Character of the Month
January 2002
TM2 Dinobot
Faction: Predacon
Gender: Male
Role in Beast Wars: Clone of original Dinobot. Fighter.
Animal: Raptor
Transformations: He was born as a transmetal.
His life
Transmetal 2 Dinobot had a rather short life. He was first shown in the episode Feral Scream pt 1, Season Three Beast Wars. This quiet fellow was a clone of the original Dinobot. Dinobot 1 was a Predacon warrior who was a great fighter. He joined the Maximals, however, and fought by their side 'til his dying day. Megatron, leader of the Preds, knew Dinobot was a strong fighter so when he decided to make a new Predacon, he used his old comrade's DNA and transmetalified (if there is such a word!) the new Dinobot he created. He gave his new creation a spark. Half of Rampage's spark. (Rampage was virtually invincible, so he could live with half a spark.) TM2 Dinobot was created on a dark and stormy night by Megatron and his helper, Waspinator, much the way Frankenstein's Monster was created by Igor and Frankenstein. The metal monster had little to say in the series and had few scenes in which to show his strength. He shone in battle with TM2 Cheetor when both fought in beast mode. but then again, so did TM2 Cheetor. they were equally matched. TM2 Dinobot had to run away when Rattrap and Silverbolt arrived. Now, if the original Dinobot's treachery was anything to go by, Megs really should have thought before he made Timmy (Nickname I use for TM2 Dinobot.) Later in the series, as Megatron was about to blow up the Ark (new Maximal base) and all its occupants with a new found fighter ship (called the Nemesis) Timmy sent emergency class data to the Maximals's ship computer telling them that 'Hey! You losers can fight back with this new and unopened mini space ship inside your very own home! Get all this for the small price of possibly getting yourself killed or badly injured!' in other words, he told them about a mini ship they had concealed within in the Ark. Rhinox boarded the ship, flew it through the Nemesis (Megs splatted on the mini ship's window like a bug) and the Nemesis blew up and crashed with the savior of the day inside. So who was responsible for the the Maximals survival and victory? As Rattrap put it 'Chopper Face's clone! Who'd have thought.' And quite honestly, I didn't picture the end of the Beast Wars coming out quite the way it did when the series first began in 1997. Thanks TM2 Dinobot. We love you!
His Achievements:
Being the first really nasty looking Predacon.
Not imitating Dinobot too much.
Providing some cool fights with TM2 Cheetor, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt.
Showing some intelligence.
Laughing once!
Best Achievement: Saving the hides of all the Maximals and ending the Beast Wars.
Thanks TM2 Dinobot for not ending the series in an utterly corny way and providing some relief for heart-sore Dinobot 1 fans!