Character of the Month
April 2002
Faction: Predacon
Gender: Male
Role in Beast Wars: Frightened everybody
Animal: Crab
Transformations: He had three modes: beast, robot and tank mode.
His life
Rampage was the bane of Depth Charge's existence. He was the result of a stupid experiment in which they tried to clone Starscream's spark and put it in a Maximal. As those of you who have seen Rampage will know, it didn't result the way the scientists had hoped. Thank goodness! Rampage was an interesting character, to say the least. Although a little savage, as when he broke free at the base on Omicron he destroyed everyone there, except one: Depth Charge. Rampage was caught again, and since his spark was indestructible he was protoformed and flung into a stasis pod, put on the Axalon and was sent of to be dumped somewhere far, far away so little kids on Cybertron wouldn't have nightmares. Depth Charge wasn't happy with this idea and went searching for him to kill him. Rampage was one of the ejected stasis pods of the Axalon when it crashed on Earth and he arrived on Earth in the episode cruelly named 'Bad Spark'. He was found by the Maximals, who were later joined by the Predacons. The Maximals thought he was dead, but they were blown away by an energon storm and those who weren't went back to base. Rampage got out, dismantled Tarantulas and tried to eat Silverbolt (who was swept off in the storm with Blackarachnia). Blackarachnia tried to stop him, he shot her, and was about to finish what he had started with the bird-dog when Optimus and Cheetor arrived and pushed him down a cliff. That was not the last of him, of course. Megatron found him, unconscious, and cut out the core of his spark, put it in a little spark cage and threatened to squeeze the spark (causing the crab much pain) if Rampage didn't do as he commanded. Unhappily, Rampage was forced to join Meg's side, even though he wanted to be his own guy. I mean, he didn't want much, old Rampage. He just wanted to hang out, have a swim, eat a transformer every now and then. He wasn't asking a lot! Anyway, Depth Charge crashed his ship on earth and the first thing he did when he landed on earth was go looking for Rampage. Rampage found him first. They tussled, Depth Charge almost won but Quickstrike saved the day. Rampage got away, but the feud continued over many days. Whenever they met, they fought. Rampage actually sensed DC coming, so to this day fan fic writers believe he has some psychological powers. Who knows? If he did have such clairvoyance, then I'd really like him around the night before a math test, but that's beside the point. Rampage met his end after a good lot of very entertaining fights when Depth Charge stabbed him in the spark with a stick of raw energon. This killed them both. Sad, wasn't it? Rampage's legacy lives on, though. You can find him (them, there are Rampages from every fic written) at the bar at the Realm of Insanity. But make sure if you want to go sit somewhere and chat with him, that he's far away from a table with one or more Depth Charges. They have a tendency to hate each other.
His Achievements:
Being the first underwater bot in the Beast Wars!
Actually lasting a long time in a fight.
Presenting entertaining combats with Depth Charge.
Having a gorgeously classical evil laugh.
Having relatively good lines.
Not constantly trying to overthrow Megatron, nor being blindly loyal. He was his own crab.
Presenting a new side to the Beast Wars!
Keep on cackling, Rampage!