Dinobot's Dilemma

By: Sapphire

Authoress' Note:  We've all been there...and we've all wondered the same thing.... ;)

Fang looked up at her father who was sitting in his favourite chair.

 They were both in the lounge and her dad was absorbed in reading the newspaper article.

Fang had been troubled lately. Yes, she was new to the world and naturally, there were lots of questions to be asked, but a specific few had been bothering her especially.

She approached the grumbling raptor bot and looked at him with big blue goo-goo eyes.

The younger raptor bot said: "Daddy, where do I come from?"

Dinobot snorted.

Without putting his newspaper down he replied: "From your mother."

Fang nodded and was silent, when suddenly a new question entered her mind.



"Where did mommy come from?"

Dinobot sighed and turned the page of his newspaper. Still refusing to take his eyes away from it, he said:

"From her mother."


"Yes...Fang...?" Dinobot said, irritation in his voice.

"Where did grand mama come from, then?"

"Her mother and so on."

There was a long pause and Dinobot began to relax again and get back into the financial section of his newspaper.


Dinobot visibly shuddered and lowered his newspaper so Fang could see her father's annoyed face.

"What is it now, Fang?"

"Where did the very first mother come from?"

Dinobot rolled his eyes.


"Primus?" Fang enquired.

Dinobot's frustrated facial expression relaxed when he realized what he'd said.

"Yes...yes she came from Primus."



"Where did Primus come from?"

"Only he knows."

"Did Primus have a mommy?"

Dinobot looked lost for words and utterly exasperated.

"Uh...no...I...I don't know. Stop asking me questions and let me read my newspaper!"

Fang sighed and stood up.

"All right..." she said, sadly.

Dinobot lifted up his newspaper again with a grumble.

"Daddy...before I go, can I ask one last question?"

Dinobot was now on the brink of an emotional breakdown. 
His entire body was shuddering with explosive rage, but he managed to contain it.


Fang bit her lip and then with a serious face said: "If I came from mommy, and mommy came from grand mama and grand mama came from her mommy...then what on Cybertron do we need you for?"

Dinobot blinked. He opened his mouth...and then closed it...and then opened it and then
closed it again. He shifted uncomfortably and Fang swore he was blushing a little.

"Ask your mother."

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