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Two Bodies, One Mind

By: Darkfire75


Author's note: Hey all. Yes, I'm back with another Yu-Gi-Oh/Beast Wars crossover. But it's different than the other one. This story may seem a bit confusing at times, but it will eventually make sense. While watching Beast Wars one day, I wondered 'what if Dinobot was reborn as a human?' I always compare anime characters to see which one fits the Beast Warriors the best, and Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh fit the description perfectly. So that's basically the jist for the summary of the story. Hope you enjoy!



Chapter 1


Dinobot looked up into the saddened eyes of his teammates as he felt his spark fading away. He felt weak, tired, and above all, he knew he was dying. Rattrap looked crestfallen as he held onto the raptor-bot’s hand.


“Isn’t there any way to save him?” he heard Cheetor ask Rhinox. Rhinox sadly shook his head.


“He’s too far gone, even for stasis lock,” he mumbled, almost regretfully. Dinobot blinked his optics and stared up into his leader’s face.


“You fought well, my friend,” Optimus said proudly. “You saved the valley. You saved the lives of those who live here…and of those who are still to come.”


“Then…there is nothing to regret,” Dinobot grumbled. He winced under the pain he was feeling. Rattrap gripped his hand harder.


“It’s like I always say, yer a slag suckin’ saurian,” the transmetal said, “but it’s nice ta know where ya stand.”


“I suppose I should say the same back, vermin.” He looked at the others and said weakly, “Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly. The ill deeds, along with the good. And let me be judged accordingly...the silence..." Dinobot then felt his spark fade out completely and he slumped on the ground, as an empty shell. The others watched as his spark joined the Matrix…or so they thought. 



Present day

Domino City, Japan


Seto Kaiba sat comfortably in his limo on his way to school. He hated school because of all the happy, cheery people that attended. Especially Yugi Muto and his little group of cronies. Lately, the young CEO had been feeling different. He found his younger brother’s new favorite American movie, Jurassic Park, quite interesting. He usually hated all movies or anything besides Duel Monsters for that matter, but now he was becoming fascinated by the Velociraptors in the movie. For some reason, they sparked something deep within him.


The limo pulled up by the curb. Kaiba stepped out, briefcase in hand, and he walked up the steps and into Domino High School. He ignored the glares and comments passed his way. He was used to being hated. He slowly walked into his first period class and groaned when he saw that Yugi was in this class already.


“Hi Kaiba!” the little boy greeted warmly.


Kaiba glared down at him coldly. How he hated the runt. Always so cheerful. It made him want to puke. And then there was his little ‘girlfriend’, Anzu Mazaki: the friendship nutcase who never stopped ranting about her friends. He noticed Jounouchi Katsuya was sitting awkwardly in his chair and was chatting away with his friend, Honda Hiroto.


“Hey, Kaiba,” Jounouchi spat. “Yugi’s talkin’ to ya!”


“So?” he snapped coolly.


“Da least ya could do is say ‘hello’!”


“Don’t talk, inu. It only makes you sound dumber.”


“Why I oughtta—”


“Jou, calm down!” Honda and Yugi shouted. They restrained the blonde boy.


Kaiba smirked knowingly and took his seat in the back of the classroom, away from everyone else. He took out a book about Japan and started reading it. He became bored with it and took out a rough sketch he had drawn of a Velociraptor. It looked fairly well, a little less impressive than his Blue Eyes White Dragon and Duel Disc sketches. He had yet to color it, but he knew what he wanted it to look like. Swamp green eyes with a beige body and brown stripes. He didn’t know why, but he thought that design would fit the raptor quite well.


He let his fingers trail over the pencil marks, until an annoying voice interrupted his thoughts. “What are you lookin’ at, Kaiba?” it was another one of Yugi’s friends, Otogi Ryuuji. That black-haired menace had been trying to be all buddy-buddy with him all semester. Just because Otogi owned the new game shop in town and had invented Dungeon Dice Monsters, he automatically assumed he and Kaiba would be best friends. Ha! As if!


Kaiba scoffed at Otogi and ignored him. If anything, Otogi was his business rival and must be taken down. The bell rang, much to everyone’s despair. Kaiba drifted off to sleep as the teacher began to drawl on about American History. It wasn’t like he needed to listen anyway. He knew all about America, having been there a few times himself, but only for meetings or Duel Monster tournaments. He closed his eyes and an image flashed through his mind. That of a gorilla…then a rhino…a cheetah…a rat…and finally, a Velociraptor.


He felt himself mold into a heated argument with the rat and raptor. He looked between the two and blinked a few times, wondering if they could see him. “Hello?” he said uncertainly. They ignored him, obviously he was invisible to them.

“You sure about dis, Choppuhface?” the rat sneered, disturbingly reminding Kaiba of Jounouchi’s voice.


“Hmm, I inflicted considerable damage on Tarantulas. He could not have gone far. And he will no doubt have the counter-virus,” replied the raptor calmly.


“Yeah? Well, uh, you better hope so…for YOUR sake.”


“Huh? Excuse me? Are you implying that the current situation is somehow MY responsibility?!”


Kaiba smirked. If anyone dare insult him like the rat was doing to this raptor, he’d have pulled a gun on them. “Well you did start it, gear head!” the rat suddenly cried, standing up on his hind legs.


The raptor’s eyes widened angrily. “I beg to differ, cheese lips!”


“Pre-evolved bird brain!”


“Eater of garbage!”


“Mr. Kaiba!” a voice echoed in his mind. “Mr. Kaiba, wake up!” Seto awoke with a start. He found his teacher staring accusingly at him and his fellow classmates looking at him curiously as though he were a ticking time bomb. “Care to explain why you were sleeping in class?” his teacher said with a disapproving look.


Because I know all about America, you fool, he thought grumpily. “I was tired,” he answered. “The pressures of owning a company are hard, Hikaru-sama.”


“Of course, Seto. Forgive me.”


Seto smirked to himself. His fame and reputation saved him so many times from getting in trouble. After school, he still couldn’t get the vision he had in class out of his mind. When his limo came to pick him up, he seemed to have spaced out.


“Kaiba-sama?” his driver said nervously. “Desu ka?” [Are you all right?]


“I’m fine,” he replied shaking his head. “To Mokuba’s school, Koji.”


“Yes, sir.” They drove all the way to Mokuba’s school. Seto stepped out of his limo and waited patiently for his little brother.


“Nii-sama!” he heard the familiar childish voice of his brother. A small kid with long, wild black hair ran up behind him and embraced him tightly. “How was your day, Seto?” he asked excitedly. “Mine was great! I learned so much! We learned about dinosaurs and all these cool prehistoric creatures.”


Kaiba smiled. “That’s wonderful, little brother,” he stated. “As for my day, it wasn’t the best. I fell asleep during class.”


“Why? Don’t you like school?”


“Hai, but I just was bored. I had a very odd dream too. About a rat and velociraptor having an argument.”


“But why would animals talk? And more importantly, why would rats and raptors be alive at the same time?”


“I honestly don’t know.” The drive home was silent. Kaiba immediately went to his room to think the day’s events over. His Duel Monsters deck was on his desk, just where he had left it that morning. He sat down on his bed and ran his fingers through his soft, brown hair. He closed his eyes. Another vision was appearing.


A large metal Tyrannosaurus Rex was smirking at him. He held onto a spinning sword and let out a murderous growl. The Rex began counting on his two fingers. “Well, let’s see, where are we now? I have the Golden Disk, I have the power to change the future, and the only remaining obstacle in my path to unimaginable glory…is yourself.” The dinosaur transformed into a tall robot with glaring eyes and a sneering grin. “Exhausted, damaged beyond recovery…defeated,” he spat out.


“Not just yet—” Kaiba snarled, but the other robot held up a finger.


“Ah, ah, ah,” he said. “One more step, and it’s raining parts of early anthropoid, yesss.” He stepped aside to show a tied up human that looked more like an ape than anything else.


Kaiba simply gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Whoever this guy was, was beyond evil. He was just about as evil as Yami Malik from Battle City.


Kaiba awoke suddenly, sweating and panting for breath. “What is wrong with me?” he mumbled holding a hand up to his face. “Maybe Mokuba’s right. Maybe I DO need therapy. First Egypt, now robots. What next?”


He walked down the stairs to find his younger brother seated in front of the television, transfixed on what was on. Mokuba turned and smiled. "Nii-sama, I’m watching Jurassic Park,” he said happily. “It’s the part with the raptors in it.”


The brunette smiled slightly and sat down. He watched as the raptors appeared on the screen, making their dreadful screeches that he found so interesting. He found himself drifting off to sleep again, but thankfully, Mokuba snapped him back to reality. These visions…they seemed much more than mere dreams. It was as if he remembered being part of it. Fighting long ago for justice and honor. Seto’s head was swimming. First Isis Ishtar tells him that he was an evil sorcerer in ancient Egypt. Now he was getting visions or memory flashes from another life. What could all this mean?


“Seto, are you all right?” Mokuba asked worriedly. “You’re not sick, are you?”


“No, I’m fine,” he lied. He hated lying to his brother, but he couldn’t just tell him that he thought these dreams were actually memories from his past. A sudden idea came to mind, but he dismissed it. What help would Isis be now? She said herself that her Millennium Necklace no longer worked properly for her, but perhaps she could figure something out. Before he knew what he was doing, he had stood up and was strolling towards the front door. “I’m going out, Mokuba,” he said grabbing his blue trench coat.


Kaiba didn’t even bother asking for the limo. He decided to walk all the way to the Domino Museum himself. When he arrived there, he spotted Isis’s younger brother, Malik placing some artifacts in a clear casing. “Malik, where’s your sister?” he snapped, without so much as a greeting.


The Egyptian boy narrowed his lavender eyes. “Why do you ask, Kaiba?” he growled in return. “I haven’t seen you since Battle City. What could YOU possibly want from my sister now?”


“I need to ask her something about my past.”


“You already know it.”


“Not all of it. I keep getting these…visions of something not from Egypt. More like…prehistoric Earth or something like that.”


Malik raised an eyebrow. “I always figured you did drugs, but I had no idea they could have THIS much of an affect on you.”


“I do NOT do drugs, Ishtar! Just tell me where your damn sister is!”


“Calm down, Kaiba. I’m right here,” the soft voice of Isis said from behind him. “Now, what is it that you seek?”


“Can you go through my mind and try to help me decipher the meaning of these visions I’ve been having?” he asked urgently.


“I can try, but I cannot promise a positive result.” She closed her eyes and transported him into the past. But instead of seeing himself as an evil sorcerer, he saw a grassy plain, with three animals on it. One he recognized as the Velociraptor from his first vision. The next two were of a cheetah and a gorilla.


“This is a waste of my talents!” the raptor growled angrily. “I should be devising battle strategies.”


“Dinobot, would you stop complaining for once?” the gorilla sighed. So Dinobot was the raptor’s name, hmm?


“Speak for yourself, Primal.”


“Hey guys, look up ahead!” the cheetah cried in a young, teenage voice. His teammates turned their attention to two flying creatures. One was a red Pterodactyl and the other an over sized wasp.


“Terrorsaur, Terrorize!” the bird cried.


“Wazzpinator, Terrorize!” the wasp followed suit. Kaiba watched in amazement as they all transformed into humanoid robots with weapons of such power, that it made the American government look weak by comparison.


“Finally, a chance for battle!” Dinobot shouted, drawing out a sword and spinning tail weapon. His eyes lit up green and he shot lasers at the wasp, causing it to hit the ground with a loud THUD. Kaiba was amazed. Had that been him in his first life? A humanoid robot with a lust for battle? He had no recollection of it however. He was shown another vision.


Many robots were surrounding Dinobot, looking at him sadly. The brunette wondered why, until he noticed that the raptor looked really damaged. Even he could tell that he was close to dying. “Dinobot, hang in there,” the metal cheetah said, almost on the verge of tears. “We’ll find a way to help you.”


“I’m afraid not,” the rhino replied sadly. “He’s too far gone…even for stasis lock.”


Kaiba saw the rat from before, but he was now pure metal and was grasping Dinobot’s hand tightly. “We’ll always remember ya, Choppuhface,” he said with the same Brookline accent that Jounouchi had. Oddly enough, this rat reminded Kaiba of Jou. Seto felt himself drifting away until he was back in reality, lying on the floor. He stared into Isis’s blue eyes for awhile.


“I…I remember,” he said softly, getting to his feet. “I was him…Dinobot. I was a raptor, fighting for honor and justice. I was part of a force called the Maximals and fought along side them. I died saving the human race…”


“Yes, now that you know your true past, I must send you back.”


“Back? How? Dinobot was killed a long time ago. There’s no way the others are still on prehistoric Earth.”


Isis smiled. Malik flinched. “Kami, I hate it when she smiles like that,” he muttered.


“My necklace still has some power left in it. Should I transport you back to the Beast Wars, or let you remain here? The choice is yours, Seto Kaiba…I mean…Dinobot.”


Kaiba hated having choices. If he went back, he’d be leaving behind his little brother, KaibaCorp, and Duel Monsters forever. But if he didn’t, he would live in solitude the rest of his life without the answers he needed. He slowly nodded his head. “But…may I call Mokuba to say goodbye to him?” he asked. He took out his cell phone and dialed in his home number.


“Moshi moshi?” Mokuba said on the other end cheerfully.


“Mokuba, it’s me. Dino—Seto. I…um…have something to tell you,” he replied.


“What is it, nii-sama?”


“I’m gonna be leaving for awhile. I want you to promise me that you’ll take care of KaibaCorp for me, okay? I don’t know if or when I’m coming back.”


He could almost see his little brother begin to cry on the other end. “B-but Seto, where are you going? I-I can’t run the business without you. You’re the genius! I know nothing about stocks and computers.”


“I have faith in you, Mokuba. Please don’t miss me when I’m gone. Good bye.” He hung up quickly, closing his eyes in anguish. He was leaving behind his only family. He looked back at Isis. “I’m ready,” he said and prepared himself to be engulfed in a bright light.



Patrol duty wasn’t fun. Not for Rattrap anyway. Ever since Dinobot had died, it hadn’t been the same around the base. Silverbolt was constantly with Blackarachnia and Cheetor was always trying to get her attention. Rattrap missed his fights with the Velociraptor. At least then he was doing SOMETHING fun.


All of a sudden, the transmetal saw a bright light flash a few feet away from him. He switched to vehicle mode and drove over to see what the flash of light was. He was surprised to find a fully evolved human lying before him. The human was a boy, with short brown hair and very light skin. Rattrap transformed and did a vital scan of the boy. To his surprise, he got a strange energy signature from him.


“Dat’s odd,” he mumbled.


“Oww, my head,” the boy moaned. “Who’s there?”


“Name’s Rattrap, kid. How’d you get here?”


“…transported…wait. Did you say Rattrap?”




“You really do sound like the inu.”


“Da who?”


“The puppy. Damned Katsuya and his accent. Now I gotta suffer when I’m back here now too?”


“What da heck are you blabberin’ about?”


“Nevermind. My name is…Seto Kaiba.”


“Okay…whatevuh. Now how ‘bout tellin’ me why you got a strange energy signature inside yer body?”




“When I scanned ya, you emitted dis strange energy signature.”


Kaiba began to sweat in his discomfort. He couldn’t let Rattrap know who he really was. It would seem too awkward and somewhat unbelievable. “Ya know,” Rattrap said thoughtfully. “You remind me an awful lot like someone I used to know.”


“L-like who?” he stuttered as he rubbed the back of his neck.


“An old friend…Anyway, why don’t ya stand up and I’ll take ya back ta base?”


Kaiba nodded and stood to his full height. Rattrap let out a frustrated sigh. “Man, even humans are taller den me,” he grumbled. The brunette smiled somewhat and allowed his old teammate to take him back home.


End of Chapter 1 (I'll get Chapter 2 up soon!)