Me and another fan who attended the customization class,
comparing our Evil Nightbeats while in line.

The line I skipped by preregistering early-- and that was
just the very beginning! Hallelujah!

Why, look who it is coming down the escalator! Could it
be Hacker, Dragonsflayme, and myself!?

From the IDW comics panel-- look what's coming our way
in a few months!

The voice actor guests-- from left to right, Bumper Robinson
(Animated Bumblebee & Blitzwing), David Kaye (BW/BM/Armada/Energon/Cybertron
Megatron; Noble/Savage; Animated Optimus Prime,
Grimlock, & Lugnut), and Tara Strong (Sari Sumdac)

Me with Alex, the kid I mentioned in my report who I got
along with swimmingly at Botcon. People like him are the
reason the franchise is still going strong, folks!

The incredible custom Transformer Nova Prime, based off
of the IDW comic character, who rightly won first place
in the custom Transformer category. And yes, he transforms.
And yes, he's combined with his trailer-- he has his own
individual robot mode. And yes, his trailer can form a
battle station.

Us NOT winning at Bingo during Casino Night.

Me getting an autograph from Animated Head Writer Marty

Me back at home, ecstatic over my huge Botcon haul. Yaaaay!