Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Forging the Magnasword, pt. 1 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in over Predacon Headquarters. It is raining, and a thick fog envelops the ship. Lightning plays in the distance, and occasional thunder can be heard. Buzz Saw and Waspinator are both patrolling outside the ship in their insect modes.

Computer (off camera): Units Blackarachnia, Scorponok, Tarantulas, and Fractyl report to science bay Alpha immediately. Repeating, units Blackarachnia, Scorponok, Tarantulas, and Fractyl report to science bay Alpha immediately.

Cut to inside the ship. Tarantulas, robot mode, is somewhat nervously walking through the corridors.

Scorponok, also in robot mode, rushes past, nearly stepping over him.

Scorponok: Hop to it, Megatron commands us.

Tarantulas: For now, I suppose.

Scorponok: What's that supposed to mean?

Tarantulas: Nothing, nothing. I'll be right there.

Scorponok clanks quizzically, but ignores the spider for now, and rushes down to the lab. Tarantulas places his head in his pincers and shakes grimly.

Tarantulas: So, it begins.

Cut to the science lab as Tarantulas enters. Blackarachnia, robot mode, stands at Megatron's side, watching intently. Scorponok and Fractyl are looking over a series of readings.

Megatron: Ah, Tarantulas, my loyal Predacon. I was worried that you couldn't be bothered to show. Still, it pleases me that you are here.

Tarantulas: What is this about, Megatron? I have my own matters to attend to.

Megatron (smiling): Yes, I'm sure that you have. (Snapping) Now pay attention.

Fractyl: We are ready to proceed with the final construction phase.

Megatron: As you are aware, we Predacons have been acquiring a great deal of this world's resource. Not merely energon, but unique and often powerful alloys of various types as well. I want to show you, my more scientifically minded Predacons, the fruits of our labor.

Fractyl: Beginning assembly. Energon collection unit built and added.

Megatron: But, first, of course, a little explanation is in order.

Fractyl: Core stages added to hilt, ready to add the blades.

Megatron: Once, a great blade symbolized the strength of Cybertron. He who carried this 'Master Sword' ruled. Unfortunately, once it was in the hands of the ancient Autobots, the sword appeared lost. But now we rebuild a new weapon. This to symbolize the glory of our age.

Fractyl: Component creation complete, attempting to link power-cells.

Megatron: This weapon is forged from the greatest accomplishments of Predacon science. It is called the 'Magnasword'. It has the capabilities of our legendary weapon, and it is ours.

Fractyl: Finished. If readings are correct, it's ready.

Tarantulas: And you will be the one to hold this weapon.

Megatron (distant): Yes, until someone more deserving of the weapon comes along.

Megatron steps over, and pulls a heavy switch. Fractyl and Scorponok back up the wall opens to reveal a large table. The table itself slides into the room. Atop it is the white, gray, and yellow Magnasword. Megatron picks it up, and wields it, but it looks like a Claymore even in his hands.

Blackarachnia (smirking): Compensating?

Tarantulas: A big sword? All this effort and grief for a miserable weapon?

Megatron growls, and levels the blade at Tarantulas. Tarantulas wisely moves aside as a powerful energon rushes from the tips of the blade, piercing through the entire ships hull. A huge hole is left behind.

Megatron: Anyone else have an unwarranted comment?

Group: No, sir.

Megatron: Excellent. Now, each of you return to your duties for now.

Blackarachnia and Tarantulas exchange looks of confusion and head out. Scorponok, however, is very glad to be there.

Scorponok: Of course, Megatron.

Fractyl shakes his head as the lumbering Scorponok leaves. Megatron looks up and down the blade, obviously very impressed.

Megatron: How much time before the event happens?

Fractyl: Best guess, around two weeks, maybe a little less.

Megatron: Time enough for the second phase to begin.

Megatron looks over the blade, almost lovingly. Fractyl seems to stiffen as he returns the lab back to its normal configuration.

Fractyl: It's still a major risk. If something goes wrong, there is no telling what will happen.

Megatron: Have faith, Fractyl. Your part in this is completed.

Fractyl: And my usefulness?

Megatron (happily): Remain useful, Fractyl, and you've nothing to fear.

Cut to Maximal Headquarters. Cheetor and B'Boom, beast mode, are moving through the corridors of the Maximal starship. Both seem a bit impatient.

Cheetor: What's this all about? I hate getting my nap interrupted.

B'Boom: Leader wants us, leader gets us. This concept is not hard.

Cheetor: But I'm tired. I haven't slept in three megacycles. I need my rest, or this cat loses his style.

The duo arrives to the command chamber doors, where Rattrap and Packrat, each in their robot modes, stand waiting.

Rattrap: If that's a promise, remind me to keep you awake more often.

Cheetor: Very cute, mouse. So what's going on?

Rattrap: I don't know, I just got here. Ask boss-monkey.

Inside the command chamber, Optimus Primal and Rhinox are looking over a large hologram of a defense station. Each of them are in robot mode. Dinobot, in beast mode, is carefully scanning over the reports at a nearby station. He turns to look as Rattrap, Packrat, Cheetor and B'Boom enter.

Dinobot: Seven minutes since you were told to report. If this were an attack, we would have died.

Rattrap: Keep your teeth in your head, chopper-face, we're cool.

Packrat (to the hologram): What in Primus is that thing?

Optimus Primal: The cause of our new trouble. Looks like Megatron's close to finishing a new installation in grid zeta. Inferno, Waspinator, and Buzz Saw have been working overtime out there. From initial scans, it looks like it's right next to a large source of energon.

Dinobot: A production encampment. Megatron intends to use that site to produce raw materials.

Cheetor: Then we just go in and blow it up. What's the problem?

Rattrap: You mean other than the Predacons?

Optimus Primal: It's heavily fortified. New gun turrets and a force field protect the perimeter. It's going to be a tough nut to crack. Unfortunately, it looks like we'll need a direct assault just to take down the defense grid. I'm not sure we can afford to do it.

Dinobot: We cannot afford not to. This is only the first of Megatron's plans. This facility will lead to the creation of others. We must strike now before he gains even more of an advantage.

Rattrap: You go right ahead, Dino-brain. Getting blown to pieces isn't in my bag.

Dinobot (snapping): Coward!

Rhinox: Enough, both of you. We need calm heads if any attack strategy is going to work.

Optimus Primal: Agreed. Rhinox, Dinobot, B'Boom, you're each with me for the assault. Cheetor, Rattrap, Packrat, you three will be on patrol around the Axalon. The Predacons may take the opportunity to attack the Axalon again while we're out. You're job is to make sure that doesn't happen.

Rattrap: Aren't you forgetting? Chopper-face isn't allowed to play with Preds right now.

Optimus Primal: I'm lifting it for now.

Dinobot: A wise decision, I shall not fail you, Optimus.

Optimus Primal: I'm counting on that.

Cut to Defense Outpost. Buzz Saw and Waspinator are literally buzzing around the outpost in beast mode as Inferno looks on in his robot mode.

Waspinator: Waspinator tired of waiting. Maximals should have been here hours ago. Waspinator bored with setting up stupid defenses.

Inferno: The royalty commands we wait.

Waspinator: Ant-bot boring too.

Buzz Saw: Buzz Saw want Waspinator to quit complaining. Buzz Saw getting headache.

Waspinator: Buzz Saw have to make Waspinator.

Buzz Saw: Buzz Saw not have problems with that.

Buzz Saw transforms to robot mode and rushes to grapple with Waspinator, who also transforms. The two begin to wrestle in the air, and then crash to the ground. As Waspinator gets up, we see B'Boom, robot mode, standing above them, smile on his face.

Waspinator: Oh, slag.

B'Boom rears back and kicks them both in one shot. Waspinator and Buzz Saw slam into a rock face, and slide down. B'Boom steps forward, chuckling as Dinobot and Optimus Primal, each transforming to robot mode, arrive.

B'Boom: B'Boom get the party started, won't be much trouble from these two.

Optimus Primal: We should be in range of the guns, why aren't they activating?

Dinobot: Perhaps Inferno is as incompetent as the two fliers are.

Waspinator: Waspinator not incontinent, Waspinator rules!

Buzz Saw: Buzz Saw destroy the Maximals.

Buzz Saw attempts to stand but a blast form B'Boom puts him down again. Waspinator sinks in a depression as Inferno steps forward.

Dinobot: This isn't right. Something is very wrong here.

Optimus Primal: Predacon, what is this? Why go through all this trouble to build this place if you aren't going to defend it?

Inferno: The Royalty wished to see you. Now you will burn.

Optimus Primal arms and readies his shoulder missiles as Megatron, beast mode, step forward from inside the defense station. Dinobot is about to step forward to attack as Megatron transforms. Wielded in the pincer is the Magnasword.

Megatron: Ah, Primal. I was so hoping to run into you out here.

Optimus Primal: What is this about, Megatron?

Megatron: Don't you recognize the blade? It's from your own Maximal legends. Dating back some three-hundred years, yes.

Dinobot: Impossible.

Megatron: Oh very possible, yes.

Dinobot: You cannot have found the Magnasword, it's been lost for years.

Megatron: Let's just say that I've found it.

B'Boom (confused): Magnasword?

Optimus Primal: I'm not sure what kind of game you're playing Megatron, but it's not going to work.

Dinobot, B'Boom, destroy this base.

B'Boom: B'Boom obey.

B'Boom and Dinobot both open fire at the emplacements around Megatron as Optimus fires his missiles into Megatron himself. They are extremely stunned to see that their weapons show no real effect, as their energy is absorbed into the blade itself.

Dinobot: It can't be... only the Magnasword could...

Megatron: Do you have any more doubts, Optimus Primal? How very fitting that one of the Maximal's most prized relics is in the hands of their most powerful enemy.

Megatron begins to laugh as Optimus and Dinobot exchange worried looks. We focus in on the blade, raised high, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Forging the Magnasword, pt. 2 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

We fade into the Defense Outpost. Megatron, robot mode, stands tall with the Magnasword in his pincer. Optimus Primal, B'Boom, Rhinox, and Dinobot are all in robot mode, and start firing their weapons quickly. Megatron uses the blade in front of him, and absorbs all of the incoming damage.

Dinobot: This is tactical suicide. We have to withdrawal.

Optimus Primal: Never thought I would hear you say that, Dinobot. Maximals, head out.

Megatron: Oh no, Primal, please stay. You've not seen the Magnasword's full power, no.

Megatron lowers the blade, and uses it to fire. A massive blast emits from the blade tip and starts carving the earth. The energy beam slowly moves to Primal, who leaps away quickly. Megatron is very impressed with the results.

Megatron: Perfect.

B'Boom: B'Boom cover retreat. Leader and Dinobot head out.

Megatron: Brave and effective, B'Boom. You would have made a fine Predacon. A pity that all that you will be now is scrap.

Megatron leaps forward and B'Boom launches missiles from his chest. Optimus Primal moves ahead, but he is too late. Megatron brings the blade across and smashes through B'Boom neatly. B'Boom begins to scream, but it falls to silence as he is neatly cut into two. B'Boom explodes as Megatron finishes his move.

Optimus Primal (enraged): No!

Dinobot: With must withdrawal now, Megatron is too powerful here.

Optimus Primal takes his twin blades out and rushes Megatron. For once, the Maximal leader is the one out of control, bring the blades down against Megatron. Megatron stumbles back, but maintains the fight blocking with the more powerful blade.

Megatron: You've lost, Primal, oh yes.

Megatron turns the blade, and fires again, smashing an energy wave into Primal at point-blank range.

Optimus flies back hit hard as Rhinox moves forward with his chain guns.

Megatron (darkly): You have lost.

Rhinox: Get Optimus out of here, now.

Dinobot rushes over and pulls Optimus's unconscious form back as Megatron steps forward to Rhinox. Rhinox continues to fire with his chain guns, but Megatron only shows the faintest signs of being affected with the attack as the blade's force field continues to protect him.

Megatron: Run, Maximals. Know the power of your own weapon against you.

Rhinox steps back more as Megatron keeps coming. Dinobot grabs Primal and hefts him over the shoulder, then retreats. After a moment, Megatron seems to have some difficulty in advancing, but he's come very close. Rhinox looks over to Primal, ensuring his safety, and breaks to run. Megatron merely watches them go as Inferno, robot mode, steps over.

Inferno: I shall pursue them, and burn our enemies, my queen.

Megatron: We've terminated one Maximal, already, Inferno. We can't afford to get greedy just yet, no.

Inferno: But we can destroy the enemies. Why do we wait?

Megatron: I have my reasons, now, see to Waspinator and Buzz Saw's repairs, and finish getting this outpost completed.

Inferno: At once, royalty.

Cut to some distance away, where Optimus Primal, Rhinox, and Dinobot, all still in robot mode, are retreating. The blue sparks of energon overload are starting to appear over each of them.

Rhinox: How is he?

Dinobot: He should regain consciousness soon.

Rhinox: Strange, Megatron didn't bother to finish us.

Dinobot: He has his plans, I imagine.

Dinobot places Optimus onto the ground, and then converts to beast mode. Rhinox steps near, transforming to his Rhinoceros mode. Optimus stirs a bit, wisps of blue smoke coming from his chest.

Optimus Primal (weakly): B'Boom?

Rhinox (downcast): He's gone. There wasn't enough left even to salvage.

Optimus Primal: My fault.

Dinobot: No. B'Boom died as a warrior. You cannot be to blame. We did not know that Megatron had added a new weapon in his arsenal.

Rhinox: You need to transform, Optimus.

Optimus Primal: I'll try.

Optimus Primal seems to strain some before transforming to his beast mode. He clutches his chest a moment, but the open wounds are now concealed.

Rhinox: So Megatron has the Magnasword now, or a replica of the weapon.

Dinobot: He must have just finished creating it.

Optimus Primal (grimly): We have to find some way of taking out that weapon, before someone else suffers the same fate as B'Boom.

Rhinox: There may not be a way. Grimlock's sword was one of legend. It rivaled even the Master Sword in its power.

Optimus Primal: Get all available Maximals back to the Axalon. We'll sort this out somehow.

Cut to Predacon Headquarters. Waspinator is waiting impatiently in robot mode for Buzz Saw to finish in the Recovery Chamber. Blackarachnia remains there with him, in robot mode, shaking her head.

Blackarachnia: What do you mean he let them go?

Waspinator: Royalty kill monkey-bot, but let other Maximals retreat. Megatron said he needed the Maximals alive for right now.

Blackarachnia: That doesn't make any sense, why would Megatron do that?

Waspinator: Waspinator not know. Waspinator just glad monkey-bot is gone.

Blackarachnia: A powerful weapon and he won't use it. Stupid saurian.

Megatron (off camera): Stupid? You insult me, Miss Arachnia.

Blackarachnia is extremely surprised to see her leader behind her. Megatron, robot mode, steps forward. The sword is nowhere to be seen.

Megatron: But you've taken a habit into doing just that, haven't you?

Blackarachnia: Whatever do you mean?

Megatron: Don't play me for a fool. If you have a question, then ask it.

Blackarachnia: All right, what were you thinking? The Maximals were beaten. If you would have followed through, you would have destroyed Optimus Primal and rid us of their threat once and for all. Why do you stop?

Megatron: Sometimes, Blackarachnia, a winning battle may result in losing the war.

Blackarachnia: So?

Megatron: To advance our position, the Maximals must live for now, yes.

Blackarachnia: Another one of your brilliant plans.

Megatron: At the moment, no. It is simply what must happen.

Cut to Maximal Headquarters. Rhinox and Optimus Primal, robot modes, are looking over a historical schematic of the Magnasword. Neither seems pleased. Rattrap and Packrat, each in their robot modes, step in, shaking their head.

Optimus Primal: Megatron was telling the truth. What he has is the real thing.

Rhinox: So it seems. Everything we know about the blade checks out.

Rattrap: Forgive me for asking, but how did scale-brain get a hold of it? I'm pretty sure the Maximal Elders would have let us known if he stole that as well as the golden disc.

Packrat: And if Megatron had it all this time, why didn't he use it until now?

Optimus Primal: Good question. Rhinox, any thoughts?

Rhinox (musing): It's possible... the origins of the Magnasword were vague. It is possible that Megatron himself created the weapon, and the Maximals eventually got a hold of it later in history.

Packrat: Time travel?

Optimus Primal: Which fits the theory that we're somewhere in Earth's past.

Rhinox: The stolen resources Megatron has acquired in the past few megacycles could be used to make the Magnasword. This could be a problem.

Optimus Primal: That's not what I want to hear right now. See if the records have any mention of the blade's weaknesses. There has got to be some way to beat it somehow.

Packrat (hesitantly): But if Megatron created it, and the Elders found it later in history. What happened to all of us?

An uneasy silence fills the room as Optimus Primal looks for an answer to the question. Before he can think of one, however, the computer screen flares to life, showing Cheetor, beast mode, shaking and panting.

Cheetor (scared): Little-cat to big-bot, do you read me? Come on, big-bot.

Optimus Primal: Cheetor, I'm here. What's wrong?

Rattrap: Oh you had to ask.

Cheetor: I just spotted Megatron and his troops coming this way. It looks like all of them, and Megatron's got some funky sword in his hand. It looks bad big-bot.

Optimus Primal (sighing): That's just Prime.

Cut to exterior shot of Tigatron running back to the Axalon in beast mode. Behind him, Waspinator and Buzz Saw are flanking around him in robot mode, firing all the while. Cheetor, in robot mode, is moving back to the base, stepping backwards and firing to give Tigatron some cover.

Waspinator: Tiger-bot not get away. Waspinator finish off tiger-bot for good this time.

Buzz Saw: Not if Buzz Saw hit first.

The loading platform lowers with K-9, in robot mode, already firing as he rides. We pan over as Tigatron gets pinned down from incoming fire. Above him, Airazor, beast mode, is diving from the attacks of Fractyl, Terrorsaur, and Lazorbeak, all in robot mode.

Airazor: There's too many of them.

Tigatron: Forget about us, activate the shield now.

K-9: That goes against my orders. Cheetor, keep the cover fire until Airazor and Tigatron can get inside.

Terrorsaur: Not going to happen today, Maximal.

Terrorsaur fires again, this time at K-9, who barely manages to leap from the platform in time. We pull back to Megatron, Scorponok, and Inferno, all in beast mode, watching the initial assault.

Megatron: This should be quick work, yes. But it should be done right. Tell Cicadacon and his group to make their attack run now.

Scorponok: Right, Megatron.

Megatron: When that has been accomplished, launch your special cyber-bee for its mission.

Scorponok: The Megabee is online and ready to go.

Megatron: Yes, isn't it pleasant when a plan unfolds as it should?

Cut to inside the Axalon. Alarm klaxons are going off everywhere as Megatron begins his big push. Optimus Primal frowns as he sees Tigatron still pinned down on the monitor. Dinobot and Rhinox remain in their robot modes around him. Rattrap and Packrat have taken defense stations, and begin targeting the flying Predacons outside with the ship's cannons.

Dinobot: We have no choice, we must raise the defense screens now. Megatron's troops are here.

Optimus Primal: Not until everyone is inside.

Dinobot: We've no time.

Sentinel: Warning, hull integrity is at eighty percent.

The ship rocks a bit as we see some missile fire from Inferno and Scorponok slam into the side. Optimus Primal staggers a second, but rights himself.

Dinobot: They are lost for this battle. We must regroup our efforts to our own defense.

Optimus Primal: Not yet. I'm going out there.

Rhinox: You can't be serious. At least let me cover you.

Optimus Primal (firmly): Negative, you stay here and keep working. Otherwise, this battle's for nothing.

Dinobot, you help Rattrap man the guns.

Dinobot: Understood, Optimus.

Optimus Primal: If I'm not back in five cycles, raise the shields.

Focus in on Rhinox who shakes his head grimly then cut outside. Tigatron tries to step from his position, but is thrown back into it as Tarantulas, robot mode, uses his leg guns to keep him in place. We see the Megabee slip past, but Cheetor and K-9 are unable to get a bead on it as Cicadacon, robot mode, flies down and fires on them.

K-9: This looks bad, my friend. My first major guard action, and it looks to be my last.

Cheetor: This? No sweat, we've been through a lot worse than this.

Sentinel: Ship's hull at seventy percent.

Optimus Primal leaps from inside the ship, his missile-cannons flipping out from his back. K-9 shoves him out of the way as repeating barrages rain down from Waspinator and Buzz Saw, circling above.

K-9: What's worse than this?

As K-9 completes his thought, we see Cicadacon, Sea Clamp, and Ram Horn begin their transformation. As the trio regroups, the giant robot known as Tripredacus stands, clinching its misshapen claws.

Cheetor (worried): That.

We pan over to see Tripredacus step closer to the ship, bread-cutter of death ready, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Forging the Magnasword, pt. 3 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

We fade in to the Maximal Headquarters under siege. All active Predacons are in robot mode outside the base, and firing widly into it. Tigatron, Cheetor, Optimus Primal, K-9, and Tigatron are pinned down in positions outside the base. To make matters worse, Tripredacus, the Predacon giant, is taking position to attack the base directly.

Optimus Primal: You heard me, raise the defense shield now, we don't have a choice.

K-9: Airazor and Tigatron will still be outside of the shield.

Optimus Primal (grimly): I know.

Inside the ship, the bridge is in a fury. Rattrap and Packrat are both manning the guns, focusing their efforts on the slowly incoming Tripredacus. Rhinox continues his work on the Magnasword. Dinobot sits at Optimus Primal's station. All are in robot mode. None notice the Megabee slipping inside and moving through the bridge of the ship.

Dinobot: Understood, Optimus. Sentinel, activate shield system.

Sentinel: Shields are now raised. Estimate of nine megacycles before shield failure.

Rhinox: It may be enough.

Dinobot: Not for the battle. We must concentrate our efforts on stopping Tripredacus.

Rattrap: And what do you think I'm trying to do, dino-brain? Invite him over for pizza and beer?

Dinobot: One of your meals may be sufficient to poison him.

Rhinox: Quiet both of you, I need to concentrate, and the battle's distracting enough. Computer, I need details on the Mangasword now, is there a way to break it?

Computer: Researching data.

Cut to the Megabee, latching onto the ship's main computer console, and linking into it. We cut again to Megatron and Scorponok, doing little more than aiding Tripdredcus with support firepower. Megatron launches twin missiles from his thighs then follows up with smaller blasts from his dino-cannon.

Scorponok: The Megabee has linked up, Megatron.

Megatron (quietly): Begin transmission of data. It's time to bring the catalyst to boil.

Cut back to the Maximal Command Center. Rhinox is more frantic now as Rattrap keeps pouring firepower into Tripredacus. Outside, the giant continues taking his powerful weapon against the ship's shields. Packrat and Dinobot are both on other weapons, doing what they can to help those outside.

Rhinox (impatient): Come on, come on.

Sentinel: Shields at fifty percent, and falling. Three cycles until shield failure.

Rattrap: Man, that big bug's just taking everything I throw at him.

Dinobot: He is weakening.

Packrat: Not quickly enough.

Sentinel: Data on Magnasword found. Now uploading.

Rattrap (relieved): Way to go, Rhino!

Rhinox: Now to find a weakness.

Sentinel: Shields at thirty percent, and falling. Two cycles until shield failure.

Outside, beneath the ship, Optimus Primal, Cheetor, and K-9 remain in place firing at the assorted Predacons swooping down from all sides. Tigatron and Airazor remain huddled together, pinned down with crossfire from Blackarachnia and Tarantulas. Things look very bad.

Cheetor: This is bad, very bad.

K-9: I thought you've been in worse scrapes than this?

Optimus Primal: Cheetor tends to exaggerate.

Cheetor turns to fire at Waspinator, coming down on him, but is nailed from a triple-shot behind as Fractyl, Terrorsaur, and Lazorbeak make a pass from behind. Cheetor slumps over into K-9, falling unconscious. Optimus Primal turns quickly, and fires everything he has at the attacking trio.

Optimus Primal (angry): No! No more!

Fractyl and Terrorsaur see what's coming and move aside quickly as the incoming fury rushes up.

Lazorbeak is too late, however, and the missiles each connect, followed up by several laser blasts. Lazorbeak begins to crumble in the air, and then ruptures into shards as his body surrenders to its destruction.

Fractyl (daunted): Lazorbeak...

Terrorsaur: So he's dead. The battle is still ours. Fight on!

Terrorsaur rushes down and starts continuing fire. Fractyl hesitates, but follows down himself as Waspinator and Buzz Saw take flanking positions behind them. All four start opening fire on Optimus Primal's position. Primal and K-9, grabbing Cheetor, are forced to leap away from the platform as the shots smash all over it.

K-9: And so it ends...

Inside, Rhinox is look over the Magnasword schematics, and sighs, a bit relieved. None of the others do, however, as they continue their barrage on Tripredacus.

Rhinox: I have something.

Rattrap: Great, now we just have to survive long enough to use it.

Sentinel: Warning. Shields collapsing. Warning. Shields collapsing.

Dinobot: Set cannons to overload and on Tripredacus now.

Packrat: That will burn out the systems.

Dinobot (firmly): Do it.

Rattrap and Packrat both nod, and flip off a circuit on their control systems. Outside, Tripredacus rears back, ready to start work on the Axalon hull itself.

Tripredacus: Victory has been attained. Your shields are gone. Prepare for termination.

The cannons turn and lock on a slightly battered Tripredacus once again. A whine of engines can be heard from each gun as the giant starts to bring down the blade to the hull itself. The weapons fire, this time with an order of magnitude more powerful than before. Tripredacus is hit hard from the blasts, and falls back, then down, smoking. The gun turrets go inert.

Airazor: He's down. Let's move inside.

Tigatron: I'll cover you.

Tarantulas and Blackarachnia are momentarily distracted at the giant's falling, both turn aside for a quick second as Airazor leaps through the air. She quickly heads back to the Axalon, Tigatron following quickly as Tarantulas returns his attention and opens fire. Both Maximals make it into the damaged landing platform, which starts to rise.

K-9: You've made it home.

Tigatron: Looks like the tide of the battle turns.

Optimus Primal: I wouldn't count on that just yet.

Megatron (off camera): Nor would I, Optimus Primal.

Megatron steps forward, and raises the Magnasword on high. Optimus Primal looks pensive a moment. The remaining conscious Predacons gather around their leader, and stand behind him, now assured of victory.

Megatron: And now, it ends, oh yes. What I gave B'Boom was just a taste. Now sample the main course.

Megatron levels the blade to the Axalon itself. Optimus Primal readies his missiles again and fires first, but again the weapons do little more than stagger Megatron. The blade again absorbs the impact of the damage. Inside, Rattrap is now next to Rhinox, shaking his head.

Rattrap: Man, we could use one of your miracles right about now.

Rhinox: This should work. I hope. Packrat, as soon as he fires, activate the harmonics.

Outside, Megatron smiles as the remaining Maximals concentrate their firepower to little appreciable effect. Megatron's optics narrow, and the sword comes to life, sending a bolt of power through the tip into the ship's hull.

Optimus Primal: I won't let you do this!

Megatron: Oh it's being done, yes.

Inside the ship, metal once again begins to crackle and groan. Rhinox looks over to Rattrap, who stands at the ready.

Rhinox (firmly): Send it now.

Rattrap hits the activation switch, and the entire ship starts to vibrate as a high-pitched whine fills the air. Outside, Optimus Primal and K-9 collapse to their knees as the ship's noise spreads outward. Cheetor, Tigatron and Airazor clutch at their audio systems in pain. Megatron continues to fire into the ship, slicing a hole into the hull itself, but doing nothing exceptionally critical yet.

Megatron (muttering quietly): About time, Maximals.

Terrorsaur screams out as the sound reaches him. Then the Magnasword begins to shake and vibrate harshly in Megatron's hand as the attack power flickers on and off. Megatron struggles to keep it in control.

Inferno: What's happening?

Fractyl (panicking): The blade! Megatron!

Most of the Predacons are buckling from the pain that the harsh sound is creating. Megatron growls fiercely, clutching tightly to the blade.

Tarantulas: Idiot! The weapon is going to explode. Get rid of it or you'll doom us all.

Megatron (fuming): I am not beaten, Maximals, do you hear me?

Finally, Megatron throws the blade into the air. The blade shimmers with energy as the sound absorbs it. The blade shakes, sending shards of energy around it, then explodes. We see the blade itself, it's hilt, and core spread out in three separate directions as the weapon breaks apart in a brilliant flash.

Fractyl (yelling): It's ruined.

Megatron: No! Finish the Maximals, press the attack.

Optimus Primal: Not today, Megatron. Maximals, fire!

Optimus Primal again fires his fully compliment of weapons at the Predacons, who are now no longer protected by the Magnasword's power. Tigatron, Airazor, and Dinobot all follow suit. As the Predacons muster to push the attack, Buzz Saw and Waspinator are picked off and sent spinning from Optimus Primal's blasts.

Scorponok: We better go, Megatron. We're too damaged to triumph.

Megatron: Correct, this was only the first phase of the plan, yes. Predacons, retreat!

Fractyl and Terrorsaur leap up and transform to beast mode, and head off. Buzz Saw and Waspinator follow. As they disappear, the remaining Predacons all revert to their beast modes and head slowly away. Megatron remains behind a moment longer as Tripredacus separates to his component beasts. They then retreat. Megatron transforms last, and heads out after them.

Megatron (whispering): You will not live to thank me for this victory, Optimus, no.

Optimus Primal and the Maximals lay down some fire to help the Predacons on their way, but there are no more hits or injuries for this battle. Eventually, those Maximals outside the ship help Cheetor back inside to meet Rhinox.

Optimus Primal: You came through in the nick of time, Rhinox, thank you.

Rhinox: I wish I could take the credit. It was just luck that I found that when I did.

Optimus Primal: Thank you, Rhinox.

Dinobot: A pity that the weapon required destroying. It would have been a glorious addition to our arsenal.

Optimus Primal: It was necessary, Dinobot. At least this way Megatron doesn't have it. B'Boom's death shows each of us what too much power in Megatron's hands can mean.

Dinobot: True. Then I take some small comfort in that. He died well, then. May the Pit fear his arrival, for a new warrior is there to test them.

Cut to open plains. Megatron is walking in beast mode, occasionally looking at the sky, to the morning star, then over to a faint circle etched into the ground. Blackarachnia, also in beast mode, scurries up.

Blackarachnia: Some plan, Megatron. Any more brilliant schemes like that and the Maximals will beat us in no time.

Megatron: Lose the battle, and win the war. Besides, it must be done.

Blackarachnia: Why? Wait, you allowed the Maximals to win?

Megatron: I had planned for their victory. A good strategist does no less, Miss Arachnia.

Blackarachnia (confused): What is your plan then? You didn't want the Magnasword, then what did you want? Why all the effort.

Megatron: I'm on a time-schedule, Black Arachnia, and a rather tight one. Now, you must excuse me.

Blackarachnia cocks her body curiously at Megatron, attempting to figure out his plans. We focus in on Megatron a moment.

Megatron: Rest assured, though your own webs are impressive, mine have a bit more... future planning in mind, yes.

Megatron steps away from the circle, where the twin blades of the Magnasword barely peak out from the earth. We pull up and back, and see a bald eagle soar past. As he does so, we fade to black.

The End