Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Worse Art, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: Predacon Headquarters. TERRORSAUR and FRACTYL, robot mode, stand talking to their current leader, TRANSQUITO. As we open, we hear TERRORSAUR growl.

TERRORSAUR (grumbling): This is stupid, Transquito. These patrols are wearing us down. I haven't had a recharge in three days.

FRACTYL: Not to mention that I'm not even supposed to be on patrol. I'm a scientist, and I've got a great deal of research to work through.

TRANSQUITO: Since when have my orders been subject to debate?

TERRORSAUR: Since they've been stupid orders, Transquito. If I fight a Maximal now I'll be out of power before I fire the first shot.

TRANSQUITO (angered): My orders stand, Terrorsaur. Get out there, the both of you, while you're heads are attached to your bodies.

TERRORSAUR: Slag off! I'm leaving this chicken-slag outfit.

FRACTYL: As am I, sir.

TRANSQUITO: Is that so?

JETSTORM, robot mode, comes in from the back, followed quickly by TARANATULAS, also in robot mode. As they enter, FRACTYL betrays a nervous look.

TRANSQUITO: Jetstorm, Tarantulas, these two have decided to give up being Predacons. Terminate the traitors.

JETSTORM begins to step over as TERRORSAUR and FRACTYL pull out their guns. Fortunately for all, TARANTULAS steps forward.

TARANTULAS: Commander, this isn't needed. The two fliers merely need to blow off some steam. Our situation has been chaotic, and they've not adapted yet.

TRANSQUITO: Are you saying that I should ignore this treachery?

TARANTULAS: No. Not at all. The two fliers and I merely need to talk, Commander.

TRANSQUITO (grumbling): Very well, Tarantulas. Just get them out of my sight.

TARANTULAS: Of course.

Cut to: Predacon Hallway. TARANTULAS, FRACTYL, and TERRORSAUR, all in robot mode, emerge from the command center. TERRORSAUR still looks upset.

TERRORSAUR: How can you stand that-- insect? He's obnoxious and even stupider than Megatron?

TARANTULAS, without a another word, grabs TERRROSAUR by the neck and hefts him up.

TERRORSAUR (gagging): What--

TARANTULAS: Right now I need that idiot in Command, flier. If you blow this for me, I'll feed on your scales for the next few weeks. Understand?

FRACTYL: What are you saying?

TERRORSAUR (nodding): I get it...

TARANTULAS drops TERRORSAUR firmly. The flier stands quickly and dusts himself off.

TERRORSAUR: You want him to screw things up so you can take command away from him with everyone else on your side. I like it.

TARANTULAS: You've got a narrow vision.

FRACTYL (skeptically): Does he?

The spider-bot moves to his lab, followed quickly by the two fliers. He opens a panel and reveals a REPROGRAMMING DEVICE.

FRACTYL: Wait, I thought the Maximals destroyed that.

TARANTULAS: They destroyed the working model, not the prototype.

TERRORSAUR: Working model? It didn't do anything.

TARANTULAS: You're wrong. The model worked. Transquito fell for an old switch-routine. This device does work, as it's intended. And the three of us will use it.

FRACTYL: Without Transquito's knowledge?

TARANTULAS: Tell me, Fractyl, do you wish to serve under him much longer?

FRACTYL (stiffening): No.

TARANTULAS: We will use this device to have the Maximals follow our bidding, and destroy Transquito for us. If they succeed, I will assume command. If they fail, then we've only to smelt dead Maximals.

TERRORSAUR: Sounds like a plan. I'm in.

FRACTYL: It pains me, but I agree.

We close up on TARANTULAS, who laughs quietly.

Cut to: Rocky plains. BONECRUSHER and CHEETOR, both in beast mode, move through the area together. BONECRUSHER'S snorts clearly fill the air.

BONECRUSHER (annoyed): This patrol is a waste of time. There are Predacons to be beaten.

CHEETOR: You've been saying that for the past several cycles. We've only got a few more spots to check out before we head back to base.

BONECRUSHER: And do what, polish my hooves? I am a warrior, why do I not fight?

CHEETOR: And Optimus says that I'm impulsive. Things are too screwed up in Pred-ville to risk a fight. So, right now, we just stay back and make sure our own tails are covered.

BONECRUSHER: Right. Meanwhile my circuits fail from inactivity. I need to fight!

CHEETOR: Get over it, Bonecrusher. We've got work to do.

BONECRUSHER: We've got fighting to do, wimp. Bonecrusher Maximize.

CHEETOR (stammering): What are you doing?

BONECRUSHER transforms as CHEETOR starts to step back. The larger Maximal rears back his fist to smash into CHEETOR, but the cheetah form is much too quick for him, and dodges away.

BONECRUSHER: Come on and fight. If I have to listen to you, you better earn the right to talk.

CHEETOR: You've got some serious programming problems, pal.

BONECRUSHER (laughing): Brave words for someone running away.

CHEETOR (goaded): Yeah, how about this?

CHEETOR turns and leaps forward, toppling over BONECRUSHER. BONECRUSHER turns to punch again, but already CHEETOR has leaped away.

CHEETOR: Too slow, Bison-brain? Come on, you want to hit me, you try to catch me.

BONECRUSHER (cheering): That's the spirit I've been looking for.

As BONECRUSHER is about to take another swing, a laser blast appears right in front of his feet. We pan over and see TERRORSAUR and FRACTYL rushing down. TERRORSAUR is in robot mode, already firing, as FRACTYL transforms.

FRACTYL: Fractyl Terrorize!

CHEETOR: All right, looks like the Preds sent us some playmates.

BONECRUSHER: Good, against them, I don't have to hold back.

CHEETOR transforms as FRACTYL moves around hit BONECRUSHER with a few small shots. BONECRUSHER appears totally unfazed.

FRACTYL: Careful, Terrorsaur, we know nothing about the large one.

TERRORSAUR: He's large, he's a Maximal. He's just an easy target.

BONECRUSHER: You are as stupid as I've heard Terrorsaur. Larger can also mean more damage.

BONECRUSHER looks up and spits, sending a powerful missile into TERRORSAUR. The flier gets hit hard as the blast rips into his chest. TERRORSAUR lets out a pained screech as FRACTYL takes the moment to hit BONECRUSHER some more.

CHEETOR: Come on guys, you're forgetting about me!

BONECRUSHER: They just don't see you as a threat.

As CHEETOR begins to make a comment, he falls over face first. Looking behind him, we see TARANTULAS, robot mode, towing him with his tether.

TARNATULAS: Hello, kitty. Time to start your new career.

CHEETOR: I don't think so, Pred.

CHEETOR turns to fire on TARANTULAS, but the spider is ready, and levels the REPROGRAMMING DEVICE at him. CHEETOR stops in his attack, and starts to glaze over in his expression.

TARNATULAS: Soon, Maximal, you'll be the first to join my army of Predacons.

BONECRUSHER (concerned): Cheetor!

FRACTYL moves in behind BONECRUSHER, but his weak guns simply do not penetrate the Maximal's armor. BONECRUSHER quickly fires on TARANTULAS, his spitting missile slamming into the spider hard, sending him back, dropping the REPROGRAMMNIG DEVICE.

CHEETOR: What-- is happening to me?

BONECRUSHER: I've got you kid.

BONECRUSHER fires into the device, which explodes. The brilliant explosion covers both Maximals for a second as CHEETOR leaps away. He turns back and sees BONECRUSHER fall, the light dimming from his eyes. CHEETOR turns, as he sees several energon crystals around him.

CHEETOR (gasping): Oh no. Bonecrusher!

BONECRUSHER (covered in energon sparks): Beast mode.

BONECRUSHER transforms back to bison mode as TARANTULAS, FRACTYL and TERRORSAUR step forward. TARANTULAS does not look pleased.

TARANTULAS: A megacycle of research gone, Maximals. This effort's been wasted.

SHADOW PANTHER (off camera): No, it hasn't, Tarantulas.

All are surprised to see a dark black duplicate of Cheetor emerge from the smoking Energon. SHADOW PANTHER, robot mode, steps forward. CHEETOR stammers back and the others raise their weapons on the new arrival.

SHADOW PANTHER: In fact, for you, I would say that today is a good day.

We focus in on SHADOW PANTHER, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Worse Art, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

Fade In: SHADOW PANTHER, robot mode, stands above the fallen best form of BONECRUSHER. CHEETOR, robot mode, steps back as TARANTULAS, FRACTYL, and TERRRORSAUR are shocked at the appearance of the newcomer.

TARANTULAS: Who are you?

SHADOW PANTHER: The Maximal's dark side. You may call me Shadow Panther.

TARANTULAS: You are a Predacon?


FRACTYL: The device worked after all.

TERRORSAUR: Right, we meant for that to happen.

TARANTULAS: The energon explosion must have altered the function of the machine. A pity, that we cannot easily duplicate this phenomena.

TERRORSAUR: I don't buy it. For all we know this is just a dark furred Maximal.

FRACTYL: Agreed.

SHADOW PANTHER: You doubt me?

TARANTULAS: Wouldn't you? But you can prove yourself. Terminate these two Maximals. They are damaged, and will not be difficult to slay.

SHADOW PANTHER merely nods and levels his cannon to BONECRUSHER's unconscious beast form. CHEETOR raises his own gun but is too late, SHADOW PATHER callously fires, burning BONECRUSHER's helpless body into oblivion.

CHEETOR (screaming): No!

CHEETOR fires at SHADOW PANTHER, who nimbly dodges the incoming blast. The other three Predacons raises their weapons, and begin to fire as well. CHEETOR fires twice more, but is forced to return to beast mode, and make a break for it.

TARANTULAS: After him. We can't let him escape.

FRACTYL: Hold. Transquito is coming, he must have detected the energon explosion.

TARANTULAS: Perfect. Shadow Panther, pursue Cheetor, then contact me. You fliers keep your beaks shut and let me do the talking.

SHADOW PANTHER transforms to panther mode and begins to chase after CHEETOR. CHEETOR stumbles in his blind run as SHADOW PANTHER very smoothly chases after him.

CHEETOR (panting): I'm still faster than you.

SHADOW PANTHER: Faster, maybe, but not smarter.

SHADOW PANTHER fades from view, right in front of CHEETOR. CHEETOR's eyes widen as the panther disappears. A second later, the beast appears behind him. CHEETOR starts to leap, but SHADOW PANTHER proves quick enough, and rakes the Maximal.

CHEETOR: Cheetor Maximize!

CHEETOR begins to transform as laser blasts from above appear. Looking up, CHEETOR can see OPTIMUS PRIMAL, robot mode, rushing down, weapons firing loosely around CHEETOR and his attacker. SHADOW PANTHER roars upward once, and stalks away.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Cheetor, what's going on? Who was that? More importantly, where's Bonecrusher? I lost his transponder signal on the way out here.

CHEETOR (broken): Bonecrusher... was terminated. You've got to get that Predacon, Optimus. He killed him. Wasn't even a fight, just shot him down in cold fuel.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: I'm not scanning any Predacons for a few kilometers, Cheetor. All I saw was that panther on you, and now I can't even scan him out.

CHEETOR: You have to get him, Optimus... I...

CHEETOR falls some as energy discharge appears around him. He passes out as OPTIMUS reaches him.

OPTIMUS: Only thing I can do now is get you home to the CR chamber.

OPTIMUS takes CHEETOR and leaves.

Cut to: Predacons at the blast sight. JETSTORM and TRANSQUITO, both in beast mode, arrive and hover near. TARANTULAS stands in beast mode, waiting. FRACTYL, robot mode, can be seen attending to TERRORSAUR'S wounds.

TRANSQUITO (angered): Such defiance. Why have you taken these two from their assigned duties?

TARANTULAS: We were discussing matters, as I told you.

TRANSQUITO: For so long? Not likely. What happened here? I detected a mild energon explosion.

TARANTULAS: There was a battle. Two Maximals were patrolling near here. The one called Bonecrusher attacked us, and we retaliated. That Maximal has been made permanently inoperative.

TRANSQUITO (darkly): And what of the other one?

TRANSQUITO transforms and lands, with JETSTORM moving in right behind him.

TARANTULAS, for the moment, does not answer.

TRANSQUITO: I asked you a question, Tarantulas? What happened to the other one?

TARANTULAS: He was heavily injured, but he may have still escaped.

TRANSQUITO (growling): You let him escape?

FRACTYL: Cheetor, even by our own accounts, is extremely fast and nimble. He would have been difficult to pursue.

TRANSQUITO: You could have flown after him, Fractyl. Or has the incompetence that plaques these Predacons affected you as well?

FRACTYL (snapping): Terrorsaur was heavily injured. I stopped to help him.

TRANSQUITO: Terrorsaur should have been more careful then. He deserved what he got.

FRACTYL: What are you saying? He just got injured in battle that's all. You've got no call to -

TRANSQUITO looks over and fires, sending a blast into FRACTYL. FRACTYL screams out and falls as the impact hits him hard. TARANTULAS looks stunned a long moment as TRANSQUITO composes himself.

TRANSQUITO: Jetstorm, take the two fliers and place them alongside Megatron. We don't need these fools.

TARANTULAS: What are you doing?

TRANSQUITO: I punish incompetence, Tarantulas. You failed to terminate a Maximal. I will discuss this matter at base. Jetstorm, report to me when you have completed your task.

TRANSQUITO leaps to the air, and flies out. TARANTULAS tightens his pinchers as JETSTORM moves to finish his work. As JETSTORM moves near, however, SHADOW PANTHER, robot mode, appears behind him, and fires. JETSTORM falls from the blast, and turns to engage in combat. SHADOW PANTHER is already prepared, and fires again, piercing JETSTORM'S armor and sending him down. SHADOW PANTHER fires once more, finishing the Predacon warrior off for good.

SHADOW PANTHER (grimly): One less obstacle.

TARANTULAS: He's mad. Worse than I had calculated. I don't have time to devise a new scheme. Transquito must be destroyed.

Cut to: Maximal Headquarters. RHINOX and OPTIMUS, each in robot mode, stand in the command center. Both look concerned.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: You've read his report. Is it possible?

RHINOX: Judging from the device we've captured from Tarantulas, what Cheetor described is possible, but the odds against it are difficult to calculate. It's as if this world was designed to make these sorts of occurrences happen.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: That's a distinct possibility. Cheetor going to be okay?

RHINOX: He took some contamination damage, but nothing the chamber can't fix quickly enough. We should send out Airazor to recover Bonecrusher, however.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (grimly): I wish there were a need for it, Rhinox. Bonecrusher is gone. That new Predacon killed him in cold blood. Worse yet, according to Cheetor, Shadow Panther even has the old power of invisibility.

RHINOX: So, the Predacons have a new assassin, possibly armed from Cheetor's knowledge, and with the darkest parts of his personality.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: That's about the size of it. Any ideas?

RHINOX: I'll begin work on a way to make the rest of us immune to Tarantulas's new toy. Other than that, I'm not sure to make out what's going through the Predacons' cerebral circuits.

Cut to Predacon Command: TRANSQUITO, beast mode, arrives as WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW step forward, each in robot mode.

BUZZ SAW: Boss-bot not look happy. Boss-bot upset as Buzz Saw?

WASPINATOR: Waspinator serve well. Waspinator good Predacon.

TRANSQUITO: No. You're failures. Look at you, weak, catering to me like a scraplet. You have thus far failed to succeed in destroying a single Maximal despite your constant patrols. You disgust me.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator not find any Maximals. Waspinator can't destroy what he can't find.

TRANSQUITO (angered): Silence, Waspinator. The two of you leave me. Just leave. I'll decide what to do about you later.

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw not understand, Buzz Saw do his job well.

TRANSQUITO (roaring): Leave!

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw now returning to patrol.

BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR convert to their beast forms and head out quickly.

TRANSQUITO returns to robot mode and takes the seat on the command chair.

TRANSQUITO: Fools, cowards all of them. If the Maximals weren't here I would scrap them all.

Cut to: Hallway. TERRORSAUR and FRACTYL are being hefted into the ship by TARANTULAS as WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW arrive, buzzing about in beast mode.

BUZZ SAW: Squito-Bot is crazy. Squito-bot kills us all.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator not like Squito-bot. Waspinator want new leader.

TARANTULAS: Both of you be quiet and give me a hand with these.

WASPINATOR: Spider has fliers? Where's dragon-bot?

TARANTULAS: He didn't have Transquito to order him around so he got lost. Get these two to the Recovery Chamber. I will speak with Transquito.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator think spider silly, but okay.

WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW transform to robot mode, and lighten TARANTULAS'S burden. TARNATULAS transforms to robot mode and heads to his lab. He closes and seals the door as he enters.

TARANTULAS: Perhaps something into his energon rations would make him docile enough.

TARANTULAS quickly grabs something from a near table and moves to leave. The doors, however, do not open.

COMPUTER: Unit, Tarantulas. Access denied.

TARANTULAS: What? This is my door. Let me out.

COMPUTER: Security codes have been overridden. Unit, Tarantulas. Access denied.

TARANTULAS: That witch? Where is Blackarachnia?

COMPUTER: Blackarachnia is on patrol in sector Zeta.

TARANTULAS (dawning): IF not her, then oh no.

Cut to: Hallway. Lazorbeak, robot mode, stands relaxing against a door. Something makes a sound, and he turns to look.

LAZORBEAK: What? I must be hearing things. Jetstorm still hasn't arrived yet, and my circuits are getting glitches from waiting.

SHADOW PANTHER (invisible): You're not getting glitches. You heard me.

LAZORBEAK'S optics widen as SHADOW PANTHER appears before him. The flier reaches for his weapon, but SHADOW PANTHER knocks him out cold.

SHADOW PANTHER: Don't worry, Lazorbeak. There's only one more Predacon dying today. And it won't be you.

SHADOW PANTHER opens the door, revealing the broken forms of SCORPONOK, INFERNO, and MEGATRON. SHADOW PANTHER activates a switch, and power starts to flow through cables connecting to them.

SHADOW PANTHER: Today has been a good day, oh yes.

SHADOW PANTHER steps back from his handiwork as the three damaged and indisposed Predacons come back on line. We close up on MEGATRON, then fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Worse Art, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

Fade In: Predacon Headquarters. TRANSQUITO, robot mode, is struggling over a command console, which beeps and whirs in protest as he attempts to use it.

TRANSQUITO: What's wrong you slaggin' thing? Why won't you tell me where my troops are?

COMPUTER: Unit, Transquito is not recognized as Predacon Command. Access is denied.

TRANSQUITO: I am Predacon leader. Obey me.

COMPUTER: Predacon leader is currently Megatron.

TRANSQUITO: That's old data.

MEGATRON (off Camera): Old, but not inaccurate, no.

TRANSQUITO (fearful): Megatron!

TRANSQUITO turns in fear as he sees INFERNO, SCORPONOK, and MEGATRON, each in beast mode and fully repaired. INFERNO inches forward, ready to attack.

MEGATRON (darkly): There's no need for that, Inferno, no. Megatron, terrorize.

TRANSQUITO takes a nervous step back as MEGATRON transforms. INFERNO and SCORPONOK both transform as well, but remain behind waiting.

TRANSQUITO: I'll crush Tarantulas for letting you out, as soon as I'm done with you.

MEGATRON: A foolish boast, yes. For the only one finished here, Transquito is you.

MEGATRON fires, the powerful blast smashing TRANSQUITO. TRANSQUITO stammers from the blast, and tries to right himself to counter, but MEGATRON is too fast. MEGATRON rushes forward, throwing his claw into TRANSQUITO's chest, shattering it.

MEGATRON: This will be short, yes.

TRANSQUITO returns the fight, firing once from his spitting missiles into MEGATRON'S chest. MEGATRON stammers back once, giving TRANSQUITO time to fire again. The second blast sends MEGATRON off his feet. SCORPONOK rushes forward.

MEGATRON: No, Scorponok, he is mine and mine alone.

MEGATRON moves to one knee, and fires. TRANSQUITO gets hit by the blast into his now-vulnerable chest. TRANSQUITO falls back, and is about to fire, but MEGATRON reaches him, ready to strike again.

TRANSQUITO: You will not defeat me. I will...

MEGATRON: You will die, Transquito, oh yes. I will waste no more energy on you.

MEGATRON steps forward, grabbing TRANSQUITO's head with the DINO-CANNON arm, and lifts him off the ground. SCORPONOK averts his eyes, knowing what's coming. TRANSQUITO, for the first time, shakes.

TRANSQUITO (fearful): Have mercy on me, Megatron.

MEGATRON: As you wish.

MEGATRON fires his cannon. We do not directly see the results. We do not need to.

SCORPONOK: What are your orders, leader?

MEGATRON (darkly): Assemble all Predacons, and dispose of that wreck.

SCORPONOK (eager): As you command, Megatron.

Cut to: Tarantulas's Lab. TARANTULAS is busy on his computer, fuming. The computer at first seems to be giving him trouble. As the Predacon gives up, it suddenly chirps.

COMPUTER: Access returned to unit, Tarantulas.

TARANTULAS (musing): It's over then.

COMPUTER: All Predacons are ordered to Command Center.


As TARANTULAS moves to his door, he sees SHADOW PANTHER, robot mode, standing in front of him. TARANTULAS instinctively reaches for his weapon, but SHADOW PANTHER raises his hand.

SHADOW PANTHER: You're upset.

TARANTULAS: You've ruined my plans.

SHADOW PANTHER: I wasn't about to give command of the Predacons to you. You're not ready for it.

TARANTULAS (annoyed): And what would you know of it?

SHADOW PANTHER: Just what I saw.

TARANTULAS: I should kill you, Panther.

SHADOW PANTHER: What for? You're better off than you were. The biggest threat against you is terminated, along with his henchmen. A Maximal has been killed. Your position in the ranks is secure. What did I do that was a killing offense?

TARANTULAS: How has my position been secured?

SHADOW PANTHER: Megatron thinks that you freed him. He does not know that I exist. And recent memories have been erased from both Terrorsaur and Fractyl. The Maximals may know of me, but you're the only Predacon who knows me. Think about that.

TARANTULAS (laughing): I will. That I will.

Cut to: Predacon Command Center. MEGATRON, robot mode, stands in the center.


MEGATRON: The traitor has been terminated. I assume command of this crew. This experience has taught me that I've been too soft, yes. But I hope you now appreciate the leader that you have, for none will approach my power again, no.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator hail Megatron, leader of the Predacons!

ALL (if not totally enthusiastic): Hail Megatron.

Cut to: Maximal Headquarters. CHEETOR, robot mode, stands atop the hull, looking out, as AIRAZOR lands near him, transforming to robot mode as she does.

AIRAZOR: Shouldn't you be resting?

CHEETOR (quietly): I suppose.

AIRAZOR: What's wrong, little cat?

CHEETOR (looks downcast): I'm not so little any more.

AIRAZOR: You mean Bonecrusher?

CHEETOR: Part of it. I just don't want to believe that there's a part of me that would have done that.

AIRAZOR: It wasn't you, Cheetor.

CHEETOR (sighing): Yes, it was. Just a part I didn't want to be there.

AIRAZOR steps forward and puts her arms around him. CHEETOR weakly returns the hug.

AIRAZOR: Some of us do like you how you are, with the dark side and all.

CHEETOR: Thanks.

AIRAZOR: You'll be okay, little cat. This will work out.

AIRAZOR steps away, leaving CHEETOR to ponder the skies around him. He looks out over the horizon. We move out to the trees surrounding the base, and see SHADOW PANTHER, beast mode, looking back, and then disappearing. We then fade to black.

The End