Members: gareth, Jagna, Safeguard, Arachnid Champion, Mr Lowery, Cubic Zirconia |
Quickstrike Quotes: "What in tarnation?!" "There is NOTHIN'
that crawls, walks, flies or swims that I'm afraid of!" "Destruction's good. I like destruction!" "Just keep jawin', wolfie, whiles you still got yourself a head!"
Quickstrike Goodies:
Reasons why we like Quickstrike: Jagna: "He is not the
immediate choice for fav character, but when you really think about it,
he has to be (one of) the best comic relief in Beast Wars...His accent
is the best, and his ruggedness is soooo cliché southern varmit-snatching
tin-horn bustin'...specialty that makes him a really fun character to
watch. His introduction proves that yu don't need Pred programming to
KICK BUTT! Arachnid Champion: Reasons: Safeguard: Quickstrike - a
trigger-happy cowboy with a funny accent. Besides, he isn't quite the
brightest bulb in the house... And he's a Fuzor... Fuzors are cool (my
favorite Fuzzies are actually Air Hammer and Sky Shadow). I don't
actually like scorpions, and I hate poisonous snakes, but I just love
the non-venomous ones. ...Plus his Japanese dub voice must be awesome,
because I have heard him as Aries Shion in Saint Seiya... and that
particular voice is very squeeable. Gareth: 1.he's not afraid of
anyone or anything Mr Lowery: You have to admit he was a total boob but he was hilarious! Loved his wacky accent and voice "Weeeeell, howdy!" He was treacherous, yet he wasn't smart or strong enough to pose a threat like Rampage or Blackarachnia. But wasn't he the only Maximal protoform to join the Predacons of his own freewill without being manipulated? That must say something about him!! Proves he must have been pretty evil! Still, an excellent character, he, Waspinator and Inferno playing cards together was just too funny! Cubic Zirconia: 1. He has the same accent I do, only
his is stronger and more cute! |