone, even to the point of tampering with time itself. Disgusted by how far Megatron has been willing to go, Onyx turned his back upon this band of Predacons and reluctantly decided to join the Maximals under Optimus Primal's leadership.
Onyx is somewhat of an oddity among Predacons, mostly by the fact he is calm and level headed, rarely allowing his temper to show beyond annoyance. Although, he is not above showing it and speaking his mind. By extension, Onyx isn't afraid to question tactics and authority, mostly when he is skeptical about a plan working or how a situation is playing out, more than willing to speak his mind or act on his own accord. Loyalty also is not a clear-cut concept for Onyx who has found these loyalties often tested and swung from one way to the next, causing him to be cautious and take things slow before he throws all his support behind someone, which is rare. Regardless, he fights fiercely for what he believes in and will gladly compromise with others in order to achieve these beliefs and his goals, even if that means being branded a traitor by others. Underneath the fierce exterior though, Onyx has learned to appreciate the simple things in life devoid of political and economic strife seen with his home, having a soft spot and appreciation for other worldly life, admitting to few that he finds such alien life fascinating in their own weird way.
-Friction Rifle: Onyx's main ranged weapon which fires special rounds filled with a fluid that will cause the area struck by the round to spontaneously combust due to air resistance from sudden movement and can burn up to three minutes, causing areas to melt or heat up and become weakened.
-LAser Pistol: A hand-held weapon usually holstered on his left hip, this weapon fires concentrated beams of energy that is a little weaker than some weapons but still capable of scorching armor and doing some damage.
-Arm Blades: Located in his wrists, Onyx has two retractable blades extending about as long as his forearm with serrated edges and are his only melee weapons on hand.
-Onyx is somewhat nimble and agile on his feet, but his large and slightly bulky size does make him slower than some individuals.
-For Onyx, he relies a lot on his strength and endurance in battle, preferring to use brute force and fighting up close and personal with his enemies, leaving him open to long-range attacks or being overpowered by others.
-Onyx also has the flaw of being rather stubborn and unrelenting, often pushing past his limits in combat or other activities, putting him at risk of exhausting himself or becoming seriously injured.
Onyx watched the battle field from his position, his side sparking from some damage he had gotten from a stray shot though from where he hadn't seen. Things have heated up with the Maximals as each side wanted the location for a cash of energon, a decent sized one at that which was beneath their feet and in some places energon crystals were visible, just agonizingly teasing the bots to come and get. Onyx himself considered trying to get a few but it was too risky with no proper tools for extracting them from the hard, baked earth in this area close to the desert. Sighing the black, bulky equine came from around the boulder he had used for cover and began to fire his laser pistol with one hand while holding his sparking side with another.
Sometimes being on the front lines was a risky job, throwing yourself out before most others and could even be killed if not careful. Well Onyx wasn't there to be careful, he was there to force these maximal slag heaps to leave yet they were hard headed or very determined to get this energon deposit as much as the Predacons. It could be a bit frustrating really. Growling a bit the stallion mech tossed his pistol aside and instead charged head long for the nearest enemy, swords sliding out from his wrists and slashing at his opponent not really carrying to know their name, as if he wouldn't eventually. Though it was a rash decision that earned him more blows to the shoulder, chest, and his knee, weakening his advances to attack.
Finally the radiation hit however and he gritted his metal teeth knowing he had no other choice, "Beast mode!" He commanded aloud, voice deep and gravely but also in pain. After transforming he backed off the maximal and trotted back towards his comrades though had a slight limp in his back leg and it seemed the battle was still raging at the time. For now he would have to let his dampers recharge before he could rejoin or they Predacons could very well just give up this time.

Name: Quickfix
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Combat Medic/Hacker
Alt. Mode: Transmetal Utahraptor
Height: 5.6 feet (beast mode), 8 feet (Robot mode)
Quote: "I'll have you fixed up in no time."
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 9
Endurance: 5
Rank: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 3
Skill: 7
Quickfix is a mech on the younger side who came online long after the Pax Cybertronia. Shortly after coming online, Quickfix found himself drawn to the medical profession where he was taken under the wing of older Predacon medics who taught him the basic skills of being a medic. Over the course of his medical training however, Quickfix became rather interested in the art of hacking, in his spare time teaching himself computer codes, encryptions, and all the systems and knowledge that went with it. And for a time it was a rather peaceful life, the young mech keeping himself rather busy and out of trouble despite all the tension between the Predacons and Maximals in this uneasy peace.
However, as luck would have it Quickfix would wind up befriending an injured Predacon connected with the criminal underground, being the medic put in charge of handling the mech's recovery. During the time the old Predacon was recovering, Quickfix would spend his free time talking back and forth about old war stories and the Predacon's exploits while the young mech explained his own young life and exactly what he could do. His ability to hack caught the old gangster's attention, the older Predacon using the young mech's awe at what he did to his advantage, inviting Quickfix to see first hand the sort of activities he was involved in. Curious and excited to see a whole new side of Cybertron, Quickfix accepted and joined the gangster during one of his days off where he was introduced and drawn into the criminal underworld himself and became a young recruit in Cryotek's gang.
At first, Quickfix was kept in the loop to a small extent, coming to serve as one of their hackers and medical members, at first not thinking much of it. Eventually though, Quickfix was asked to join in on business deals and job runs, reality slapping him hard when he saw just how dangerous and shady such a life could be and causing the young mech to have second thoughts of sticking with his offer. Word got out to his suppose to be friend within the gang who got permission to use Quickfix as a scapegoat in a rather bold break-in, Quickfix being misinformed about how the plan would be carried out and was instead set up to be found by authorities. While the other members slipped away, Quickfix was arrested and convicted for illegal hacking and aiding in breaking into an important data center. Left to rot, Quickfix served his sentence and vowed to get his life back on track from the past few years being involved with Cryotek's gang.
Upon being released, Quickfix caught word of the Axalon looking for crew members and gladly signed up for the voyage in the hopes of starting a new life. Converted back to a protoform, he was part of the crew sent into orbit at the beginning to the Beast Wars and his pod eventually crash landing on Earth due to the Quantum Surge. Though dormant for months since then, a recent environmental disturbance has reactivated his pod.
Quickfix is a young Predacon with a curious and easy-going streak. He is quite laid back for someone so young and is always eager to learn new things, whether its improving his skills or learning something new entirely, if someone offers it he jumps at that opportunity with a fair bit of enthusiasm. Aside from his laid back nature he is also quite upbeat and seems to always have a positive perspective on situations regardless of how bleak they can be, mostly trying to serve as morale for those around him. Though, since his few years with the gang and his last experience with a large group, he is a bit more on the cautious side and prefers to observe and understand those around him before he goes entirely trusting them. Yet, he is an extremely loyal young mech, believing in the Predacon cause and always doing what he can to do his part, being a hard worker and doing as he is told to the best of his ability. Nevertheless, the mech is still somewhat on the more innocent side and is not nearly as cold sparked and cruel as some of his Predacon brethren.
-Tail Blade: In robot mode, Quickfix's tail becomes a long broad sword, usually mounted on his back when not in use. The feathers along the edges give the blade a serrated edge to cut cleanly into or through armor but leaves a rather nasty wound when ripped out.
-EMP Shotgun: A primarily non-lethal semi-automatic weapon that Quickfix uses that fires rounds that trigger a small EMP wave in a small radius of the impact area, disrupting an enemy's systems within that small area for a short while.
-Medical Tool Storage: As a medic, Quickfix has storage compartments on his upper arms and two on either hip in which he can store basic medical tools and items for field patch work jobs or handling some minor repair work.
-Built-In Computer Cables: These cables are found in either wrist and allow Quickfix to connect to computer outlets and remotely get into a network, pulling up a virtual reality-like setting in which he can navigate virtual space, projecting files and codes within his subconscious.
Vehicle Mode:
-Quickmix's transmetal form has given him a motorized three-wheeled bike mode with two small rocket boosters in his hind quarters to grant him mobility. Two of the wheels are located just above his raptor legs, which collapse and press against his under side when using his vehicle mode instead, while his arms can shift and combine into the front wheel.
-Quickfix has a leaner, smaller frame that has made him built more for speed and agility leaving him more vulnerable to heavy artillery or those who use brute force.
-The most glaring weakness Quickfix has is the lack of combat training, having very rudimentary and basic skills when it comes to combat where most times he prefers favoring his speed and agility to outmaneuver others on the battle field to get to his patients or get an advantage.
-Quickfix is also loyal to the Predacon cause and those he comes to trust to a fault, sometimes allowing his own comrades to take advantage of him, especially in his enthusiasm to learn something new or do his part for the cause.
NAME: Onyx
FUNCTION: Front-line fighter
ALTERNATE MODE: Friesian Horse-baroque type
HEIGHT: Beast mode-6 feet,Robot Mode-7.1 feet
QUOTE: "Think the battle is truly done? Guess what. your always in a fight when it comes to life."
RANK: Assigned by the staff. (5)
Onyx was one of those protoforms who came online with a career already planned for his future, awakening the first time as a newly made protoform and being placed into a boot camp in the Predacon Military Academy. Being put through his paces, Onyx was trained in the available forms of hand-to-hand, martial arts, and different types of weapons, such as blades and long- to short-ranged weapons. Due to favoring brute force and sturdy frame, he was assigned to be a front-line fighter following his graduation and before long he found himself taking part in many skirmishes throughout the galaxy and Cybertron sometime before the Pax Cybertronia was signed. Over the course of his career, Onyx took many lives and earned several scars, both physically and mentally but never wavering in his loyalties to the Predacon cause.
Eventually, the Predacons and Maximals made an uneasy settlement to end hostilities, bringing about the signing of the Pax Cybertronia. Onyx was one of those Predacons who was not quite satisfied with the agreements however, more so as the years would pass and it became clear the Predacons didn't have as much representation as they would have liked. By this time, Onyx had found himself in reserve among the Predacon Military forces, only needed in helping keeping Cybertron protected from external threads and keeping the peace in situations the common Cybertronian Officer could not handle alone. Resentful, Onyx began joining in on riots, raids, and attacks on certain buildings and cities where Maixmals were most heavily populated. When not participating in such gatherings or doing his job in keeping the peace, Onyx often joined in on the illegal fighting circuits to keep his skills sharp and prevent himself from going insane with boredom.
Joining these fights earned the mech further scars, especially the distinct three claw-like marks across his face during one nasty fight that resulted in a draw on both sides. During the course of these activities, Onyx found himself jailed a few times but ignored the warnings he was given every time, returning to his usual routine up until word was spreading of far more elaborate gatherings of ambitious leaders within the Predacon Alliance, some disenfranchised with the Tripedicus Council dragging their feet to act. Initially, Onyx had intended to come to one such gathering himself but upon trying to sneak away from his post, authorities came for the bulky mech for further violations being uncovered.
Given no choice, Onyx was forcibly reverted back to a protoform until a proper punishment was administered. Though, a few weeks later, the Axalon crew was scheduled for departure and Onyx was one of those loaded onto the ship. It would be months before Onyx was awakened from his pod, sometime after the Planet Buster had knocked the stasis pods out of orbit and he wound up joining with Megatron and his band of renegades, at first assuming Megatron had the Predacon faction's best interests at spark. But as events have progressed, Onyx has come to realize Megatron's own ambitions are simply that: grand visions of his own design and his alone, even to the point of tampering with time itself. Disgusted by how far Megatron has been willing to go, Onyx turned his back upon this band of Predacons and reluctantly decided to join the Maximals under Optimus Primal's leadership.
Onyx is somewhat of an oddity among Predacons, mostly by the fact he is calm and level headed, rarely allowing his temper to show beyond annoyance. Although, he is not above showing it and speaking his mind. By extension, Onyx isn't afraid to question tactics and authority, mostly when he is skeptical about a plan working or how a situation is playing out, more than willing to speak his mind or act on his own accord. Loyalty also is not a clear-cut concept for Onyx who has found these loyalties often tested and swung from one way to the next, causing him to be cautious and take things slow before he throws all his support behind someone, which is rare. Regardless, he fights fiercely for what he believes in and will gladly compromise with others in order to achieve these beliefs and his goals, even if that means being branded a traitor by others. Underneath the fierce exterior though, Onyx has learned to appreciate the simple things in life devoid of political and economic strife seen with his home, having a soft spot and appreciation for other worldly life, admitting to few that he finds such alien life fascinating in their own weird way.
-Friction Rifle: Onyx's main ranged weapon which fires special rounds filled with a fluid that will cause the area struck by the round to spontaneously combust due to air resistance from sudden movement and can burn up to three minutes, causing areas to melt or heat up and become weakened.
-LAser Pistol: A hand-held weapon usually holstered on his left hip, this weapon fires concentrated beams of energy that is a little weaker than some weapons but still capable of scorching armor and doing some damage.
-Arm Blades: Located in his wrists, Onyx has two retractable blades extending about as long as his forearm with serrated edges and are his only melee weapons on hand.
-Onyx is somewhat nimble and agile on his feet, but his large and slightly bulky size does make him slower than some individuals.
-For Onyx, he relies a lot on his strength and endurance in battle, preferring to use brute force and fighting up close and personal with his enemies, leaving him open to long-range attacks or being overpowered by others.
-Onyx also has the flaw of being rather stubborn and unrelenting, often pushing past his limits in combat or other activities, putting him at risk of exhausting himself or becoming seriously injured.
Onyx watched the battle field from his position, his side sparking from some damage he had gotten from a stray shot though from where he hadn't seen. Things have heated up with the Maximals as each side wanted the location for a cash of energon, a decent sized one at that which was beneath their feet and in some places energon crystals were visible, just agonizingly teasing the bots to come and get. Onyx himself considered trying to get a few but it was too risky with no proper tools for extracting them from the hard, baked earth in this area close to the desert. Sighing the black, bulky equine came from around the boulder he had used for cover and began to fire his laser pistol with one hand while holding his sparking side with another.
Sometimes being on the front lines was a risky job, throwing yourself out before most others and could even be killed if not careful. Well Onyx wasn't there to be careful, he was there to force these maximal slag heaps to leave yet they were hard headed or very determined to get this energon deposit as much as the Predacons. It could be a bit frustrating really. Growling a bit the stallion mech tossed his pistol aside and instead charged head long for the nearest enemy, swords sliding out from his wrists and slashing at his opponent not really carrying to know their name, as if he wouldn't eventually. Though it was a rash decision that earned him more blows to the shoulder, chest, and his knee, weakening his advances to attack.
Finally the radiation hit however and he gritted his metal teeth knowing he had no other choice, "Beast mode!" He commanded aloud, voice deep and gravely but also in pain. After transforming he backed off the maximal and trotted back towards his comrades though had a slight limp in his back leg and it seemed the battle was still raging at the time. For now he would have to let his dampers recharge before he could rejoin or they Predacons could very well just give up this time.
Last edited by Wildfire94 on Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 3247
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
- 19
- RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
- Location: Pennsylvania
For the most part, Onyx's and Quickfix's bios look great, Wildfire. You've obviously taken into consideration their strengths and weaknesses.
I'm assuming that when people talk about "Utahraptors" that it's the larger species of velociraptor that was uncovered in Utah. Quickfix's ability of being a "vampire" throws me off just a little bit because of Dinobot's influence in my head, but Quickfix is a TransMetal (and not TM2), so I'm trying to imagine a more practical design of that.
And since starshadow's character had a similar ability, I'm going to allow this, especially since you've made it clear how it's not his primary weapon and it could have side effects.
Now, your stats for both characters, they're not supposed to exceed a total of 45. Quickfix's are at 46 and Onyx's are at 48. So, you might want to make some slight adjustments. And as for Quickfix's rank (which is excluded from the total), I think I'd place him at 6 considering his loyalty and skills. Onyx's rank at 5 is fine.
I'm assuming that when people talk about "Utahraptors" that it's the larger species of velociraptor that was uncovered in Utah. Quickfix's ability of being a "vampire" throws me off just a little bit because of Dinobot's influence in my head, but Quickfix is a TransMetal (and not TM2), so I'm trying to imagine a more practical design of that.

Now, your stats for both characters, they're not supposed to exceed a total of 45. Quickfix's are at 46 and Onyx's are at 48. So, you might want to make some slight adjustments. And as for Quickfix's rank (which is excluded from the total), I think I'd place him at 6 considering his loyalty and skills. Onyx's rank at 5 is fine.
"Well, that's just prime!"
- Posts: 213
- Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:34 am
- 13
- RPG Characters: Onyx, Quickfix, Cheetor, Tarantulas, Quickstrike
Ahh, sorry about that! I was using the stats points we originally had set up for Season 2 at the beginning of this thread, Non-transmetals having up to 48 and Transmetals having 50, but may have missed where that was changed. All set there though!
And yup! As far as what I could research on the Utahraptor, they are classified as the biggest of the velocitraptor family so I tried to get size and scaling the best I could, but Beast Wars is notorious for not being to scale either. He is still a few feet shorter than Dinobot, but I think Dinobot's raptor form was pretty big in size in the show, but I may be wrong.
He is more scientifically accurate though with metallic feathers present that can move and reflect his thoughts.
Aside from that, I have been thinking about Quickfix's vampirism and decided to drop the idea. Initially I thought it might be an interesting twist, but decided against it.
And yup! As far as what I could research on the Utahraptor, they are classified as the biggest of the velocitraptor family so I tried to get size and scaling the best I could, but Beast Wars is notorious for not being to scale either. He is still a few feet shorter than Dinobot, but I think Dinobot's raptor form was pretty big in size in the show, but I may be wrong.

Aside from that, I have been thinking about Quickfix's vampirism and decided to drop the idea. Initially I thought it might be an interesting twist, but decided against it.
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 3247
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
- 19
- RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
- Location: Pennsylvania
You were right about the stats, Wildfire. I'm sorry, I had completely forgotten about the Season Two TransMetal numbers being higher. Feel free to change them back to what you had. My apologies.
Okay. Then I'd say everything else looks good, and we welcome you back into the game!
Okay. Then I'd say everything else looks good, and we welcome you back into the game!
"Well, that's just prime!"
- Ultra Poster!
- Posts: 554
- Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:30 pm
- 15
Sorry for the long anticipated return of this girl here! I was trying to post her and my new character since I decided to drop Feral, but I haven’t been able to decide on a backstory yet so he’ll follow soon.
Name: Frilla
Allegiance: Maximal, formerly Predacon
Function: Data Analyst/Hacker/Medic-in-training
Alt. Mode: Transmetal frilled lizard
Height: 4.5’ lengthwise in beast mode, 5’ 3” in robot mode
Quote: “I’m small, what’s your point?”
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 5
Firepower: 7
Skill: 8
Biography: Frilla joined the Beast Wars early on with a separate group of Predacons who likewise awakened around the same time. For a time, she joined this small group under the late Glowstick’s guidance before they would join the main forces under the command of Megatron. Unfortunately, Frilla’s pacifist ways and reluctance to take part in destroying their enemies quickly earned her some criticism Andrew Predacons’ willingness to destroy everything in their path began to cause her to question her own loyalties. Coming from an office job of being a data clerk, the femme felt out of her element among her fellow Predacons, often finding herself being delegated to helping to pilot the Leviathan and handling grunt work up until the arrival of the Maximal Whitegrazer. During that fight, she found herself face-to-face with Optimus Primal, having a clear shot to end the Maximal commander in her sights. But after a brief talk with the gorilla and expressing her self-doubts of being a Predacon, she finally had a change of heart and joined her former foes.
Initially not trusted by some, Frilla found herself having quite an adjustment period but at the same time feeling more at home with the science exploration crew. Over time, she befriended many of the Maximals and found herself becoming good friends with Rattrap, one of her biggest critics, and Rhinox and coming to view Whitegrazer as her closest friend. Like the rest of the Maximals, Frilla found herself going through bizarre and spectacular events, from the Vok sites to going through transmetalization to losing one of the few Predacons she had greatly respected and considered something of a friend. As a Maximal, Frilla felt she had finally found her place in the universe, taking the steps to expand her skills and combat abilities, learning to make her smaller size to her advantage. Overall, the Maximals not only became her friends and family, but an eye opening experience to her once sheltered, closed world she left back on Cybertron.
After the events involving Zodiac being revealed as Nexus Prime, Frilla decided to take a research sabbatical and left to further research the Vok sites they had uncovered. In the months since, she has been gathering as much data as she could on their Vok neighbors, sketching their glyphs, mapping out some of their sites, and trying to understand how their mechanisms work. Until some recent activity in the past few months pulled the frilled lizard from her task, deciding to come check in with her comrades out of concern for their safety.
-Frilla’s back-up, non-lethal weapon is the Electro-Scrambler which emits electromagnetic waves that messes with circuitry, throwing off normal functions for a time.
-Given Frilla’s mostly non-lethal attack methods, the E.D.K TechVolt is a multi-purpose handheld weapon. It can fire an electro-diffraction beam that can cut through most armor and can create a chain affect to attack multiple targets thanks to its electricity-based energy. But the settings are adjustable to send enough electrical power to restart machinery or repower a Cybertronian, acting as a defilibrator when needed, or to do only minor damage when used for offensive purposes.
-In beast mode, Frilla’s primary weapon is her ink she can spit out up to ten feet. There is her regular ink in which she uses for distraction or quick retreat, acidic ink that can eat through most surfaces but lasts only up to five seconds before it dissolves across a wide area, and ink with a rubber cement like consistency that can leave an opponent stuck for ten minutes and unable to move before it dissolves.
-Frilla retains the ability to run at high speeds on her hind legs, which are also equipped with high-tension springs that allow her to leap a great distance or height, averaging seven feet when standing still and ten feet with a running start.
-The bottom of her feet in beast mode have several micro suction cups that adhere to most surfaces in conjunction with her claws for better gripping.
-The frills from her beast mode can be detached from her back to form a handheld shield
Transmetal Vehicle Mode: Frilla’s vehicle feature involves something akin to an air glider plane with the two glider wings extending out from her sides. This allows her to ride air currents or catch some air from high locations for limited flight.
- Frilla’s most glaring weakness is her lack of non-lethal weaponry, most of them being designed for incapacitation rather than elimination.
-Though Frilla is stronger as a transmetal, she has a small stature and light frame that makes her more susceptible to injury than most.
-Frilla is also less inclined to go directly into combat or use close quarters, instead preferring to use distance or distraction to get the upper hand.
Sample Post: N/A

Name: Frilla
Allegiance: Maximal, formerly Predacon
Function: Data Analyst/Hacker/Medic-in-training
Alt. Mode: Transmetal frilled lizard
Height: 4.5’ lengthwise in beast mode, 5’ 3” in robot mode
Quote: “I’m small, what’s your point?”
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 5
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 5
Firepower: 7
Skill: 8
Biography: Frilla joined the Beast Wars early on with a separate group of Predacons who likewise awakened around the same time. For a time, she joined this small group under the late Glowstick’s guidance before they would join the main forces under the command of Megatron. Unfortunately, Frilla’s pacifist ways and reluctance to take part in destroying their enemies quickly earned her some criticism Andrew Predacons’ willingness to destroy everything in their path began to cause her to question her own loyalties. Coming from an office job of being a data clerk, the femme felt out of her element among her fellow Predacons, often finding herself being delegated to helping to pilot the Leviathan and handling grunt work up until the arrival of the Maximal Whitegrazer. During that fight, she found herself face-to-face with Optimus Primal, having a clear shot to end the Maximal commander in her sights. But after a brief talk with the gorilla and expressing her self-doubts of being a Predacon, she finally had a change of heart and joined her former foes.
Initially not trusted by some, Frilla found herself having quite an adjustment period but at the same time feeling more at home with the science exploration crew. Over time, she befriended many of the Maximals and found herself becoming good friends with Rattrap, one of her biggest critics, and Rhinox and coming to view Whitegrazer as her closest friend. Like the rest of the Maximals, Frilla found herself going through bizarre and spectacular events, from the Vok sites to going through transmetalization to losing one of the few Predacons she had greatly respected and considered something of a friend. As a Maximal, Frilla felt she had finally found her place in the universe, taking the steps to expand her skills and combat abilities, learning to make her smaller size to her advantage. Overall, the Maximals not only became her friends and family, but an eye opening experience to her once sheltered, closed world she left back on Cybertron.
After the events involving Zodiac being revealed as Nexus Prime, Frilla decided to take a research sabbatical and left to further research the Vok sites they had uncovered. In the months since, she has been gathering as much data as she could on their Vok neighbors, sketching their glyphs, mapping out some of their sites, and trying to understand how their mechanisms work. Until some recent activity in the past few months pulled the frilled lizard from her task, deciding to come check in with her comrades out of concern for their safety.
-Frilla’s back-up, non-lethal weapon is the Electro-Scrambler which emits electromagnetic waves that messes with circuitry, throwing off normal functions for a time.
-Given Frilla’s mostly non-lethal attack methods, the E.D.K TechVolt is a multi-purpose handheld weapon. It can fire an electro-diffraction beam that can cut through most armor and can create a chain affect to attack multiple targets thanks to its electricity-based energy. But the settings are adjustable to send enough electrical power to restart machinery or repower a Cybertronian, acting as a defilibrator when needed, or to do only minor damage when used for offensive purposes.
-In beast mode, Frilla’s primary weapon is her ink she can spit out up to ten feet. There is her regular ink in which she uses for distraction or quick retreat, acidic ink that can eat through most surfaces but lasts only up to five seconds before it dissolves across a wide area, and ink with a rubber cement like consistency that can leave an opponent stuck for ten minutes and unable to move before it dissolves.
-Frilla retains the ability to run at high speeds on her hind legs, which are also equipped with high-tension springs that allow her to leap a great distance or height, averaging seven feet when standing still and ten feet with a running start.
-The bottom of her feet in beast mode have several micro suction cups that adhere to most surfaces in conjunction with her claws for better gripping.
-The frills from her beast mode can be detached from her back to form a handheld shield
Transmetal Vehicle Mode: Frilla’s vehicle feature involves something akin to an air glider plane with the two glider wings extending out from her sides. This allows her to ride air currents or catch some air from high locations for limited flight.
- Frilla’s most glaring weakness is her lack of non-lethal weaponry, most of them being designed for incapacitation rather than elimination.
-Though Frilla is stronger as a transmetal, she has a small stature and light frame that makes her more susceptible to injury than most.
-Frilla is also less inclined to go directly into combat or use close quarters, instead preferring to use distance or distraction to get the upper hand.
Sample Post: N/A
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Everything looks great, NM! Her weapons will also be quite useful against Zodiac and Nemesis. I've missed Frilla, so I look forward to her joining the game again. And I can't wait to see what you come up with for your Predacon.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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I present to you my newest Pred!
He was a bit of a doozy to write up; kept changing him so many times and couldn’t decide between a marine iguana or crocodile ancestor, but finally went with the latter.
Name: Terrabite
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Demolitions Expert/Mechanical Engineer, Formerly Tripedicus Peace Officer
Alt. Mode: Kaprosuchus
Height: 15 feet long in beast mode, 7’ 8” in robot mode
Quote: “Success through demolition.”
Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Skill: 8.
Biography: Terrabite was once a loyal officer under the Tripedicus Council during the earlier Maximal-Predacon wars, often working as an officer and demolitions soldier. Throughout the conflicts, Terrabite had a talent for testing and calculating the right amount of damage necessary to get into enemy defenses or tear down their enemies, showing his calculating mind during the course of the wars and his sadistic side being rather mild than what it would be later. Unfortunately, his volatile personality would show shortly after Tripedicus, the combiner form of the Predacon leaders, ended the war and called for a more peaceful resolution resulting in the Pax Cybertronia.
Furious at this development but keeping his disdain for the agreement to himself, Terrabite became a trusted officer under the new Predacon Alliance. His primary goal was to keep the Predacon forces in line under the command of Magmatron and maintain the uneasy peace, a job he seemed well respected and entrusted to do. However, in his free time and off time, the trusted officer made it his goal to leave a message for his old foes in a different manner than riots and secret groups. Instead, the mech mentally snapped after the signing of the treaty and began preying upon civilians, Maximals, neutrals, and Predacons who supported the peace treaty were all fair game to this later convicted serial killer who would eventually slip up. Having left a Predacon civilian for dead, Terrabite was soon ousted for his crimes when his surviving victim came to Magmatron and the authorities, tarnishing his image and reputation.
Facing a tribunal to the Council, Terrqbite was sentenced to ten years of psychological rehabilitation and examination, being deemed medically unstable and psychotic. Frustrated his efforts had done little to change things, the former demolitions user took his punishment, quietly playing himself off as “improving” when in reality he was considering his options in another way to make a statement and was eventually released. Upon doing so, Terrabite dwelled deeper into his growing passion of mechanical engineering in which he has used to rehabilitate and grew a genuine liking for while secretly reaching out to the underground groups and was welcomed by Magmatron and his right hand men to their ranks so long as he agreed to follow their lead. Reluctantly he did so, eventually being implanted to work on space shuttles and battle cruisers to learn more about their enemies and other information before he was assigned to the Axalon to help maintain the ship when they landed on their next assignment, being put into a protoform state before its fateful launch.
For the course of the Beast Wars, Terrabite has slumbered in his pod up until recently. A slight shift in the geography of an island coastline has jarred his pod into a reboot with damage to its tracker, preventing the mech from getting assistance right away but allowing him to scan a beast form to survive prehistoric Earth’s harsh environment in the past month.
-Terrabite makes use of a Bomb Blaster, a heavy duty handheld grenade launcher mounted on his back when not in use. It makes use of a laser aiming and guidance system to fire at least six grenades max, though only one at a time and has been modified automatically to calculate the laser’s distance and trajectory and directly upload into a retractable visor.
-Terrabite has a shoulder-mounted Chaos-Rift Combuster, another explosive long-range weapon that fires flak grenades at a great distance that clusters outward on contact or can be detonated manually, releasing steel buckshots to embed and stick in armor, causing damage and irritation.
-When in robot mode, Terrabite’s tail becomes a club with the spines becoming stiff and sharp, acting as spikes for additional damage along the side.
-In both robot and beast mode, Terrabite is adapted to go on land and in water with water resistant systems
-Terrabite has a personal Sparrow-like drone he uses for recon and a helper drone in examining devices and structures, being equipped with a three-dimensional scanner that can create a detailed image of an item or area of up to 10 feet that gives feedback in real-time. This drone is kept within his arm when not in use.
-Terrabite has a heavy, bulky frame that makes him rather slow and less agile in robot mode and is instead faster in beast mode.
-Terrabite has a rather volatile personality, one moment he is a calm, carefully calculating individual then the next expresses a sadistic battle-hungry side under tense circumstances.
-Terrabite always has to be aware of his surroundings and allies when using his explosives as the wrong calculation of power and trajectory of the explosives could backfire on himself and his allies.
Sample Post: The sparrow drone fluttered about above the forest, letting out occasional robotic chirps as it scanned around the canopy, mapping and searching the area for signs of otherworldly life forms.
Settled near the lakeside, Terrabite kept himself close to the water’s edge, knelt on a rocky outcrop with his visor covering his optics, awaiting for something to pop up. At the very least he suspected he couldn’t be the only Cybertronian life form there on the dirtball of a planet. He wouldn’t be here if the Axalon hadn’t landed or released his pod among others. It was rather strange where he had awakened but then again Maximals tended to do strange things anyway. It was a wonder why he was far off from any crew members but he had a feeling he had to be closing in by now.
So far, this sector appeared to come up empty, causing him to growl and smash his hand against th rock he was perched on, causing a small indent where his fist had struck. “Where are those blasted Maximals? Emergency landing or not, surely they would have a beacon or something to draw crew mates to them.” He grumbled in annoyance, finally calling the drone back to him, closing an arm panel once it had settled back in its housing.
With a small huff, the kaprosuchus mech finally transformed back to beast mode and began trekking to the next sector in search of life that wasn’t strictly organic in nature.

Name: Terrabite
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Demolitions Expert/Mechanical Engineer, Formerly Tripedicus Peace Officer
Alt. Mode: Kaprosuchus
Height: 15 feet long in beast mode, 7’ 8” in robot mode
Quote: “Success through demolition.”
Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 8
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 7
Firepower: 6
Skill: 8.
Biography: Terrabite was once a loyal officer under the Tripedicus Council during the earlier Maximal-Predacon wars, often working as an officer and demolitions soldier. Throughout the conflicts, Terrabite had a talent for testing and calculating the right amount of damage necessary to get into enemy defenses or tear down their enemies, showing his calculating mind during the course of the wars and his sadistic side being rather mild than what it would be later. Unfortunately, his volatile personality would show shortly after Tripedicus, the combiner form of the Predacon leaders, ended the war and called for a more peaceful resolution resulting in the Pax Cybertronia.
Furious at this development but keeping his disdain for the agreement to himself, Terrabite became a trusted officer under the new Predacon Alliance. His primary goal was to keep the Predacon forces in line under the command of Magmatron and maintain the uneasy peace, a job he seemed well respected and entrusted to do. However, in his free time and off time, the trusted officer made it his goal to leave a message for his old foes in a different manner than riots and secret groups. Instead, the mech mentally snapped after the signing of the treaty and began preying upon civilians, Maximals, neutrals, and Predacons who supported the peace treaty were all fair game to this later convicted serial killer who would eventually slip up. Having left a Predacon civilian for dead, Terrabite was soon ousted for his crimes when his surviving victim came to Magmatron and the authorities, tarnishing his image and reputation.
Facing a tribunal to the Council, Terrqbite was sentenced to ten years of psychological rehabilitation and examination, being deemed medically unstable and psychotic. Frustrated his efforts had done little to change things, the former demolitions user took his punishment, quietly playing himself off as “improving” when in reality he was considering his options in another way to make a statement and was eventually released. Upon doing so, Terrabite dwelled deeper into his growing passion of mechanical engineering in which he has used to rehabilitate and grew a genuine liking for while secretly reaching out to the underground groups and was welcomed by Magmatron and his right hand men to their ranks so long as he agreed to follow their lead. Reluctantly he did so, eventually being implanted to work on space shuttles and battle cruisers to learn more about their enemies and other information before he was assigned to the Axalon to help maintain the ship when they landed on their next assignment, being put into a protoform state before its fateful launch.
For the course of the Beast Wars, Terrabite has slumbered in his pod up until recently. A slight shift in the geography of an island coastline has jarred his pod into a reboot with damage to its tracker, preventing the mech from getting assistance right away but allowing him to scan a beast form to survive prehistoric Earth’s harsh environment in the past month.
-Terrabite makes use of a Bomb Blaster, a heavy duty handheld grenade launcher mounted on his back when not in use. It makes use of a laser aiming and guidance system to fire at least six grenades max, though only one at a time and has been modified automatically to calculate the laser’s distance and trajectory and directly upload into a retractable visor.
-Terrabite has a shoulder-mounted Chaos-Rift Combuster, another explosive long-range weapon that fires flak grenades at a great distance that clusters outward on contact or can be detonated manually, releasing steel buckshots to embed and stick in armor, causing damage and irritation.
-When in robot mode, Terrabite’s tail becomes a club with the spines becoming stiff and sharp, acting as spikes for additional damage along the side.
-In both robot and beast mode, Terrabite is adapted to go on land and in water with water resistant systems
-Terrabite has a personal Sparrow-like drone he uses for recon and a helper drone in examining devices and structures, being equipped with a three-dimensional scanner that can create a detailed image of an item or area of up to 10 feet that gives feedback in real-time. This drone is kept within his arm when not in use.
-Terrabite has a heavy, bulky frame that makes him rather slow and less agile in robot mode and is instead faster in beast mode.
-Terrabite has a rather volatile personality, one moment he is a calm, carefully calculating individual then the next expresses a sadistic battle-hungry side under tense circumstances.
-Terrabite always has to be aware of his surroundings and allies when using his explosives as the wrong calculation of power and trajectory of the explosives could backfire on himself and his allies.
Sample Post: The sparrow drone fluttered about above the forest, letting out occasional robotic chirps as it scanned around the canopy, mapping and searching the area for signs of otherworldly life forms.
Settled near the lakeside, Terrabite kept himself close to the water’s edge, knelt on a rocky outcrop with his visor covering his optics, awaiting for something to pop up. At the very least he suspected he couldn’t be the only Cybertronian life form there on the dirtball of a planet. He wouldn’t be here if the Axalon hadn’t landed or released his pod among others. It was rather strange where he had awakened but then again Maximals tended to do strange things anyway. It was a wonder why he was far off from any crew members but he had a feeling he had to be closing in by now.
So far, this sector appeared to come up empty, causing him to growl and smash his hand against th rock he was perched on, causing a small indent where his fist had struck. “Where are those blasted Maximals? Emergency landing or not, surely they would have a beacon or something to draw crew mates to them.” He grumbled in annoyance, finally calling the drone back to him, closing an arm panel once it had settled back in its housing.
With a small huff, the kaprosuchus mech finally transformed back to beast mode and began trekking to the next sector in search of life that wasn’t strictly organic in nature.
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- Location: Pennsylvania
Terrabite sounds awesome, New Moon! I'm digging everything about him; his beast mode, personality, weapons. He looks great. Assuming your sample post doesn't necessarily reflect on how you want him to enter the game, would you like to bring him in the next episode? And will he have already emerged from his pod on his own, or shall the Maximals and Preds find him and fight for him? XD
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Sooooo sorry for a late reply OOP!
Glad you love him though, he was a stubborn one. XD And not necessarily, his rp sample is just that and just one thought I had of him coming into play. He’ll already be out of his pod on his own, it’s just a matter of when to bring him in. I figured next episode since this one seems pretty full of things as is, unless all their commotion were to draw him in. XD That too is an option.
Glad you love him though, he was a stubborn one. XD And not necessarily, his rp sample is just that and just one thought I had of him coming into play. He’ll already be out of his pod on his own, it’s just a matter of when to bring him in. I figured next episode since this one seems pretty full of things as is, unless all their commotion were to draw him in. XD That too is an option.
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No worries, New Moon. You obviously put a lot of thought into him. I'll leave it up to when you want him to jump in then. 

"Well, that's just prime!"
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Hello there people. This is my first attempt at a character bio on this forum so here goes 
Name: Chen
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Medic/Doctor
Alt. Mode: Chimpanzee
Height: 8ft 5
Quote: "I don't believe in fighting"
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 7
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 6
Firepower: 0
Skill: 9
I can see people have their totals up to 48? Chen has no weapons and thus no fire power. Hope this is okay
Biography: Chen started his career on cybertron as a medic and very quickly advanced himself to an excellent doctor despite being relatively young. He has treated all kinds of injuries, viruses and in some cases complete overhauls across both Maximal and Predacon alike. Dispite this, Chen is a firm believer of peace between the two factions and has some notoriety with public speaking on this matter. His skill has garnered him a reputation for excellence amongst the elite of Cybertron. So much so that he was hand picked by Optimus himself for the Axalon's mission of exploration. Chen had become used to his surroundings and felt that the only way to broaden his expertise was journey to the unexplored. Whats the worst that could happen?
Weapons: None
Chen is a brilliant doctor and medic so his when it comes to repairing wounds will be invaluable. Aside from from I'm not quite sure what else he could do, maybe some defensive abilities. Suggestions are welcome.
- Chen obviously has no weapons which makes him very vulnerable in a fight.
- Chen is very much outside of his comfort zone being on Earth
Sample post: Chen reluctantly shuffled into his new quarters. He was so on edge that the thud of the door behind him closing made him jump. Scanning the room around him a couple of words came to mind, small, basic and dusty. Clearly these quarters had not been used recently if at all. His memories were slowly returning to him after being in that stasis pod. 'Ahh yes the side affects of prolonged stasis. Extremely remote chance of permanent memory depletion. Small chance of long term memory depletion and significantly reduced motor control. High chance of subject temporary unfamiliarity with known surroundings and acquaintances.' Chen research into extended stasis flooded his mind. The combined effort of Chen and the engineers back on Cybertron was still not enough to crack the stasis problems. He of course consulted on many of the technical aspects of this mission, he was going along after all. And who better to ask anyway?
Shaking off the comfort of nostalgia Chen found a spot to sit in order for him to contemplate. There was a lot data in front of him, yet had not pieced everything together. Starting from the beginning. This was an expedition, a crew assembled for deep space travel for the purpose of exploration. To establish annexes on worlds rich with resources that they were desperate for. Whatever planet the Axalon was could not have been their destination nor be discovered at random chance. Judging by the state of the terrain he noted on his arrival and the damage to the ship there had been some sort of altercation. Pirates? Not likely, too much valuable lying around and too many surviving crew. The chimpanzee did just then recall a word that he heard once or twice quite recently. Predacon. No. Surely not. But what if? Chen could tell that his already conscious crew mates mates had been here for some time. Some of their superstructures had been completed altered. Exposure? To what? And why wasn't everyone affected? A thought for later... Predacons. Right. This conflict seems to have been going on for some time. Were they beyond reason? Were they responsible for the Axalon crashing? Can't be certain, require more information.
Optimus would assuredly be the one with answers.
Chen's insecurities were getting the better of him, however he knew the best way to rid himself of such fears. Purpose. He my have not known the reason why they were here or how they got here but that would not stop him being useful.
I may have made some MASSIVE assumptions here, I admit I haven't read everything
Do tell me what you think though.

Name: Chen
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Medic/Doctor
Alt. Mode: Chimpanzee
Height: 8ft 5
Quote: "I don't believe in fighting"
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 7
Endurance: 7
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 6
Firepower: 0
Skill: 9
I can see people have their totals up to 48? Chen has no weapons and thus no fire power. Hope this is okay
Biography: Chen started his career on cybertron as a medic and very quickly advanced himself to an excellent doctor despite being relatively young. He has treated all kinds of injuries, viruses and in some cases complete overhauls across both Maximal and Predacon alike. Dispite this, Chen is a firm believer of peace between the two factions and has some notoriety with public speaking on this matter. His skill has garnered him a reputation for excellence amongst the elite of Cybertron. So much so that he was hand picked by Optimus himself for the Axalon's mission of exploration. Chen had become used to his surroundings and felt that the only way to broaden his expertise was journey to the unexplored. Whats the worst that could happen?
Weapons: None
Chen is a brilliant doctor and medic so his when it comes to repairing wounds will be invaluable. Aside from from I'm not quite sure what else he could do, maybe some defensive abilities. Suggestions are welcome.
- Chen obviously has no weapons which makes him very vulnerable in a fight.
- Chen is very much outside of his comfort zone being on Earth
Sample post: Chen reluctantly shuffled into his new quarters. He was so on edge that the thud of the door behind him closing made him jump. Scanning the room around him a couple of words came to mind, small, basic and dusty. Clearly these quarters had not been used recently if at all. His memories were slowly returning to him after being in that stasis pod. 'Ahh yes the side affects of prolonged stasis. Extremely remote chance of permanent memory depletion. Small chance of long term memory depletion and significantly reduced motor control. High chance of subject temporary unfamiliarity with known surroundings and acquaintances.' Chen research into extended stasis flooded his mind. The combined effort of Chen and the engineers back on Cybertron was still not enough to crack the stasis problems. He of course consulted on many of the technical aspects of this mission, he was going along after all. And who better to ask anyway?
Shaking off the comfort of nostalgia Chen found a spot to sit in order for him to contemplate. There was a lot data in front of him, yet had not pieced everything together. Starting from the beginning. This was an expedition, a crew assembled for deep space travel for the purpose of exploration. To establish annexes on worlds rich with resources that they were desperate for. Whatever planet the Axalon was could not have been their destination nor be discovered at random chance. Judging by the state of the terrain he noted on his arrival and the damage to the ship there had been some sort of altercation. Pirates? Not likely, too much valuable lying around and too many surviving crew. The chimpanzee did just then recall a word that he heard once or twice quite recently. Predacon. No. Surely not. But what if? Chen could tell that his already conscious crew mates mates had been here for some time. Some of their superstructures had been completed altered. Exposure? To what? And why wasn't everyone affected? A thought for later... Predacons. Right. This conflict seems to have been going on for some time. Were they beyond reason? Were they responsible for the Axalon crashing? Can't be certain, require more information.
Optimus would assuredly be the one with answers.
Chen's insecurities were getting the better of him, however he knew the best way to rid himself of such fears. Purpose. He my have not known the reason why they were here or how they got here but that would not stop him being useful.
I may have made some MASSIVE assumptions here, I admit I haven't read everything

Do tell me what you think though.
Last edited by FortuitousFour on Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I think this is a great start, FF. I enjoyed your sample post. Now, for the dissection of Chen's bio.
With Rhinox and Aurora both being medics (technically, Aurora is a medic in training, and she is also the Chief Biologist), having another medic on the Maximal team could be redundant. However, it would give Rhinox the opportunity to participate in more battles since I almost always have him stuck inside of the Axalon doing surgeries and repairs and all that. With Chen around, I could have Rhinox lean more toward the mechanical and science aspects of his engineering and put his medical skills on the back burner, so to speak. He could also perform medical emergencies on the battle field when necessary since Chen may not be willing to get involved in confrontations that will require him to use weapons.
I would prefer Chen have more than one skill/ability. He can be a genius in the medical field, but perhaps he could also be an amateur with reconnaissance? I'm sure he'd be very adept at climbing trees which would often give him a great vantage point while also providing him some great cover, and he would be stealthy doing it since he's a chimp and they're quite good climbers, very agile and quick swinging from tree to tree to either evade the enemy or keep up with them to keep an eye on them. He could very well gain new skills throughout the duration of the game too. I will likely have Optimus push him out of his comfort zone, and perhaps have someone train him on more recon or whatever other skill he might be interested in learning. It would only be more beneficial for Chen and the entire crew.
Chen could enter the game with no weapons, but maybe there would be a time that would force him to take up arms in order to defend himself or protect one of his comrades. It could make for some interesting character development with him. Of course, you would have to decide on what kind of weapon. Maybe he'd be great with something as simple as a staff? But that would almost always require close-range combat. Maybe some kind of energized revision of bow and arrows? Or if you want to keep him on the defensive side, he might have some kind of durable shield to use.
I'm hesitant about his intelligence and skill both sitting at 10, but I'm not sure how to justify it otherwise if he's supposed to be really good at what he does. I guess I just don't want to see perfection because all of them make mistakes. I wouldn't even accept Megatron and Optimus being rated at all tens like their toy bios suggest.
Intelligence at 10, in my opinion, means that he knows something about everything and is very difficult to trick or manipulate, but one of his greatest weaknesses might be his lack of combat experience, which means he would not be good with military tactics, weapons, or offensive and defensive maneuvers. He may also not have good intel on the diversity of Earth's biology and geology considering Cybertron doesn't have any, or very little (whatever the case may be depending on TFs history), whereas that would be something Aurora and Rhinox excel in. So, I can accept his skill being at 10 (for now, until he starts to adopt another one in which case he would require more experience) but maybe push his intelligence down to 9 or 8. Does that sound fair to you? As he progresses in the game, you can always update his profile and revise the numbers since I'm sure he will go through changes and experiences.
I will accept Optimus handpicking him for his Axalon crew like you stated in his bio, which will give them some history together and perhaps a friendship. We could easily work it in that Chen was meant to be his medic all along, but after losing him with aborting the stasis pods into Earth's orbit, Rhinox was given the status as their Chief Medical Officer since he already had some experience in that field and they needed one. With Chen returning, Rhinox could easily slip back into his engineering profession and also provide extra offense in the battle field considering his weapons and thick armor.
What do you think, FF?
And does anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions for him?
With Rhinox and Aurora both being medics (technically, Aurora is a medic in training, and she is also the Chief Biologist), having another medic on the Maximal team could be redundant. However, it would give Rhinox the opportunity to participate in more battles since I almost always have him stuck inside of the Axalon doing surgeries and repairs and all that. With Chen around, I could have Rhinox lean more toward the mechanical and science aspects of his engineering and put his medical skills on the back burner, so to speak. He could also perform medical emergencies on the battle field when necessary since Chen may not be willing to get involved in confrontations that will require him to use weapons.
I would prefer Chen have more than one skill/ability. He can be a genius in the medical field, but perhaps he could also be an amateur with reconnaissance? I'm sure he'd be very adept at climbing trees which would often give him a great vantage point while also providing him some great cover, and he would be stealthy doing it since he's a chimp and they're quite good climbers, very agile and quick swinging from tree to tree to either evade the enemy or keep up with them to keep an eye on them. He could very well gain new skills throughout the duration of the game too. I will likely have Optimus push him out of his comfort zone, and perhaps have someone train him on more recon or whatever other skill he might be interested in learning. It would only be more beneficial for Chen and the entire crew.
Chen could enter the game with no weapons, but maybe there would be a time that would force him to take up arms in order to defend himself or protect one of his comrades. It could make for some interesting character development with him. Of course, you would have to decide on what kind of weapon. Maybe he'd be great with something as simple as a staff? But that would almost always require close-range combat. Maybe some kind of energized revision of bow and arrows? Or if you want to keep him on the defensive side, he might have some kind of durable shield to use.
I'm hesitant about his intelligence and skill both sitting at 10, but I'm not sure how to justify it otherwise if he's supposed to be really good at what he does. I guess I just don't want to see perfection because all of them make mistakes. I wouldn't even accept Megatron and Optimus being rated at all tens like their toy bios suggest.

I will accept Optimus handpicking him for his Axalon crew like you stated in his bio, which will give them some history together and perhaps a friendship. We could easily work it in that Chen was meant to be his medic all along, but after losing him with aborting the stasis pods into Earth's orbit, Rhinox was given the status as their Chief Medical Officer since he already had some experience in that field and they needed one. With Chen returning, Rhinox could easily slip back into his engineering profession and also provide extra offense in the battle field considering his weapons and thick armor.
What do you think, FF?
And does anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions for him?
"Well, that's just prime!"
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 3247
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
- 19
- RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
- Location: Pennsylvania
Name: Rhinox
Current player: Optimal Optimus Primal
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Chief Medical Officer, Mechanical/Science Engineer, Miracle Worker
Alt. Mode: White Rhinoceros
Height: 8' 8" (?)
Quote: "Well, that's just dandy!"
Strength: 9
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 2
Endurance: 7
Rank: Second-in-Command
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Skill: 8
Rhinox is basically a gentle giant. He is the most level-headed Maximal on the team. No matter how chaotic and serious the situation gets, or how heated the battle becomes with the Predacons, he remains thoughtful, calm and calculated with his mind and actions. His age and experience offers wisdom and guidance for his friends (particularly Optimus) and fellow crew mates. Rhinox is a laid back, easygoing Maximal that isn't easily rattled, not even by Rattrap's jokes and antics. Unless, of course, the rodent's pranks cause harm to a fellow Maximal. He is responsible, professional and trustworthy.
Dual chain guns: Bullets that can pierce weak to moderate armor at high velocity.
Armor: It's thick and durable. Rhinox is capable of taking heavy hits before being critically wounded and will often use himself as a shield to protect his injured team mates.
Intelligence: He can think quickly on his feet and search for alternative avenues to effectively take out his enemy without having to expend too much energy and ammunition. It also makes him a great candidate for leadership despite his reluctance for the responsibility that comes with it.
Beast mode: Albeit slower than most, he can effortlessly ram through boulders head first, pick up and throw smaller bots with his head, and he can carry a couple lighter bots on his back or one heavier bot as transport.
Slow in speed: Because of his armor and robust build, Rhinox can not move quickly to avoid gun fire and close-range combat.
His chain guns: While impressive, they are bullet-based and can run out of ammunition quicker than those with energy- and plasma-based weapons. They can also overheat and get jammed.
Beast mode: Being a rhinoceros makes it nearly impossible to hold and handle objects with precision and accuracy.
(Work in progress...)
Current player: Optimal Optimus Primal
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Chief Medical Officer, Mechanical/Science Engineer, Miracle Worker
Alt. Mode: White Rhinoceros
Height: 8' 8" (?)
Quote: "Well, that's just dandy!"
Strength: 9
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 2
Endurance: 7
Rank: Second-in-Command
Courage: 8
Firepower: 6
Skill: 8
Rhinox is basically a gentle giant. He is the most level-headed Maximal on the team. No matter how chaotic and serious the situation gets, or how heated the battle becomes with the Predacons, he remains thoughtful, calm and calculated with his mind and actions. His age and experience offers wisdom and guidance for his friends (particularly Optimus) and fellow crew mates. Rhinox is a laid back, easygoing Maximal that isn't easily rattled, not even by Rattrap's jokes and antics. Unless, of course, the rodent's pranks cause harm to a fellow Maximal. He is responsible, professional and trustworthy.
Dual chain guns: Bullets that can pierce weak to moderate armor at high velocity.
Armor: It's thick and durable. Rhinox is capable of taking heavy hits before being critically wounded and will often use himself as a shield to protect his injured team mates.
Intelligence: He can think quickly on his feet and search for alternative avenues to effectively take out his enemy without having to expend too much energy and ammunition. It also makes him a great candidate for leadership despite his reluctance for the responsibility that comes with it.
Beast mode: Albeit slower than most, he can effortlessly ram through boulders head first, pick up and throw smaller bots with his head, and he can carry a couple lighter bots on his back or one heavier bot as transport.
Slow in speed: Because of his armor and robust build, Rhinox can not move quickly to avoid gun fire and close-range combat.
His chain guns: While impressive, they are bullet-based and can run out of ammunition quicker than those with energy- and plasma-based weapons. They can also overheat and get jammed.
Beast mode: Being a rhinoceros makes it nearly impossible to hold and handle objects with precision and accuracy.
(Work in progress...)
"Well, that's just prime!"
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 3247
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
- 19
- RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
- Location: Pennsylvania
Don't mind me, guys, I'm just doing some much-needed revising on my characters' profiles.
"Well, that's just prime!"