Part 2

Omicron the Ice Queen




Queen’s Note: Me + TF + BOTCON + Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles = No $$ 

I DO how ever own Tallen and all the Powercons.



I stopped.  That was…no…impossible it couldn’t be..?  Slowly I turned around to look at three shadowy figures, still engulfed in the ‘fog/mist.’  Wait, I could see, kind-of…not really…


“Umm, no we’re not.” The first voice said shoving the second one off of his self, then in a softer tone, “Hey lil’ guy we’re not going to hurt you.  Come ’ere.  Please?” he said the last part as he crawled out of the pile, offering an out stretched hand to me.


“Pissht.” I backed up, yeah right like I’d go.


“Hey wait!” He leaned forward following me as I backed away. “I’m not going to hart ya’.”


“Some how I highly doubt that,” I said and took another step back, pushing my TF toy on my side.  Then I nearly yelled as both the toy AND my hand went INTO my side. 


“Looks like it found it has sub-space.” Yellow ice-cold optics stared at me as the owner stood.


Sub-space?  I have sub-space?!  When did THAT happen?!  I pulled my hand out, noting the toy wasn’t there.


“Hey,” The first bot scooted more towards me.


What did I do?  I did the first thing that popped into my head.


“ACK!” this time I did yelp as I stumbled back.  My foot found a torn piece of metal and I promptly fell over as more torn pieces of metal rushed up at me, all quite happy to imbed their sharp little selves in my rear end.


I all but screamed as the hand of blue optic bot flashed out and his fingers curled around me.  I nearly had a heart attack as he pulled me back to him and stood, all in one fluid motion.


Wow, that’s a loooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg way down......


The wings on my back were buzzing madly as I tried to get free, but to no avail.


“Clam down,” My captor said, cupping his other hand around me, “We’re NOT going to hurt you.”


I closed my eyes, dimly aware the optics over my eyes had shut off, as I tensed holding my wings stiffly against my back.  The entire while I was trying to turn into a ghost and fade away, maybe I could go see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or something like that.


GAHH!!!! Why couldn’t I be kidnapped by green ninjas!?!?!?!


Then it started to sink in, as the other two stood on ether side of the one who was holding me.  I was on Cybertron, it HAD to be it with all this metal and…


“Primus Sideswipe!  You’re giving the poor thing a spark-attack.” The boxier of the tree said scowling.


I peeked out at the voice, as Sideswipe (a REAL and LIVING Sideswipe!) eased his grip on my now surely bruised body.


“They’re coming!” the yellow one said (that HAD to be Sunstreaker, only he could have THAT tone) as he whipped out the BIGGEST gun I’ve EVER seen.


Ratchet (the boxy one) said some…‘colorful’…phrases that left me blinking in both shock and awe (ye gods I think I’m scarred for life!).


“Is that even physically possible??” I stared at the ticked medic.


“Knowing Ratch’…it’s possible.” Sideswipe rolled one shoulder in a shrug.  I in turn, gripped his finger and hoped to any and all the gods I wasn’t dropped.  Wait…I have wings!


“YOU,” Ratchet abruptly turned on Sideswipe and pointed a finger at the red mech, “Get that,” He now pointed at me, “Back to base.” Here he pointed behind himself.


ARR!!  Okay I’ve had enough of this, “I’m NOT an ‘it’ or a ‘that’!!!  I’m a she and I DO have a name you know!!!” I glared at the three, who were sharing at me with surprised and amused looks.  “And put me down!  And WHAT the slag in GOING ON????!?!?!?!?!” apparently my grammar goes down the drain when I’m stressed out. “And why can’t I get kidnapped by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles instead?!  At lest I wouldn’t be stuck in a suet that isn’t supposed to be metal…” that part came out as a half whine half whimper.


Sideswipe looked like he was trying not to grin, “You’ll get your answers and more, but right now…” he gave me an apologetic look.


What was…?


Sunstreaker reach over, “Now.  Is.  NOT.  The.  Time.” There was a flash of pain on my neck and before I could protest my world (or lack thereof…) swam in and out then melted into darkness.


Sunstreaker!” I heard Ratchet hiss, then nothing.



“Oooooooooo......I have a hang over…” I groaned and sat up, wincing at the hot white lighting that flashed around in my head as I rubbed it.


Ye gods, my neck!


Hold up, something’s VERY wrong here!  I pulled my hand back and whimpered, “That wasn’t just a dream?!”


“No, sorry.” I jerked around at the voice, Sideswipe gave his trademark grin and waved as he walked over to me.  My jaw dropped as I took in where I was, everything was HUGE!  I scooted back from the edge of the berth I was on, the floor was far too long of a drop for this wasp’s comfort.  The ‘room’ looked more like a medical bay…you know, that’s most likely what it was.  If one was to go by all the other beat up bots on the other berths.


Sideswipe leaned his hip against the berth I was on and smirked down at me, “Ya’ okay?”


“Oh yeah, sure,” I nodded eyeing him (I didn’t know Autobots were THAT big!!!) “For some one who was human all her life to suddenly be half robotic and have REALLY big bots scare the living daylights out of her with absolutely NO idea of what’s going on, I’m just peachy.


I gasped due to the fact I said all that in one breath.


“Yep,” the red warrior said nodding to him self, “You’re one of the sentient ones.”


“Huh?” I cocked my head to the side as the rant I was about to launch into derailed itself and fell off a bridge.


Sideswipe refocused his attention on me, “You’re not the only Powercon, but…” His grind faltered a little, “Most we’ve found have lost a lot of who they are, so they’re like drones now.”


Huh?” Wow I’m completely not getting what he’s talking about, “Powercon?  What is a Powercon?”


“You,” Sideswipe poked my foot, “Are a Powercon, someone who can boost a bot's power levels twenty fold.”


“Sooo you,” I frowned, then it clicked.  A Powercon would boost a bot's power, just like a Minicon in Armada… “ACK!” I scooted back again, this time away from the Autobot.


“Whoa!  Hey, hold on there,” Sideswipe leaned over and caught me then held me up in his palm, “No one's going to make you do anything.”


“Promise?” I eyed him hoping, well I’m with Autobots…


Once again Sideswipe’s trademark grin came to his face plate, “’Course, you’re sentient, so you can chose who you want to be partners with.” He said as he started to walk out of the room, taking me with him.


“Is that the only choice I have?” I asked sitting on my knees looking from him to the halls we were going through.


“Unfortunately yes at the moment.” Sideswipe’s optics flashed, “Hey, look on the bright side!  We found you before the ‘Cons did. ”


“Point.” I nodded, “This is so…unreal…”


“Because you know yours truly and all of the others only as toys and cartoons?”


“GAH!” I nearly fell off his hand, “How’d you know that!?” I stared at Sideswipes in shock.


“Most of all the Powercon’s are from different dimensions.” Sideswipe shrugged. “And here we are, Prime wants to meet all the new Powercons.” He tapped a keypad that was by a door (when did we get here???) and walked into what I think was a command center.


Sideswipe stored over to the one and only Optimums Prime and I goggled at all the tech and the other bots in the room.  Sunstreaker, Jazz, Wheeljack, Skyfire and OH MY GOD!  PROWL!!!!


“…And that’s why we would like your help.” I blinked, belatedly realizing that Optimus Prime had been talking to me for the last few minutes.




I was about to apologize to the great Autobot leader and ask him to repeat what he said when Prowl spoke up.


“Perhaps Sideswipe over estimated this Powercon, and it’s no different then the others?” He eyed me then looked to Prime, most likely to say more.


“HEY!” I yelled, the wings on my back coming back to life bringing me to my feet, “I’m NOT an ‘it’!  I’m a she and I DO have a name!  And why can’t I get kidnapped by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?!”  ALL the bots stared at me in shock, well…Sideswipe looked like he was trying not to laugh at the others. “And I take offence to that thank-you-not-at-all!”


Sideswipe smirked, “Told’ja she had an attitude. ”


“And I KNOW how to use it!” I nodded, now hovering over Sideswipe’s hand as I GLARED at one and all.


“Well den’,” Jazz sauntered over and peered down at me smirking in the way only he can, “How ‘bout ya’ tell us your’ name, an’ we’ll start over.”


I eyed him as he offered me an outstretched hand.  Sideswipe lowered his so if I wanted to land it had to be in Jazz’s palm.


After a moment I twitched my anatine and ‘stepped’ onto Jazz’s fingertips, “Tallen.” I said striating up as I laid my wings flat on my back.


“Well den’ Tallen,” Jazz said with a dazzling smile, “It’s nice to meet you.”