Welcome to the Console.  This is a section of the site where you can put up any stories or Beast Wars fan fiction.  Below is an entrance to the Console Board where you can post your ideas.  This board is solely for fics/stories/poems.  The Fan Fiction/story doesn't have to be complete and you can use this section to put up any ideas, half-finished fics, poetry or Ponder Points.  This section will also be used by the Web Mistress when she feels like posting ideas for fics, poems and stories.  If you like a fan fic in the Console, you may respond to it but please stick to the topic of the fic you're commenting about.  This board was designed for stories and fics only.  If you posted a fic, got a good response and would like to see if officially archived in a section of your own, please email the Web Mistress stating which fic it is and the topic title so she can put it up for you on the weekend update.

Simple Rules:

No off-topic conversation.

No flaming, swearing or mention of anything of vulgar nature.

You can post anything up to the rating of 16 but if it needs a rating, please provide one.

Post what you want, when you want.  This is your access to the Console.


Site Design: Sapphire.  Created by: Hacker, Miss Special, Solar Blaze (HDW), Pacerpaw.  Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team. 

Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment.  We do not claim any rights to it.  This is a non-profit fansite.