Answering the Riddle
By: Lady Dementia


This is the end of the hunt

Though we’re at a draw

I will bring you to justice

For your break from the law

But also for personal vengeance

For emotions still raw


You asked them all questions

But the questions weren’t fair

They couldn’t have known the answers

But you did not care

We’re face to face now

Ask ME if you dare


I don’t know who you used to be

All you are now is an experiment

I don’t know how they made you this

But your pain was no determent

I don’t know if there’s more to know

Besides your victim’s bereavement


I can’t answer your other questions

But I can answer the last "Why?"

You want to know the reason

You can’t seem to die

I think that it’s not proven

So let’s give it another try...


I’ll stab a shard into your spark

Do you really hope the wound will mend?

If you die then I’ll die too

Upon your life will mine depend

But that’s a price I’m willing to pay

To bring this hunt to an end.