Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Transitions II, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

The hull of the NEMESIS is dark, lit only with a few struggling displays and flickering lights. In this mess, ARTEMIS and MOON, in their usual modes, stand overlooking a CR vat. It's been out of use for some time, but ARTEMIS has refused to move from it.

ARTEMIS (sadly): They're in battle.

MOON: There was no choice. If we hadn't have interfered, they would not have even had that left to them.

ARTEMIS: But just saved three sparks, only to have them fight. It seems wrong somehow.

MOON: Your Maximal programming is showing.

ARTEMIS (scowling): My morality isn't programmed.

MOON: The experiment is what matters, isn't it?

ARTEMIS (softly): Yes. Yes it is.

MOON: Then we do what's necessary. Besides, it's what the three of them wanted. They each wanted to make amends. This is their chance.

ARTEMIS: Maybe it is. It just does not feel right.

MOON: They fight for what's needed, Artemis. You know that.

Laser fire daces all around the figure of DJ, in his cicada mode. The Jointron protoform nimbly dances through the assault of STARSCREAM, DIRGE, and THRUST, but the battle is already against him. The vehicle-based Predacons have the power and experience.

DJ: Their aim is not so dangerous as their bluster.

STARSCREAM: Nice moves, Maximal. Are you dodging or dancing?

STARSCREAM spins quickly as DJ dives out of the incoming blasts. DJ tries, but fails to mount an offensive in his beast mode.

DJ: DJ, Samba!

DJ transforms to his robot mode and pulls out his blades, rushing at STARSCREAM. The Predacon jet, however, is far too fast and effortless pulls away. DJ just shakes his head, and starts blasting away at the speedy Predacon form. Beneath him, MOTORARM is having an easier time of it, taking shot after shot from DIRGE. The beetle's form's armor is just too thick, and DIRGE simply isn't cutting through.

DIRGE: Death comes for you, Maximal.

MOTORARM: No, senior. I could siesta all day like this. Could you shoot a little lower, por favour? I've got an itch there.

DIRGE (scowling): Dirge, terrorize!

DIRGE screams out and transforms, growling and pounding on MOTORARM's shell out of frustration. The pummeling doesn't seem to bother the Jointron very much, though.

MOTORARM (relaxing): You could get a job doing this.

DIRGE: Miserable, Jointron!

DIRGE scowls and finally kicks MOTORARM. The attack flips him over and shows his more vulnerable side. DIRGE raises his rifle, ready to follow up, but MOTORARM calls out his transformation command before the shot can be fired.

MOTORARM: Motorarm, Mambo!

MOTORARM transforms, a move which looks like he's falling apart before reconfiguring into his robot mode. As he pulls out his own blaster, however, DIRGE does manage to fire, and smashes a bolt into the Jointron's chest. MOTORARM bounces back on his armored backside twice before moving for cover.

MOTORARM: Predacon no like the mambo.

MOTORARM ducks behind a rock outcropping and turns back quickly to start firing at his opponent. Of course, by this time, DIRGE has already moved off and joined up with THRUST to double-team GIMLET's beast mode.

GIMLET: Dos Banditos! Gimlet, LaBamba!

GIMLET quickly transforms into his robot form, and starts firing at the two oncoming jets. THRUST and DIRGE arc away, fanning out to try and catch MOTORARM in a crossfire. GIMLET dives out of the way, but only barely. The battle, so far, isn't going well.

MOTORARM: Ay! These Predacons are bueno.

GIMLET: They've got experience, Motorarm.

DJ: Use the rocks for cover, and try to make for the Ark.

MOTORARM: Not going to happen, amigo.

GIMLET: We're pinned down.

STARSCREAM: And close enough together for a cluster bomb!

STARSCREAM rushes down and lets out his missiles, which explode into a wide burst of shells, which then also explode all around GIMLET, MOTORARM, and DJ. The three Jointrons scream out, and roll away from the impact center, now reduced into a crater.

STARSCREAM: Keep the Jointrons pinned down.

THRUST: I'm trying, Starscream. You want me to go down there and hold them?

STARSCREAM (growling): If it would help.

DIRGE: Don't worry, Starscream. They're going nowhere.

As the battle rages, away and above them on a butte, the long figure of ARTEMIS stands, looking sadly at the violence. Her 'trails' to dance gently in the breeze, giving her a more beautiful appearance than we've seen of her before.

ARTEMIS: Such violence. How can we protect the experiment from this?

ARTEMIS looks around, scanning over the battle, watching STARSCREAM in particular. As STARSCREAM is hit with a blast from DJ, he pulls off, eliciting a gasp of concern from the femme.

ARTEMIS: Starscream!

When she realizes herself, she composes, and looks around. She had expected to find Moon there to chide her, but he's nowhere to be found. ARTEMIS gets a worried and confused expression on her visage.

ARTEMIS (confused): Moon?

Away from the battle, BB and MEGASTORM are at the base of a large barren and charred mountain. This is Mount Saint Helena, the resting place of the Ark. A pile of large stones and boulders mar one side of the mountain. BB and MEGASTORM both slave away, moving the rocks aside.

MEGASTORM: Starscream's giving us plenty of time. Maybe there's hope for him after all.

BB doesn't reply, and just continues working on his assigned task. MEGASTORM shakes his head at the other large Predacon.

MEGASTORM: A few more minutes, and I think we're through.

BB: Roger.

MEGASTORM again looks at BB, and just sighs, turning his attentions against to the larger boulders. A few more, larger rocks fall aside, and MEGASTORM has to leap back into the air to avoid being run over by them. MEGASTORM lands again, finding a safe spot, and BB looks over at him.

BB: Careful.

MEGASTORM: So you do have more than one word in your vocabulary.

BB (dryly): Roger.


MEGASTORM lifts aside the last boulder, and steam rushes out. When it wafts out he takes a look back inside and sees the red rock of the volcano inside. He grins and looks back to BB, feeling his plans coming to fruition.


MEGASTORM looks into the cavern, and pulls out some. He fights with himself a moment, wanting to rush in and claim his prize. But, he stands and looks over to BB with a modicum of composure.

MEGASTORM: We're in. Go help Starscream with their battle. Come back here once the Maximals have been eliminated, and we can more properly see to the Decepticons aboard.

BB: Roger.

BB leaps up and transforms, converting to his bomber mode. As MEGASTORM watches the other Predacon depart, he smiles and brushes aside enough loose rock to slip into the cave entrance. The Predacon ground-pounder looks up, and sees the powerful engine cowlings of the Autobot starship. Even he finds the sight daunting.

MEGASTORM: It looks so much larger like this. And it feels like a tomb.

MEGASTORM shakes his head and moves forward, determined not to let his darker impulses get the better of him. He glides over the molten rock, and lands just outside the ship's hull. He smiles and pulls out a powerful energy crystal from storage, and smiles at it.

MEGASTORM: So very close, Autobots. Not even Prime will save you.

MEGASTORM again looks to the ship and we fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Transitions II, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

DJ, GIMLET, and MOTORARM have moved into a mad run, transforming to their beast modes in a quick attempt to break free of the pursuing Predacon jets. THRUST, DIRGE, and STARSCREAM are now each in robot mode, trying to get a weapons bead on the Jointron trio.

DJ: How far?

MOTORARM: Twenty klicks, still, amigo.

GIMLET is about to speak up with a retort, but a few shots from DIRGE cuts him off. DJ and MOTORARM turn and fire again at the offered target, but DIRGE merely arcs away, allowing STARSCREAM and THRUST to counter with their own firepower.

DJ: Twenty more klicks of this?

GIMLET: We'll never make it.

MOTORARM: None of that! We run for the border!

MOTORARM keeps running, turning back to fire a few times. The Predacons keep up their harassment, keeping their movements slow and difficult.

GIMLET: This isn't going to work.

MOTORARM: They're not even trying to slag us. They're stalling.

DJ: It could be worse.

GIMLET turns and fires again, nodding his agreement with MOTORARM's analysis. DJ takes to the air again, trying to draw fire away from the other two. Sadly, he succeeds, and two blasts from STARSCREAM snaps him back to the ground.

STARSCREAM: Thrust, Dirge, circle around again.

THRUST: We waste time. Let's just terminate them.

DIRGE: Agreed. Why do we wait?

STARSCREAM: We may need them if -

STARSCREAM angles up suddenly and transforms again to his robot mode. He looks out and sees the large profile of BB rushing forward towards their position. As BB nears, he transforms and glides over. STARSCREAM looks none to pleased.

STARSCREAM: Megastorm sent you back?

BB: Roger.

STARSCREAM (concerned): Megastorm's made it inside?

BB: Roger.

STARSCREAM: I should have known. BB, remain here and terminate the Jointron Maximal things. Megastorm has already raised the stakes.

STARSCREAM growls again and rushes off into the distance. BB turns to watch him go, and then starts shelling the ground around the Latino Transformers. All three scatter as BB continues to ravage the ground around them.

DJ: It's worse.

Red flames lick the ground and stone walls of the Ark's resting place. MEGASTORM stands beneath the Ark itself. A bit of trepidation crosses over him as he looks at the few exposed weapons remaining. Fortune remains with him, however. They do not fire.

MEGASTORM: Such damage on the ship, and such ruin. The Ark appears so ancient like this.

MEGASTORM glides to the ajar rear hatch, and looks it over. The golden walls, dimly lit by the volcano's burning embers, disappear into blackness in the distance. MEGASTORM glides up to the floor made from the ajar hatch, and starts to walk in.

MEGASTORM (distantly): There should not be such a sanctified feeling to this place, and yet it's as if Primus himself is watching me.

MEGASTORM looks around a moment, pondering quickly if he should just turn back now. He summons a breath, and shakes his head dismissively.

MEGASTORM (scowling): Fool. Predacons do not give into superstition.

MEGASTORM heads into the ship. If he had looked around more carefully, perhaps he would have noticed MOON, in his rabbit mode, watching quietly from an outcropping. He looks nervously at the Ark and its intruder and disappears in a ribbon of energy heading for the ship.

MOTORARM leaps aside from a series of blasts launched by BB and THRUST. DIRGE moves around and fires, causing the Jointron to roll away. The three Jointrons are in more severe battle now. The blasts and firepower are much more powerful. The fighting is more desperate.

MOTORARM: If bandito wanted me to dance, he should play music!

DJ: He's not using rhythm.

DJ leaps up again and takes a quick slice at the large BB, hitting the cannon, but only knocking out one of the several barrels. BB arcs into a long turn as the other jets prepare for another pass against them.

THRUST: BB, stay higher, out of reach of his attacks.

BB: Roger.

BB does as ordered, and pulls up and away, relying on his bombs instead to start attacking the Jointrons below. MOTORARM again fires up at the largest target, but BB merely takes the attacks in stride, letting them slam into his armored hull.

BB: Weak.

BB drops a few more bombs on MOTORARM's position. The largest Jointron rolls from the blast, and tries to quick fire a shot. Sadly, THRUST and DIRGE are already on his position, and he's forced to dodge away again. GIMLET and DJ try of offer cover fire, but the two smaller Predacon jets have no trouble just pulling up and away again.

DJ (worried): Are we any closer?

MOTORARM: Si, we're only nineteen klicks from the Ark now.

GIMLET (worried): We'll never make it.

DJ: Try to regroup, brothers.

DIRGE: Regroup, so you can all die together!

DIRGE rushes down, letting out twin missiles that pound into GIMLET. GIMLET finally falls, smoke pouring from a wound. MOTORARM and DJ return fire, and this time find their mark, but the Predacon proves tough enough to take it, and pulls out again. MOTORARM, obviously worried, runs over to his brother, who is trying to stand from the attack.


GIMLET (wincing): It hurts.

MOTORARM: We no give up now.

GIMLET: Who is giving up?

MOTORARM (smiling): No one, brother.

MOTORARM turns up again and fires into THRUST as GIMLET rights himself. DJ swoops around them both and fires a few bolts off at the Predacon, who is forced to bank up and away. The main assault blunted yet again, BB roars down and starts spreading the ground with bombs.

THRUST (smirking): Brave talk, but we'll have you soon enough.

ARTEMIS closes her eyes, sensing the battle somehow. Pain is etched on her optics as her surroundings take form again. Golden walls surround her, dimly lit with weak power systems. Near her, the rabbit form of MOON steps forward.

MOON: You see what has been happening?

ARTEMIS (softly): Starscream is the time anomaly. The Predacons are the danger to the experiment.

MOON: And our Jointrons?

ARTEMIS (sadly): They fight outside, but it's in vain. The Predacons have the experience of the Decepticons that they once were.

MOON: Perhaps, but as Cybertronians, they live to fight for a cause. Even the Decepticons, and the Predacons spawned from them, share that trait. It is not a bad thing to teach the experiment.

ARTEMIS (quietly): If the Predacons win, the experiment will be destroyed.

MOON: You understand, then.

ARTEMIS: Yes. You plan to interfere?

MOON: Only as much as we are allowed.

ARTEMIS regards MOON a long moment, and shakes her head as MOON teleports away. She sucks in an uneasy breath, regarding the ship around her.

ARTEMIS: Will it be enough to save it? Even now?

The doors to the main bridge of Ark open, allowing MEGASTORM's seemingly tiny form to glide in. Around him, the fallen forms of SOUNDWAVE, JAZZ, IRONHIDE, PROWL, THUNDERCRACKER, and SKYWARP lie in stasis. MEGATRON and OPTIMUS PRIME, having so recently been tampered with, look more pristine than the others do. It is a tomb, and MEGASTORM is violating it.

MEGASTORM (quietly): So strange. To me, it's only been a few days since I've seen each of you in battle. How long have we rested?

MEGASTORM glides over the bodies, and moves to MEGATRON's. He again takes in the sheer vastness of the Ark's bridge. His optics settle on MEGATRON, regarding him with a greater since of awe than he would normally allow.

MEGASTORM: Here you sleep, Megatron, my brother. How long have I waited in your shadow? How long have I watched you grow in power and influence? Do you know what it is like to be forgotten in the face of a legend?

MEGASTORM steps over to the deactivated form of MEGATRON, studying it carefully. Here he comes up only to MEGATRON's knee. But the slumped form of the powerful Decepticon leader allows his younger and decidedly smaller brother access to his chest panel.

MEGASTORM: The very legend, lying here, defenseless, and so helpless.

The Predacon warrior gets a scowl on his face, and activates MEGATRON's casing system. MEGATRON's check panel opens up, revealing an array of systems and components.

MEGASTORM: No more, Megatron. I'm taking your place. With the Matrix, and the Heart of Cybertron, no one will be able to stop me. Not you. Not Starscream. Not Prime. Cybertron will be mine.

He doesn't see his comrade, STARSCREAM, slip quietly onto the bridge and narrow his optics. MEGASTORM is too intent on his purpose, and opens up the spark casing to MEGATRON. STARSCREAM clenches his fists, stepping past his own former body as he does.

MEGASTORM: Only your body can house the power of the Heart of Cybertron. Very soon, that powerful body of yours will be mine.

STARSCREAM steps forward, taking his leg-mounted missile launcher and getting it ready. MEGASTORM exposes the well-protected spark of the Decepticon general and emperor. The younger 'Duke of destruction' smiles as his prize is in sight.

MEGASTORM: I'll take that body, then the Matrix. Then I shall rule Cybertron.

STARSCREAM (screaming): You idiot! What are you doing?

MEGASTORM: I'm securing my destiny, Starscream.

STARSCREAM moves forward at MEGASTORM, but the ground commander is too far along in his plan. Within an instant, he's preparing the Heart of Cybertron for placement. STARSCREAM reacts instead of thinks, and brings up his cluster missiles to fire on his comrade. It proves to be a mistake.

MEGASTORM (panicked): Starscream!

The blasts hit MEGASTORM hard, and shove him into MEGATRON's deactivated form. The Heart of Cybertron misses its housing, and instead slams fully into MEGATRON's exposed spark. The rush of energy smashes MEGASTORM back. But it is more than a mere energy discharge. MEGATRON's spark takes in the Heart, and the area becomes bright white.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Transitions II, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

A spark floats in the void, alive with fierce energy. The spark splits, encompassed in sheer power, coalescing around the Heart of Cybertron. The spark flares again, turning a bright and near blinding red hue before a protective shell wraps around it.

GALVATRON (voice over): I am born.

The red light shines more, then fades, revealing the bridge of the legendary Ark. We are looking over the floor, seeing the severely damaged forms of MEGASTORM, who took the brunt of the blast, and STARSCREAM. Both stir only slightly as two large black and violet legs step past them.

MEGASTORM (weakly): Brother.

Outside, BB has turned the tide of battle towards the Predacons favor. BB, THRUST, and DIRGE each arc around and bear down on GILMET, who is unable to fire back effective. DJ and MOTORARM move over with him and try to regroup.

DJ: Brothers, this is very bad.

GIMLET (insistent): I've noticed.

DIRGE: Are you afraid? Does fear grip your circuits?

THRUST: Shut up, Dirge, and just finish the job.

BB lowers again, bringing his gatling cannon to bear on the Jointron trio, and opens fire. MOTORARM quickly reverts to beast mode, his hard shell taking the hits with ease, and providing some cover for the other two. For their efforts, the situation doesn't seem to improve much.

THRUST: It's only a matter of time, now.

GIMLET: We're taking too long. I no see that whiney-speeches one anywhere. We need to stop him.

MOTORARM (calling out): Gimlet, DJ, we need to use our rhythm. We must get to the Ark!

DJ: Si! Jointrons! Fiesta!

GIMLET nods and transforms to his lobster mode, then moves up, landing on his parting claws. DJ links onto the body offered by GIMLET, and transforms into a chest and head unit. MOTORARM finishes the transformation, revealing the daunting form of TRIPLEDECAUS.

BB: Trouble.

DIRGE: What trouble? They only make themselves a larger target.

TRIPLEDECUS: Banditos, die.

THRUST: Dirge, pull back!

DIRGE arcs off, but a little too late. The giant Jointron gestalt rushes his massive arm forward, smashing into the Predacon jet, and sending it spinning. Leaking fuel, DIRGE desperately transforms, and lands, clutching his torn underside.

THRUST (darkly): Next time you will listen to me. BB, keep range on him. As THRUST takes command of his flight, the reason for the fight has already ended. MEGASTORM wakes from his state on the ark, and stands slowly, dripping fuel from his wounds. He looks, stunned to see the spark of MEGATRON still in place. He looks over and sees STARSCREAM, already recovered enough to stand.

MEGASTORM (quietly): What happened?

STARSCREAM: You happened, you idiot.

MEGASTORM (struggling): The Heart of Cybertron - where is it?

STARSCREAM: You smashed it when you tried to steal Megatron's spark. The explosion damaged you and knocked us both out. We're lucky we're still online.

MEGASTORM: Even without the Heart, the Matrix and the Decepticons here are within my grasp.

TELETRAN ONE: Intruders, located. Activating defense programming.

STARSCREAM: Teletran One!

STARSCREAM looks around to see the few onboard weapons come out of the ship's ceiling and walls. The Predacon warrior steps back, getting fear in his optics.

MEGASTORM: Impossible. It was deactivated when we arrived.

STARSCREAM: The Maximals -

MEGASTORM: They're still in battle. They couldn't have reached here.

STARSCREAM (growling): Someone must have turned it on. Let's get out of here before the Ark's weaponry starts firing on us.

STARSCREAM turns and transforms, rushing out of the hall in his jet-mode. Oddly, in this scale, his jet has plenty of room to maneuver. MEGASTORM too transforms, too weak to fly, and rolls out in his tank mode, followed by a stream of laser blasts. Unseen to the both, MOON stands on Teletran One's consoles, and lets out a nervous breath.

MOON: The Ark is safe enough, for now.

MOON turns again, and changes some of Teletran one's settings before quietly teleporting away. Outside, the battle is nearly finished. BB circles around to fire on TRIPLEDECUS, but a blast from the giant's bladed cannon knocks him hard to the ground. Only THRUST remains.

TRIPLEDECUS: This finishes, bandito.


THRUST transforms, looking at the giant in genuine fear. TRIPLEDECUS steps forward menacingly, but a shadow even more menacing appears over the ground. Distracted, TRIPLEDECUS looks up, and sees the winged silhouette of a large dragon.

GALVATRON (darkly): The Predacons are mine.

TRIPLEDECUS (confused): Que?

TRIPLEDECUS changes his aim to the shadow, but it moves. A long, sinewy violet neck arcs down to face the towering Jointron. A gaping maw opens, filling quickly with intense light, blinding the area. In a slow moment, it fires, enveloping the Jointron giant in a monstrously powerful energy surge.

GALVATRON: All others are to be destroyed.

From a distance, STARSCREAM sees the dragon's form. Only he, of all Transformers recognizes it for what it is. The black and violet jet arcs too close into the site of the battle. And even STARSCREAM is daunted by the reality of the situation.

STARSCREAM (fearful): Galvatron? That's not possible. There are thousands of years until -

STARSCREAM trails off and fires his weapons into the dragon. GALVATRON turns and fires, but the results are inconclusive. STARSCREAM pulls away, followed by the Predacon beast. The Jointrons, below, separate out from their giant form as the other Predacons pull up and away.

MOTORARM (confused): They are running? We fight them off?

DJ: No. They've won. I think. I think they've won.

MOTORARM: They got to the Ark. That's where that thing came from.

MOTORARM sits and shakes his head, brushing off scoring on his armor. GIMLET follows suit, wincing a little as he too sits down and slumps visibly.

DJ: We don't know that. The Decepticons had no dragons on the Ark, before. This is something very different, very new.

GIMLET (quietly): We failed, DJ. The Predacons gained something today, and we did not stop them. We have failed.

DJ: Si, this time.

DJ stands up and looks to his two brothers, shaking his head. GIMLET and MOTORARM both remain downcast, though MOTORARM begins to pluck his weapon like one would a guitar. DJ looks over the both, and shakes his head.

DJ: Only this time, my brothers. I assure you we well fight again.

GIMLET: And lose?

DJ (smiling): No. We will win, someday. After all, we're the heroes.

DJ smiles to his brothers, who offer him a questioning look. DJ remains undaunted, and cheerful.

DJ: Heroes always win.

MOTORARM: Si. We are heroes.

GIMLET (softly): Si.

DJ: Now we play, and we prepare for the fight ahead.

DJ sits down and begins to join in MOTORARM's playing. Slowly, they work into a soft ballad as GIMLET looks up towards the sky, unsure of himself and what the trio must do. MOON, too, has his doubts. Sitting quietly, overlooking the struggling return of life to the world, he shakes his head.

MOON: Galvatron. It couldn't have been much worse.

ARTEMIS (sadly): The Jointrons weren't enough to defeat the jets and the great dragon. The Predacons are too much for them. They won't be able to stand against them in the future. They won't be able to protect the experiment.

MOON: There's still hope, Artemis.

ARTEMIS (resigned): It's lost. The experiment, the world, the Predacons have already ruined it all.

MOON: Not yet. We can still do something.

ARTEMIS: There's little we can do.

MOON: We can call for help.

MOON looks up to the stars. As the familiar constellations reveal themselves to the skies, we fade gently into black.

The End