Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Courage, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

CUT IN HARD: INFERNO, robot mode, rushes by, his jets billowing red flame behind him. A second passes and then TERRORSAUR, WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW rush in and follow him. Below, the Maximals, RHINOX, RATTRAP, and DINOBOT, robot mode, are caught in the open, and stepping back from incoming blasts.

RHINOX: They are all over us this time. We need to get to cover.

DINOBOT: In case you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by open plains. There is nowhere to retreat to.

RATTRAP (typical whine): Man, why can't we ever get a break?

TERRORSAUR (grinning): Because you're losers, Maximals.

TERRORSAUR starts firing wildly, causing RATTRAP to stumble and fall out. In the explosion, RHINOX and DINOBOT become separated from him. INFERNO, WASPINATOR, and BUZZ SAW blast more between them, and RHINOX and DINOBOT have to scramble away from the fire-zone. RATTRAP's eyes become wild at the massive attack starts to angle toward him.

RATTRAP (panicked): No!

RHINOX: Rattrap, regroup with us, move it.

RATTRAP steps back from the blasts, then reverts to beast mode, running at full speed away from RHINOX and DINOBOT, panting all the way. WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW tear off to pursue the panicked rat. INFERNO and TERRORSAUR arc off to blast at DINOBOT and RHINOX.

DINOBOT (angered): Stupid rat. He ran the wrong way.

RHINOX: He's in a panic, we have to help him.

TERRORSAUR: Sure, Maximal, but who's going to help you?

DINOBOT (growling): We don't need help.

DINOBOT spins and fires, nailing TERRORSAUR square in the chest. TERRORSAUR makes an unintelligible sound, like a bird squawk, and crashes into the ground. INFERNO launches a jet of flame into DINOBOT, who gets a little singed, but manages to break away again to get back to RHINOX.

Meanwhile, RATTRAP, panting heavily, is being chased by BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR. The two Predacon flyers continue their relentless assault against him, blasting the terrain all around him. RATTRAP scurries between the blasts, evading as best as he can. Finally, one blast sends him rolling. WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW dive in to pursue.

RATTRAP (scared): Maxi- Maximize.

RATTRAP, visibly shaking, raises his weapon to fire. His aim is way off, filling the sky with firepower, but coming nowhere near his intended targets. The Predacon flyers both land near him and transform to their robot modes.

WASPINATOR: Maximal seems scared of Waspinator. Waspinator love it!

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw more scary than Waspinator.

WASPINATOR: Buzz Saw need to clean himself more, then.

As RATTRAP starts again to back away, WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW start to fire. RATTRAP is nailed by a burst of tiny blasts, knocking him back as his armor starts to fail. Just when RATTRAP is about to go down, we hear more powerful blasts coming from the distance. BUZZ SAW gets his arm and wing torn off from off-screen weapons fire. As both Predacons turn, we see RHINOX, robot mode, with his CGoD blasting hard into the two Predacons.

WASPINATOR (worried): No. Waspinator hate that gun. Waspinator gone!

BUZZ SAW (worried, annoyed): Waspinator pick Buzz Saw up too!

WASPINATOR picks up BUZZ SAW and rushes to the sky, tracer shells flying from RHINOX trailing his ascent. A second later, DINOBOT, beast mode, arrives.

DINOBOT: Is the rat functioning?

RATTRAP (shaking): I'm. fine.. just fine. chopper face? Nice of you to care.

RHINOX: You had quite a scare back there. We better get you back to the base, let you rest it off.

RATTRAP (biting): I said I was fine didn't I. I know how to look after my own pink butt, I don't need leather-hide and scaly to save it.

DINOBOT: Oh yes, and you were faring so well.

RATTRAP: Just shut your teeth, chopper face. I. I was fine.

RATTRAP faces his fist to DINOBOT, trying to be threatening, but it's obvious that it is still shaking.

RATTRAP turns away.

RATTRAP: Ah, who needs you anyway?

RATTRAP reverts to beast mode and storms off. DINOBOT takes a step forward, but RHINOX holds him back with his powerful arms. DINOBOT growls but relents.

DINOBOT: I want to smack some brains back into that vermin.

RHINOX: It won't do any good, Dinobot. Rattrap's going to have to work it out by himself.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. We see INFERNO, robot mode, slightly damaged, leading his flyers back to base. TERRORSAUR, beast mode, is limping in flight, trailing smoke and flame. WASPINATOR, robot mode, is undamaged, but still carrying BUZZ SAW. Below them, at the gate, MEGATRON, robot mode, is standing with his head in his hands, shaking the negative.

MEGATRON: Just once, I would like to see some competency on the part of our warriors. It would make things so much easier, yes.

INFERNO (as he lands): My queen, I assume responsibility for this failure. I had divided our forces unwisely. That allowed the few Maximals to defeat us.

MEGATRON: I appreciate your candor, Inferno, yes. Now, make sure the lot of you have a good rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Scorponok has arranged a little surprise gift for the Maximals, and we should all be in our best attire for such a special occasion, yes.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator like surprises. Waspinator want to know what it is.

MEGATRON: Oh, not yet, no. That would ruin it. I'm sure that you'll appreciate it when we unwrap the present, yes.

WASPINATOR drags BUZZ SAW into the base, followed quickly by TERRORSAUR, who merely glides in. As INFERNO steps in, MEGATRON grabs him and drags him back.

MEGATRON: Why did your forces split again? Weren't my orders clear enough?

INFERNO: They were. Buzz Saw and Waspinator went off to take out Rattrap. I thought that Terrorsaur and I would be able to accomplish our objective without them.

MEGATRON: You underestimate Terrorsaur's stupidity.

INFERNO: Yes, my queen.

MEGATRON: I told you to quit calling me that. Besides, Rhinox should be your primary concern. I want him captured or terminated. He is the only Maximal capable of ruining our surprise. I do not want that to happen, no.

INFERNO: Why keep the Maximal alive, my - Megatron?

MEGATRON: His knowledge will be a most impressive additional to our own database. When you have him, escort Rhinox to Tarantulas. He'll handle what is needed. Is that understood?

INFERNO: When do I go after the Maximal?

MEGATRON: As soon as the troops are ready.

CUT TO: INTERNAL SHOT: MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS, RECREATION ROOM. OPTIMUS PRIMAL, robot mode, is reading a book. AIR RAZOR, also in robot mode, is playing a video game. As they relax, RHINOX and DINOBOT, robot modes, walk in.

DINOBOT: How interesting to find our comrades playing games as we return fresh from battle. You can bet the Predacons aren't so interested in books.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: If they were, maybe they would be better at their jobs. Besides, this book is one that I thought that even you would like. A human scholar wrote it several centuries ago. It's called the `Art of War'.

DINOBOT: The humans barely know how to fight a war... but perhaps I will take a look at the text sometime.

AIRRAZOR: Wasn't Rattrap with you?

RHINOX (nervous): He's--

DINOBOT: The vermin is off feeling sorry for himself.

RHINOX (quickly): He took some major hits in battle. He needs some time to recover.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (knowingly): I see. You two go out and keep an eye on him. Make sure he's going okay.

DINOBOT: I am not a mouse-sitter, Primal.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Then congratulations. You've been promoted. Now get out there and get to it.

DINOBOT (hissing): Yes sir, mister great master commander. I am so honored with this assignment. Come on Rhinox.

CUT TO: HALLWAY, RHINOX and DINOBOT, robot mode, walking down the corridor.

DINOBOT: Why did you cover up for him? He ran in battle.

RHINOX: He got in over his head. It happens.

DINOBOT: Agreed, but his behavior is unforgivable.

RHINOX: Is it?

DINOBOT (stopping): I would not have acted in the manner that the vermin did, nor would you, or any other Maximal. It was an embarrassment to all of us.

RHINOX: That's taking it a little far, Dinobot.

RATTRAP (off camera): No, it's not.

PAN OVER, and reveal RATTRAP, robot mode, head down, walking towards the two of them. Both RHINOX and DINOBOT suck in their breath at his approach.

RATTRAP: I blew it out there. I lost control.

DINOBOT: You did. Now what, vermin?

RATTRAP: What else can I do, I was yellow. I'm leaving.


RATTRAP: I said I was leaving. You can't use me anymore. I'll just run off again to save my own hide.

RHINOX: No way, we need you.

DINOBOT: No we don't, vermin. Go ahead and run away, get in your practice. Cowardice takes a lot of skill and practice.

RATTRAP (growling): Shut up chopper-face. I'm out of this joint.

RHINOX: Rattrap wait!

RATTRAP: Stuff it, wide-load.

RATTRAP storms off, converting to beast mode. RHINOX is about to step after him, but is very forcefully stopped by DINOBOT. RHINOX throws a punch into DINOBOT, and DINOBOT stammers.

DINOBOT: Idiot! You're the one who said to get it out of his system.

RHINOX: Yes, but now he's left the Maximals.


Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Courage, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

INTERNAL SHOT: TARANTULAS and SCORPONOK, robot modes, are working over their laboratory equipment. MEGATRON steps in, also in robot mode. They're both occupied working on some device on the machine-table.

TARANTULAS: How an idiot like you can manage to put such things together is beyond me. Still, everything seems to be functioning well enough. The device should work as promised.

SCORPONOK: Of course it would. I've spent weeks on this thing. Some of us have a longer attention span than others, we can stick to our work.

TARANTULAS: What is that supposed to imply?

SCOROPNOK: You complain about me, but your devices don't seem to cut the mustard when they're needed.

MEGATRON: Children, please. We're all part of the same family here, aren't we?

TARANTULAS: Don't get all emotional on me now, Megatron.

MEGATRON (smiling): Is the device ready or not?

TARANTULAS: It appears to be in working order.

MEGATRON: Good. Now, you two get prepared for phase two of the operation.

TARANTALAS: What about phase one. We won't get very far if Rhinox simply undoes all this work for us.

MEGATRON: Oh, that little detail is already well in hand, yes.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL SHOT: RHINOX and DINOBOT, beast mode, are scouring JUNGLE terrain. The two Maximals are almost literally leaving no stone unturned.

DINOBOT: This is hopeless, the vermin is far too skilled at hiding and stealth for us to effectively search for him. Maybe if we had gotten air support for this mission.

RHINOX: We get Airrazor to help us and we might as well tell Optimus about the whole messy affair.

DINOBOT: There has got to be another way. We could be within fifty meters of the rodent and we wouldn't spot him.

RHINOX: Hey, it's your fault that he ran off like that.

DINOBOT: I merely was trying to point out how much a child he's been.

RHINOX: By acting like one yourself?

DINOBOT (growling softly): That was uncalled for, Rhinox.

PAN ABOVE, into the trees. We see INFERNO, WASPINATOR, and BUZZ SAW, all being quiet in beast mode, watching the two Maximals near them.

WASPINATOR (whispering): Maximals easy to find. Maximals talk louder than any beasts of the jungle.

INFERNO: But not as loud as some wasps. Predacons, transform and attack. And this time, remember our objective!

WASPINATOR: Waspinator don't want to face Rhino-bot. Rhino-bot has big, big gun.

INFERNO: I've got Rhinox. You two keep Dinobot busy. Predacons, Terrorize!

RHINOX and DINOBOT turn at the sound of INFERNO's shout. The three Predacons leap from the trees, converting from beast mode to robot mode. RHINOX and DINOBOT step back behind some trees quickly as blasts start to head their way.

DINOBOT: You would think that they would hesitate before attacking us again. Maximize!

DINOBOT and RHINOX both transform to their robot modes. RHINOX steps out and starts to fire at INFERNO, who leaps to the air for clearer shots. Trees all around the combat begin to burn. WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW start to blast around DINOBOT, who realizes that he's pinned down. His eye-beams return fire, but this time, the two flyers are smart enough to take cover behind the trees.

RHINOX: Is it just me, or are they getting better?

DINOBOT: Maybe they've been reading that book Primal gave me.

INFERNO starts laughing maniacally as the immediate area of the forest begins to burn. RHINOX suddenly jumps back as the tree he had been using for cover falls over in flame. Before RHINOX can find another spot of cover, INFERNO nails him with a missile. RHINOX stammers and falls, but continues to blast away with his chain-gun. INFERNO has no trouble evading the blasts.

DINOBOT: Our defensive position is weak, Rhinox. We need to pull back to the rocks.

RHINOX: Good idea, you suppose they're going to let us walk through?

WASPINATOR suddenly leaps up as the smoke and flames obscure his sight. BUZZ SAW quickly follows as the trees begin to fall. DINOBOT raises his weapon up to fire at them, then suddenly realizes the danger that he's in. Another tree falls, smashing into him and knocking him to the ground. Just as he's about to use his spinning weapon to free himself, WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW nail him quickly and heavily with their own blasts. DINOBOT struggles a second, then falls limp.

RHINOX: Oh no.

INFERNO: Yes, he's down. Now, complete the attack.

RHINOX braces himself for another assault, but he quickly turns around, hearing something behind him. We see, BLACKARACHNIA, beast mode, directly behind him, moving in for the kill. RHINOX stammers back, just as BLACKARANIA bites into him. We see red sparks fly out from RHINOX as he falls limp under the surprise attack.

BLACKARACNIA: Nice plan, Inferno. I would say that it was successful.

CUT TO: ANOTHER PART OF THE SAME JUNGLE. In the distance, we can see the flames and smoke rising over the horizon. RATTRAP, beast mode, is looking out over it. He looks nervous, but steels himself up to run down to the site.

RATTRAP: My buds. they're in trouble.

He suddenly stops, unsure of himself. He looks to the fire again and notices the Predacon flyers heading off. From this distance, though, he cannot make out INFERNO, robot mode, carrying off the unconscious RHINOX.

RATTRAP (shaking): I have. I have to help. They're my buds.

CUT TO: DINOBOT, struggling and smoldering, getting up in the flames. He manages to right himself and looks around. He looks to the sky, and can see nothing through the smoke. The Predacons have cleanly gotten away.

DINOBOT: Rhinox? Report. I can't see you.

There is, of course, a long pause as DINOBOT figures out that RHINOX has been captured.

DINOBOT: Curse the matrix anyway.

DINOBOT hears something, and a blast pummels a burning stump next to him. DINOBOT dives down and throws his eye-beams back in the general direction.

DINOBOT: So, you've come back for me, Inferno. This time, you're the one going to burn.

RATTRAP: Chopper-face?

DINOBOT (disappointed): Vermin.

RATTRAP steps into the flames, lowering his weapon. DINOBOT doesn't look terribly relieved, however. RATTRAP looks around, and notices a particular absence. DINOBOT stumbles to one knee when RATTRAP isn't looking.

RATTRAP: Where's Rhinox?

DINOBOT (weakly): The Predacons have him.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL of PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. INFERNO, robot mode, is carrying RHINOX, unconscious in robot mode. WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW, both in beast mode, are carrying BLACKARACHNIA, robot mode. RHINOX stirs slightly.

INFERNO: Your poison is losing its effectiveness, spider. I thought we had more time.

BLACKARACHNIA: I had to use a weaker dose or we would have killed him. Megatron did want him alive, didn't he?

WASPINATOR: Quit squirming, spider, Waspinator have enough hard time carrying you.

INFERNO: We're at base anyway.

INFERNO simply drops RHINOX from his current height. We PAN DOWN to see SCORPONOK, MEGATRON, and TARANTULAS, all in robot mode, waiting for them. SCORPONOK looks up carefully, and takes two steps back as RHINOX's limp body slams hard into where he was standing.

MEGATRON: Good work, Inferno, yes. Now, Tarantulas, secure him to the mind probe and begin immediate down load. Scorponok, ready the present for launching. The rest of you, well, simply sleep off any injuries you might have sustained.

INFERNO: We sustained no injuries, my queen. Megatron. We merely need to recharge and reload.

MEGATRON: Excellent, Inferno. This day's going much better than most, despite the rather, auspicious beginnings.

CUT TO: JUNGLE. DINOBOT, beast mode, is limping along followed closely by RATTRAP, beast mode. The two Maximals have only just cleared the burning trees. Fortunately, the fire itself seems to be dying out.

RATTRAP: What happened?

DINOBOT: We were ambushed, while looking for you, vermin.

RATTRAP: You were looking for me?

DINOBOT: You are. Rhinox's friend, and my responsibility. Of course we went out looking for you, rat.

RATTRAP (sadly): And you knew that there was going to be more fighting.

DINOBOT: That was within the risks we had expected.

RATTRAP (quietly): You never run from anything.

DINOBOT: And you consider that, a virtue?

RATTRAP: At least no one thinks you're a coward.

DINOBOT: Running from battle once, does not make one a coward. Fear can be a very useful ally, it can aid your survival. Your skills as a warrior are not in question, here, vermin. You have acted bravely before, and will act bravely again.

RATTRAP: You can't count on me.

DINOBOT (annoyed): But you are not acting bravely now. If you want to run from your shortcoming in battle, instead of facing up to it, that is your choice, but that is what makes you a coward.

RATTRAP: What are you saying?

DINOBOT: I wasn't angry that you ran from battle. Every warrior is always in danger of battle-panic, it's part of the business.

RATTRAP (snapping): You called me an `embarrassment'.

DINOBOT: Yes, and I meant it. Instead of accepting that you lost it once, you chose to sulk and whine like a Terran baby. When Rhinox went to aid you, you couldn't bring yourself to thank him.


DINOBOT: You nothing. You let yourself get hung up over a shortcoming in battle and you ignored your closest friend. That is your embarrassment, vermin, nothing more.

RATTRAP shots quickly and nods, understanding. DINOBOT looks behind to him. RATTRAP steels himself up visibly.

RATTRAP (nervously): You better get back to headquarters. I'm going after Rhinox.

DINOBOT: You will need... fire support, of course.

RATTRAP (smiling): Right, like a broken-down dino-head's going to be able to help me very much. You get back to the CR chamber, I'll be back before you know it.

DINOBOT: I'm sure that I'll smell your inevitable return.

RATTRAP: Hah, no respect from the Pred.

DINOBOT (smirking): You're a bit short of earning it yet, vermin.

RATTRAP (more seriously): Dinobot..

DINOBOT: Yes, vermin.

RATTRAP: Thanks. for .

DINOBOT (shuddering): That's enough. go do your job. I feel bad enough without adding nausea to my ailments.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS: MEGATRON, robot mode, looks over his assembled troops. ALL PREDACONS are there, robot mode, ready with their weapons. TARANTULAS and SCOROPNOK are carrying a large, wrapped, package between them. It even has a nice bow on top.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator want to open present now.

MEGATRON: Soon, Waspinator. You will indeed get to open our little gift for the Maximals, yes.

TARANTULAS: Megatron, our prisoner is secure in the stasis chamber. The download of his memory has already commenced.

MEGATRON: Excellent, Tarantulas. Scorponok and you will remain here to ensure the quality of the transfer, as well as to guard the base. The rest of you will join me on the attack run. Inferno will lead the first wave.

INFERNO: I am honored.

MEGATRON: Oh, and Tarantulas, when the download is complete, please be sure to terminate the Maximal. I do so hate having a mess around when I get home.

TARANTULAS: It will be a pleasure, Megatron.

MEGATRON: Predacons, to the Maximal base, and victory!

WASPINATOR: Beast mode!

WASPINATOR's call is echoed by TERRORSAUR and BUZZ SAW. We cut to an EXTERIOR view of the ship, and see the array of Predacon troops headed out for the attack. We zoom out, and FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Courage, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

EXTERNAL SHOT: MAXIMAL BASE, under assault by INFERNO, WASPINATOR, BUZZ SAW, and TERRORSAUR, all in robot mode and blasting away with everything. For it's part, the BASE is returning fire, but having a hard time managing to get a lock on the nimble Predacon flyers.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator great Predacon! Waspinator dance around Maximal defenses like they were nothing!

BUZZ SAW: Waspinator should be thankful that Maximals don't have voice-seeking missiles.

CUT TO: MEGATRON and BLACKARACHNIA, robot modes, standing behind a rock outcropping, out of immediate sight of the Maximal base. MEGATRON places down the WRAPPED PACKAGE from before and watches the battle carefully.

BLACKARACNIA: We should spring the surprise now, while our power is strong.

MEGATRON: No. We need to get the Maximals to fully power their defenses, focus their power to Sentinel's shield, yes. Then, and only then, will our little present be potent enough to warrant its use.

CUT TO: INTERNAL OF MAXIMAL BASE. OPTIMUS PRIMAL, CHEETOR, and TIGATRON, robot modes, are manning the interior weapons and defensive systems. AIRRAZOR, in robot mode, stumbles in as a blast rocks the entire base.

CHEETOR: Man, these guys are throwing just about everything they have at us.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Keep our defenses spread out. Tigatron, they're not taking on the rear of the ship, lower power on the weapons there and put it into the shields.

TIGATRON: On it, Optimus.

AIRRAZOR: This is bad, half our troops are still outside the base. If they get in, weren't not going to do a good job repelling them.

CHEETOR: I wouldn't worry too much. All the Preds put together can't manage to break our shield. They keep trying tough.

TIGATRON: Be careful there, little-cat. The Preds might have something up their sleeves this time.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: I would count on that.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL SHOT: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. We see RATTRAP, robot mode, sneak inside a torn-open vent on the outer hull. We CUT TO: INTERIOR hall way. The ship is mostly empty. RATTRAP walks over to a small panel and opens it, then snips off a few wires. The lights in the hall dim.

RATTRAP: Man, don't they bother securing this ship at all? This is too easy.

RATTRAP moves forward and turns the corner, to be met with several laser blasts. He dodges back and pants out. The blasts cease quickly, and alarms go off everywhere.

RATTRAP: Oh boy... me and my oversized mouth.

CUT TO: INTERNAL SHOT: PREDACON BASE, TARANTULAS's LAB. SCORPONOK and TARANTULAS are looking over the unconscious RHINOX just as the alarms begin to sound.

TARANTULAS: The rat. It has to be... go attend to him.

SCORPONOK: No, we stay here. Rattrap will want to save his friend first, we'll just wait for him to arrive, then we can smash him together.

TARANTULAS (laughing): An interesting point. But let's not make it too easy on him.

SCORPONOK: I wouldn't dream of it.

SCORPONOK slams his fist on the table and his CYBER-BEE launches up quickly and rushes out of the room. SCORPONOK seems dazed for a second as he re-adjusts, then mentally gives commands to the CYBER-BEE. The BEE rushes down the hall to where RATTRAP, robot mode, is dodging laser fire to get down the hall-way.

RATTRAP: Who invited you?

The CYBER-BEE begins to fire just as RATTRAP clears the hall. RATTRAP dodges wildly as a few bolts land next him. The pounding of the blasts echo around him, and he is caught between the CYBER-BEE and the laser-trapped hallway behind him.

RATTRAP (nervous): I've got to get out of here...

CUT TO: INTERNAL of MAXIMAL BASE. OPTIMUS PRIMAL, robot mode, is thrown clear of his seat as a blast comes through to the COMMAND CENTER. TIGATRON, robot mode, steps back as his control panel ruptures and explodes.

TIGATRON: They're breaking through!

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Divert all power to shields, now. We'll have to outlast them defensively.

CHEETOR: Got it, big-bot.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL of BATTLE. The SHIELDS around the MAXIMAL SHIP extend out and flare. MEGATRON, robot mode, stands next to the WRAPPED PACKAGE.

MEGATRON: Yes, yes. Waspinator, you may open the package now.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator keep the ribbon?

MEGATRON (annoyed): Do it!

WASPINATOR flies down and rips off the ribbon, then opens the package, revealing some sort of MACHINE on a LAUNCHER.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator give nice present to Maximals! Waspinator fire!

The LAUNCHER activates as WASPINATOR touches it, and the MACHINE slams hard into the MAXIMALS' SHIELD. The SHIELD wavers a moment as the MACHINE comes to life, then becomes bright. We hear the sound of metal straining as the shield starts to collapse in on top of itself.

MEGATRON: It's working.

INTERNAL SHOT: OPTIMUS PRIMAL standing as the sound of straining metal fills the room. TIGATRON looks over the controls, confused and unable to make sense of it. CHEETOR rushes over and looks them over.

CHEETOR (scared): Our shield, the Predacons have altered it. It's compressing back onto us! I can't shut it down.

COMPUTER: Warning, structural integrity is being compromised. Hull breach imminent.

CUT TO: INTERNAL of HALLWAY. RATTRAP is still looking for a means to escape. Finally, he sees a break in the laser fire from the hallway and steps to it. He hesitates, however, before cutting it.

RATTRAP: No... no... I've got to save Rhinox...

RATTRAP musters himself up and starts firing at the CYBER-BEE, which returns the gesture. RATTRAP quickly transforms, rolls, and spins transforming back to robot mode, and nails the CYBER-BEE with a well-placed shot. RATTRAP wipes his brow in relief.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL SHOT, MAXIMAL BASE. MEGATRON, robot mode, smiles at the events occurring around them. BLACKARACHNIA stands firm, throwing a few blasts nito the SHIELD, but the shield itself is causing some damage to the base.

MEGATRON: Soon, now. The Maximals will be nothing more than tin foil, ready to be used in our recycling bins.

CUT TO: TARANTULAS's lab. SCORPONOK stands ready at the door while TARANTULAS watches the readings. SCORPNOK looks back nervously.

TARANTULAS: We only need to hold off for a few more minutes, then we can terminate the Maximal with impunity. We've already got more data than I had imagined. Even if Megatron fouls up his attack we've made huge gains.

SCOROPNOK: Megatron won't foul up the attack, he's a great leader.

TARANTULAS (smirking): Whatever you say...

COMPUTER: Warning, power supply on deck seven will terminate in ten seconds.

TARANTULAS: What?! Computer, what's happening?

COMPUTER: Power supply has been rerouted to communications array. Power supply drops at mark. Mark.

SCORPONOK: If the power supply drops...

RHINOX: That's right, claw-head.

RHINOX stands up and punches TARANTULAS, sending him reeling back. SCOROPNOK turns quickly to fire, just as the door opens to reveal RATTRAP. SCORPONOK turns again, and gets thrown against the wall by RHINOX.

RHINOX: Nice trick, Rattrap.

RATTRAP: You didn't think I was going to try and fight my way in here? (to Scorponok) Now, tell me where all your Pred buds are at?

SCORPONOK: I'll tell you nothing, Maximal.

RHINOX: Then I don't want to hear you.

RHINOX punches out SCORPONOK, who falls unconscious to the ground. RATTRAP looks over the room as RHINOX shakes in hand a little in pain.

RATTRAP: They've been busy in here. Any ideas what they're up to?

RHINOX: They said something about an attack, but I blacked out...

RATTRAP: Hello, what's this?

RATTRAP looks down at the table, and sees plans for the MACHINE being used against the MAXIMAL base. We ZOOM IN on them, then CUT TO: the actual MACHINE in use. The PREDACON forces continue to assail the base while the SHIELD itself has pushed into the hull of the ship.

CUT TO: INTERNAL SHOT: OPTIMUS PRIMAL and CHEETOR are working at the shield controls, trying desperately to get some headway. TIGATRON and AIRAZOR are manning the guns, and manage to hit WASPINATOR once with a well-placed shot, but the battle is not going their way, and they know it.

RATTRAP (static and over the communicator): Rattrap to Base. Hey guys, has the party started yet?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Rattrap? Cheetor, get on it.

CHEETOR (into the communicator): Rattrap, where you at bud, you're missing all the action.

RATTRAP: Do the words 'shield pressor converter mean anything' to you?

CHEETOR (looking around as the roof buckles): A little, yes.

RATTRAP: Well, we've got the blue prints here...

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Rattrap! Is there some way to stop it?

RATTRAP: Rhinox says to change frequencies of the shields... try to overload the machine. Sounds like techno-babble to me.

CHEETOR: What have we got to lose?

CHEETOR starts fiddling wildly with the controls. CUT TO: The MACHINE, which starts to sputter as the shield flares in different colors. MEGATRON, robot mode, stands outside, and already knows that something is wrong.

MEGATRON: No, the machine is getting overloaded. Predacons, pull back...pull...

The MACHINE explodes, but not alone. The pressor field reverses and sends out a shock-wave that smacks hard into the air-borne Predacons. TERRORSAUR, INFERNO, and BUZZ SAW all get knocked backwards hard with the wave, as DINOBOT, finally arriving in beast mode, watches them sail through the sky and eventually crash down into the ground below. As his troops fall, Megatron simply drops his head.

BLACKARACHNIA: So much for grand plans.

MEGATRON: There's always tomorrow, Ms. Arachnia.

BLACKARACHNIA: What are we going to do tomorrow?

MEGATRON (trailing as he starts walking off): The same thing we do every day, Blackarachnia.

CUT TO: INTERAL, PREDACON BASE. RATTRAP and RHINOX are doing something to the Predacon computers, or, at least, attempting to. RHINOX sighs in frustration.

RHINOX: I can't erase the files they stole from me. It looks like the Predacons got something out of this after all.

RATTRAP: Maybe so, Rhinox, but I got a whole lot more. Now, lets get back home before the Preds come back to town.

RHINOX (quietly): Rattrap... you were brave today. I'm proud of you.

RATTRAP: Hey, couldn't let my bud get slagged could I? Now, howsabout a lift home. I've got to have a word with Pinhead about some things.

RATTRAP and RHINOX convert to their beast modes and start to leave. Behind them, TARANTULAS and SCORPONOK start waking up, then fall over again. We take out cue to FADE OUT.

The End