Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Megatron's Theme Song
by Star Ice (


** NOTE: This fanfic is sung to the tune of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" (in theory..!)

You know:

Waspy, and Rampage, and Quickstrike, and Inferno

Black Arachnia, and Tarantulas

But do you recall, the most hated Predacon of all?

Megatron the hated Predacon, had a very brilliant scheme.

To steal the golden disk from the Maximals.

All the other Predacons, used to laugh and call him names.

And if he ever heard you, he would blast you into space.

Then one foggy Saturday eve he has said this:

"With this golden disk I shall rule the galaxy!"

So he stole the disk

Maximals chased him around.

And crash landed on Earth

About a few million years ago.


Megatron the hated Predacon.

Had his butt kicked all the time

His pals betrayed him often.

Boy, was he ever insane

Everyone has said that he had a cuckoo clock in his head.

And this had proved to be true.

He had tried to blow the Ark up.

And he has this bad habit of saying "yess"


And kill the Maximals off

So he could take over Cybertron.

Megatron the hated Predacon

Will never be able to rule the galaxy.

With the Maximals in his way

He will end up in prison some day!