Beast Wars Collide!!  

Ice Queen (Tallen)


"Kristal, Max come on get UP!!!! You're going to be late for your swimming race, and summer camp!!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm up! Give me some time to get out of bed! Will you?" I yelled back and fell out of bed. *THUMP!* (I misjudged the distance between me and the edge of the bed.)

"You okay Kit?" Max, my twin brother, said from the next room.

"Kiy'm cal krights!" I said from under the covers. "Kiy dit jibs con chi bizzchy-choom!" Translation: I'm all right! I get dibs on the busy-room!!

I crawled out from under the covers and threw them on my bed. After putting on my 'Spanish Eyes' CD I cranked up the volume. I threw a pair of jeans onto my bed, almost got stuck in my closet (Scary) when I grabbed my swimsuit and coat. I was dressed, into my jewelry, and out of the busy-room in record time.

I went to my pc. "Kay let's save this and…"

All of the sudden a loud sound came from outside, *RUMBLE/BOOM!!!!*

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Max and I screamed at the same time. "MOM WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!!!"

"Just thunder Kids," she replied.

"Thunder?? Did the lighting hit my room??" I asked.

"No Kit," she said

"It sure sounded like it did," I said aloud to myself. "Now I have to turn off the pc, or it might overload and I would lose all of my homework and everything else."

"Max, Kit, turn off your computers!" Flash, our older brother, yelled at us. "And get ready for camp!"

"Go climb a tree Flash..." I replied.

"And fall out!" Max finished

"Don't you think we know that!?" I yelled.

I threw on my four camp bags (Shoulder bag, handbag, sleeping bag, and back-pack) and went to go turn off my computer. *RUMBLE!!* "That time it had to hit the house," I said.

I went to my pc to turn it off when, *CRACK/BOOM!!!*, Lighting hit the house for real! And I had my hand on the computer when electricity went zooming through my pc and shot me away.

In a word,


The computer screen went black, "Oh, no!" I cried. Then the screen stared to glow white. "What the heck?" I reached out with my free hand and touched the screen (yeah, yeah I know, that wasn't too smart), all of a sudden it got brighter and I was sucked in.


I was in a different room. Every thing was white and I was floating in the middle of the room wide eyed. It looked like there was techno stuff on the edges of the place. One wall went clear, like a screen, I saw the Earth in space. Then the screen turned to the stars and went to hyper speed. It stopped at a different planet that looked like Earth. Than without warning I fell and every thing went blurry.

"Ouchys!!" I said. I was in a tree! A big tree! My bracelet was caught on a branch somewhere above my head and my shoulder bag was on the ground with the handbag.

Then, just my luck, a branch snapped and I fell to the ground, on my back.

"Am I seeing stars?" @_@ I got up slowly and looked around. I was on a hill, and other than the tree it was bare.

I felt something heavy on my neck and looked down. There was a necklace with a strange looking crystal. What the? It was shaped like a teardrop and it was as big as my palm but it had corners on it, so it wasn't round but close. It also had strange symbols on it, which were black.

Just then something zoomed past my head, I jumped out of the way, the thing hit the tree and blew a hole through it O_O. "Aaahh." I went to my knees and covered my head with my hands. I grabbed my bags and crawled as fast as I could to some rocks 5 meters away, and hid.

What was that!?

"Quickstrike! You idiot the Maximals are over there." The voice sounded like Megatron from, Beast Wars.


What?! Megatron!? Quickstrike?! Maximals?!? Beast Wars?!?!! But Beast Wars is a T.V. show....

Isn't it?

I moved to a different spot so I could see what was going on. I peeked out from behind the rock to see, nothing? Where did that shot come from? I looked around to find that the shot came from down hill, towards what I think is the south. I heard more shots being fired down there. I wanted to leave, but something made me want to go see what was going on. Like always my curiosity got the better of me.

"Someday my curiosity is going to get me in big trouble with a capital 'T'." I said.

When I got to the area I hid behind some rocks. Before I looked around a rock I quickly stuffed my handbag in the shoulder bag and hooked the sleeping bag to the backpack. I put my 2 bags down and peeked over the rock and saw... Transmetal and Transmetal 2 Maximals and Predacons fighting!?!?

Am I seeing things?

*Pinch myself.* Ouch!

Not dreaming. Then this is--

*Pinch* Ow!


"Give up Megatron! You'll never win!" Optimus said.

"On the contrary Optimus, you Maximals haven't seen our new toys," Megatron said. "Inferno, Tarantulas fire the cannons! Hahahaha!"

"Oh no," Cheetor said.

"Let's get out of here," Rattrap said.

"For once I agree with the mouse. (WoW! Somebody get the record books!)" Depth Charge said as he and the rest of the Maximals ducked for cover just as Inferno fired a cannon. The energy blast took a good foot off the top of the rock that Depth Charge and Rattrap were hiding behind.

"We have to hold on," Optimus said.

"That's easier said than, Aaahhh!" Rattrap said and ducked as a blast went by.

I watched for a while, toward the end the Maximals were losing the battle!

"I need to help them somehow, but how can I?" I asked myself. "If I go out there I'll get more hurt than them."

The crystal on my necklace started to glow, and I looked at it.

"What the...?"

It had a symbol on it that looked familiar. Hmmm. The one on Serena's transforming brooch! Being a big Sailor Moon fan as well as a Beast Wars fan, I decided to be a little silly and said, quietly, so not to attract attention, "Moon Cosmic Crystal Power!" (I added crystal because it was a crystal not a brooch.) That phrase flipped my normal life upside down forever! (Not that any of this is normal though.) I felt energy run through me as the crystal transformed me! I was momentarily blinded as I transformed. When I could see again I looked at my hands and arms which were black with red strips. My legs were like a tiger's (sort-of). I was half Transmetal and half tiger (weeell that's what it looks like) I was standing up tall (compared to what I used to be) and had a tail like a whip. I looked at the battlefield.



The next thing:

I was between the Maximals and Predacons with a big ball of energon. I threw it at the Predacons, "Ha! Never mess with Maximals!" I said and snapped my tail with a *Crack!* the blast exploded the canons and sent the Preds over the horizon. I smiled happily.

I feel great!! I just took on all the Preds! Hahahahahaha!

I stood for a minute while the Maximals picked themselves up. Then without warning my transform gave out, I was back to being a teenage girl and went to my knees drained of energy.

I don't feel so good. "Owey, backlash gives hurts." I said in my G1 Dinobot impassion.

The Maximals came over and helped me to my feet.

"You ok kid?" Depth Charge asked. He looked a little concerned. (*?*)

"I don't know." I replied. Oh-Glitch he's cuter in person then on T.V. What am I thinking!? He's a transformer I'm not! Am I?

"Thank you for saving us." Optimus said.

"You're welcome. Those creeps had an unfair advantage. I had to help somehow, that's how I-" I stopped. I didn't have enough energy left to stay up I clasped and blacked out. I don't know who it was but one of Maximals caught me as I fell.


When I woke up I saw that I was in quarters of my own. I could tell because my bags were here.

"How did she know about us?" Cheetor said.

"And where did the kid come from?" Rattrap asked.

"Well where ever she came from, we have to send her back. She'll be nothing but trouble for us." Depth Charge said.

Hey, what a coincidence that's what my dad and uncle call me, "Trouble with a capital 'T'." They would say. Hey there's my BSB CD! I thought as I went through my things and listened.

"No! She's too valuable to us. You saw that energon blast." Silverbolt said.

Oh Glitch! My IN-J book is missing! (The Official Book of Insults and Jerks.) I think I know who took it. An oversized raaattt!!

"What worries me is the way she collapsed. She was completely drained of energy. I'm surprised she stayed upright for long as she did." Rhinox commented.


"Hmm. Cheetor, well you go see if our guest is up yet?" Optimus asked.

"If you ask me, I think she'll be out for anther cycle or 2." Rattrap said.

No one asked yooou stealer of my book!

"No one asked you mouse." Depth Charge said.

Whoa that's creepy. Hey where's my 'Know your enemies' book!? Did Rattrap take it?

"Don't you have garbage to eat Rattrap?" Cheetor said.

Hehhehheh! That's a good one.

"I'll be right back." Cheetor said.

O.K. I went to my 'bed' leaned up against it and faced the door. Cheetor opened it a moment later.

"Oh! You're up." He said. "How long..."

"Cinco minutes." I cut him off, "Where the heck am I? And who in the known world are you?"

I really knew the answers, but if he and the others know that in my world that the Beast Wars are just a T.V. show... Well I don't think it will go over so well.

"My name's Cheetor, you're in our base." He said. "And who are you?"

"Kristal with a 'K'. I'm like my name and not." I said and smiled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I said. Like crystals I have lots of life energy, and I'm not as fragile as it might suggest. (I ran my thumb along my scare on my cheek and jaw)." I said and looked around, "It also matches my disruption in life, carefree and energetic.

"Well Kristal, I think Optimus will like to meet you." Cheetor said

"Who?" I know, I know, but if I don't act like this... Who knows what will happen! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! I hate myself!

"My commander."

"Oh." I really hate myself!!!!!!

I followed Cheetor to the main room. When we got there the others looked at me in surprise.

"Hey kid you alright?" Rattrap asked me.

"I'll be better if I had my books back Ratface." I said.

Depth Charge hit Rattrap in the back of he's head.

"Owe! Ok! Jezz! Here." He handed me my books. I took them back and smiled.

"Thank you." Well I got my books back I should be thankful. NOT!!! MY BOOKS! NOT HIS! He can get his OWN!

Cheetor took me up the robo-lift thingy to the others.

"I'd like to thank you again...What's your name?" Optimus said.

"Kristal, with a 'K'." I replied.

"Well Kristal, thank you." Optimus said.

"You're welcome." I said in Spanish.

"What did you just say?" Rhinox said.

"You're welcome (Spanish)." I said, "It means 'You're welcome' in Spanish."

O.K. I'm getting tired of saying 'You're welcome'. Glitch! I said it again!

"Spanish?" Depth Charge asked.

"Different language, my brothers and I are an half Spanish." I explained.

"So where'd you come from?" Rattrap asked.

"Paradise Lake, U.S.A." I said, "It's by the equator in the Pacific."

"It sounds like a nice place." Silverblot said.

"It is." I said remembering the lake itself and all the beautiful things in and out of it.

Optimus turned towards me. Oh-Glitch! He's bigger in person then in the T.V. show! He said, "Well Kristal, welcome to the Beast Wars." and offered me his hand; I slapped it friendly, and smiled.

Whoa that's creepy! Now I know what it feels to be a shrimp.

"Glad to be here." I said in Spanish. They have no idea How glad I am to be here! "Thank you so much whoever sent me here!" That was in Spanish so no one would understand me!  




For now anyway!


Like it? Hate it? Want to know happens in the 'Valley of Memories?' Send comments to me at ^_^ thanks for reading!