Botcon 2006:
Optimal Optimus's Report
Venue: Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island.
Dates: 28th June - 1st July, 2007
My 2007 BotCon weekend began at about 11:00 am Thursday, June
28th when my mom, brother, his fiancé and I took off and
started our road trip from eastern Pennsylvania up to Providence,
Rhode Island with our luggage and my drawings in tow. We immediately
hit congestion on a major highway but pulled through and didnt
hit any other delays until we were on I-95 in Connecticut. I dont
think Ill ever travel on that highway in that state again!
We wasted about an hour or so on I-95 crawling and stopping the
entire time but there were no accidents and no construction. Frustrated
and annoyed with the traffic, we finally drove through Connecticut
and made our way to Rhode Island.
We finally rolled into Providence about 6:30pm, checking into
our hotel, which was the Courtyard Marriott, dropping off our
stuff at our room, and then walking over to the hotel next door,
where the BotCon was being held to pick up our pre-registration
packages, and found tons of props that they set up inside and
outside the hotel. After that, we decided to drop off our packages
and all their goodness back at our hotel in our room and grab
our movie tickets for the special charity screening at 10:30pm.
We left our hotel again to find a place to eat at the large mall
that was attached to the hotel where the BotCon was. After finding
the food court that was just below the theater, we ate dinner
and then made our way up to the theater to wait for the opening.
Some decorations:

Excited to finally see the new live-action TransFormers movie,
they began calling our theaters by our respective numbers (ours
was theater 15) and we all piled in to grab our seats. While we
sat there, we chatted with some fellow fans talking about message
boards, Transformers in general and toys, and where we were from
until we noticed a tall blond fan stumble in with a flashy red
Autobot shirt, a black trench coat and finger armor. Everyone
bugged him about his awesome shirt that lit up, asking him where
he got it and telling him how great it was. I would learn later
that this guy was Beast Wars Internationals comical and
creative Aussie called SilverfromOz and feel retarded that I had
no idea it was him sitting a couple rows behind me in the theater.
LoL It wasnt until about 10:45pm when the movies executive
producer Brian Goldner, actor Tyrese Gibson and actress Rachael
Taylor stepped in to say hi to everyone and to hope that we would
enjoy the movie. It was a pleasant surprise! After that, they
finally released the movie on the big screen and everyone cheered
as soon as we heard Peter Cullens voice. The entire time
was a blast and it was the best time Ive ever had in a theater.
It just cant get better when you have a full theater of
die-hard Transformer fans watching the new movie together. We
cheered and applauded whenever we heard the old jokes and lines
from Generation One or heard the old transformation sound and
saw each Autobot and Decepticon appear on screen. It was simply
awesome. The cheering was never distracting and stopped quickly
as soon as the movie moved on with dialogue.
When the movie was over, we walked out of the theater and bumped
into a cameraman with a young interviewer asking some people what
they thought about the movie. He caught my brothers fiancé
and asked her what she thought with a microphone in her face and
the cameraman standing off to the side with the camera rolling.
Then he asked me and I jokingly said with a serious tone, I
thought it was terrible! He said, Really? Well you
might not want to say that so loudly around these fans.
I laughed and added, Im just kidding. I thought the
movie was great, and it was simply awesome to hear Peter Cullens
voice on the big screen as Optimus Prime. Well, Im
paraphrasing because I cant remember exactly- what
we said but it was close to those lines. Then we headed back to
our hotel talking about the movie and finally got to bed around
Friday, June 29th
Friday started with David Kayes (Beast Wars, Armada, Energon,
and Cybertron Megatron) first question and answer panel at 9:00am.
My brother, his fiancé and I showed up about ten minutes
late because we couldnt find the slagging room where it
was being held but when we got there it was a lot of fun to see
David again and hear his jokes, stories and voices. I took pictures
and video taped what I could. Since my mom was really late to
show up, she said she had accidentally opened a door on another
floor that the actual semi-truck rig that they used for Optimus
Prime in the movie was sitting in this large room. We looked at
her with our mouths drooling in astonishment. Afterward we set
off in search of breakfast at the mall but I grabbed a sneak peak
at the truck and said that it was awesome.
David Kaye's first Q&A panel:

Sneak-peak at Optimus Prime:

At 12:00pm was another David Q&A panel, so we attended that
one and I took more pictures. But this was also when I finally-
caught up to the Beast Wars International crew. It was such a
pleasure to finally meet some of the group! Sitting beside Dragonflayme,
I had the honor to see her artwork that she had brought along.
I loved it! Then during the panel, David called on Omies
hand and she asked him to hug Starath. He called Starath Squeaky
and she sat up with him at the table the rest of session. Poor
Squeaky. I mean Starath. It was a lot fun. Some people
asked about Garry, which made me a little sad because he wasnt
there but it was nice to know that fans wouldve wanted him
to have been invited.
Second David Kaye Q&A Panel:

After that, David was asked if the BW Int. group could join him
for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. My brother and his fiancé
decided not join so my mom and I went along and had a hard time
finding the restaurant while we were in the mall looking at the
directory. Here it was located just outside of the mall and thankfully
some of the BW Int. group was just as behind as we were because
they had the idea to step out of the mall and walk through the
parking garage where one of the entrances was for the Factory.
Phew. Upon our arrival, I had the privilege to meet more of the
group while they loitered outside at another entrance with David
waiting for a table. What a treat! After getting our table and
ordering our food, David got up and politely introduced himself
him to everyone individually. When he got to my mom and I, I said
we had already met him back in Chicago in 2003. He said he knew
we looked familiar but he couldnt quite place it. No problemo.
You cant expect these busy guys to remember all the faces
and names they meet at these functions.
Lunch with David and the BW Int group:
When my mom and I were done eating, we had to leave a little
earlier than the rest of the group because I wanted to submit
two pieces of artwork into the art contest and that had be done
before 5pm. Leaving the Cheesecake Factory, we walked all the
way back to our hotel, grabbed my artwork, then walked back to
the BotCon hotel and submitted my painting of Megatron called
A Bad Influence and my drawing of Transmutate.
I saw some of the other artwork there and thought, Wow.
I have no chance! There were some great pieces! Oh well.
It was my first time entering the contest at any convention so
now I know what to expect next time if I decide to do it again.
The winners of the categories would be announced at Saturdays
concert and cocktail party.
At 4:00pm the dealer room finally opened and we caught up to
a nice dealer weve happened to bump into at every convention
weve been to so far. We strolled around and checked out
all the great merchandise and toys, and then I wandered over to
the art contest set-up and looked at it with my mouth agape. They
also had the new Transformers game running on a couple game systems
in the dealer room. I was watching one player running around as
Scorponok on one TV which looked awesome, and the other player
on the other TV was driving through a city as Optimus Prime. I
automatically new that I had to get that game for my PS2 because
it looked schweet! LoL
A large statue in the dealer room:

Some costumes were roaming around, like Wheeljack:

Davids first autograph session (along with Stan Bush and
Daniel Ross) was at 6:00pm, so we got in line with our items and
waited patiently for them to arrive. My brother had two rubber
duckies; one to give to David and one for David to sign. He got
a kick out of them and put his ducky of doom on his shoulder.
My brothers fiancé brought along a couple of photos
that had some of Davids characters from other shows on them.
Because David cant remember all the characters that he has
voiced, he had a laugh with some of those photos too. I gave him
his drawing of Megatron, matted and framed, and he signed the
copy I made of it along with the rubber ducky I brought. After
he laughed at the rubber ducky in the drawing, he asked why I
wasnt in animation and I told him that Id have to
move to find any decent work for any kind of drawing and I cant
afford that yet. His compliments made me blush but he was really
grateful to have the drawing.
My brother shaking David's hand with the rubber ducky he gave
him on his shoulder and his "Crackberry," as David calls
it, on the table:
David and I with his "award," the BW Megatron drawing
I gave him:

With Stan Bush, I asked him to sign my old TFs movie soundtrack
insert and he was very happy to oblige. He was very sweet. I already
had Gregg Berger, Michael Bell and Jon Stephenson sign it from
2001 so I figured it was appropriate to have one of the musicians
sign it as well.
Stan and I:
Saturday, June 30
This was a big day for almost every fan attending. It began with
Peter Cullens first autograph session at 9:30am. We got
there at about 9:00am thinking wed be earlier than most
people, but the line was already about 2 hours long, weaving around
in another room. We didnt think it would take very long
but boy were we wrong. XD Peter actually showed up at about 9:15am
and started autographing right away. David had another autograph
session starting at 9:30am as well. After catching some BW Inters
that were ahead of us in the line and chatting, they had finally
cut off the end of the line when too many people were in it for
Peters autograph. Then, when the four of us had already
waited for two hours with our items in tow, they cut off the line
and gave us tickets with numbers on them so we could be ahead
in line for Peters next session that was at 3:30pm. We were
pretty upset since we wasted two hours of our lives just standing
in line with our feet aching but at least we were guaranteed a
spot in near the front next time. I took off over to Davids
table while my brother grabbed us some breakfast and had David
sign a copy of a drawing that Renegad_Artist drew since she couldnt
be there. He loved it!
At 1:00pm was a Q&A panel for IDW, which was before Peters
Q&A panel. Since my mom and I got there early, we sat down
in the back during Activisions Q&A and waited for seats
to open near the front. When Activision was done, we scurried
up to the front row for IDW and enjoyed their session. It was
very informative and laid back. The artwork for the comics is
absolutely spectacular and I loved every bit of it.
IDW Q&A Panel:

Now came the big part that filled up the entire room.
My mom and I were not losing our front row seats for this one.
Two oclock and it was time for Peter Cullens panel.
I took pictures, of course, but I didnt think cam-corders
were allowed because of them saying that at Davids second
panel. Fortunately, my digital camera can take pictures and-
record some video. So I did a little of both although the audio
isnt so great on that camera and the video gets pixilated
but its better than nothing. I wish I had video taped the
whole thing, though. It was a fantastic time. Peter was very grateful
to be Optimus Prime and to have the opportunity to voice the Autobot
leader again for the new movie. He loves his fans and is very
down to earth and very kind. Instead of him calling on people
in the audience for their questions, they were lined up in the
center between the two groups of seating and asked their questions
over a microphone in the front. I think that certainly made everything
easier for Peter and it didnt take so long as it probably
would have doing it the other way. Peter talked about the movie
and other roles he played on other shows. He did some voices,
some that surprised me, and it was just great to hear him do Primes
voice in person. His stories were entertaining as well.

Once that was done a little after 3:00pm, we scooted over to
where Peters next autograph session was set up for 3:30pm.
Again, people were already in line but we used our tickets to
get ahead and waited for the voice actor to arrive. Once he did,
we all had something for him to sign. I gave him his drawing of
Prime, matted and framed with my signature, and he thanked me
with his nice blue eyes studying it and was very grateful to have
it. He added it to his collection of gifts next to his chair.
I asked him to sign its copy for me as well as the fly paper
movie Prime that I had picked up from Wal-Mart and a photo of
Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh that my brothers fiancé
gave me so I could I get it autographed for my best friend back
at home who has know idea about it yet. XD Ill give it to
her for her birthday.
Peter and I:

The next thing we checked out was the room that was officially
opened with the Optimus Prime truck. It was schweet! Everyone
could go up to it and take pictures and crawl on the steps up
to the cab. No one was allowed inside the cab, though. Its
a really, really nice rig! XD The paint job is superb and I especially
liked the Autobot emblem on the front of the grill. In that room
they also had a trailer set up with some movie stuff and there
was a set up to buy the Pepsi Prime toy, Transformers Monopoly
and a bunch of other toys and merchandise.

Now it was time to return to our hotel to relax a little and
get ready for the cocktail party. We werent sure of the
dress code anymore but my mom and I decided to dress really nice
anyway. So we slipped on our dresses, updated our make up and
walked down the street in our heels bumping into a nice guy who
couldnt believe we were Transformers fans. LoL He was on
his way to the party as well. Stepping in to the hotel, we ran
into Dragonflayme and stood in line with her until they opened
the room for the party. At the entrance, they were handing out
goodie bags that had full-sized movie posters (Prime Protect
and Megatron Destroy), Boston Globe TFs movie character
cards, a t-shirt, a post-card sized card of Stan Bush, and the
Bee-otch car air freshener exactly like the one in
the movie that was hanging from Bumblebees rear view mirror.
Stan Bush was already playing a song or two when they were letting
people through. When my brother and his fiancé finally
caught up to us, we looked for food and stood around for a while
chatting with fans. Then we separated and aimlessly wandered about
the floors of the hotel that had something going on. The cocktail
party and concert were happening on one floor while above was
Bingo and the lounge. I bumped into most of the BW Inters again
which was a blast and then later found out when the art contest
winners would be announced. I was just in time when they started
but it didnt matter because I didnt even make third
place in the two categories I entered. Oh well. I wouldnt
have been able to spend the prize anyway because I was leaving
Sunday morning. I had tough competition.
Me for the party/concert:
Before Stan was finished with his concert, and when my brother
and his fiancé were done playing Bingo, the four of us
were all tired and headed back to our hotel to call it a night.
Sunday, July 1st
My mom and I woke up a little early to get packed again and eat
breakfast at the hotel. Since we were extending our vacation up
to Maine and Nova Scotia, Canada, we had to leave the BotCon early
and get started on our very long road trip to the north. My brother
and his fiancé picked up my artwork from the convention
and left around 11am to go back home. I was sad that I didnt
really get to make a formal goodbye to my friends from BW Int,
and that I missed Davids panel on Sunday but it was a very
fun-filled weekend and Ill never forget it. Thank you, everyone!!!
I typed all of this to the best of my weak memory, so if anything
seems off
well, my bad.